Pres Bush signs Secure Fence Act of 2006

Early this morning President George W Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006. In his remarks he stated that the Act will be “helping border agents do their job.” In discussing firms that hire illegal immigrants President Bush stated we are “holding people accountable for breaking the law.” Let’s wait and see how many firms are actually cited.

Recently residents of the Shorecliffs neighborhood of San Clemente got involved in a Referendum to protect their ocean views from neighbors who wish to add second stories to their homes that will block their ocean views. The earliest that this Referendum can appear on the Ballot will be 2008.

I wonder if Mexico’s Presidente Vincente Fox will appeal to the United Nations with a similar concern over the border fence that will block his views of America. I would be curious to see the outcome. I seem to think that the Mexican Government has already expressed their objections to the U.N. but I have not kept up with the story.

Larry Gilbert

About Larry Gilbert