A little pajarito told me that Jon Fleischman, the Deputy Director for Public Affairs over at OC Sheriff Mike Carona’s office, showed up at the OC Fair tonight, dressed up in a deputy uniform. Turns out he is a reserve deputy.
Could Michael Schroeder be grooming Fleischman to take over after Carona gets tossed out of office? If so that would be pretty funny, since Fleischman has even less exprience in law enforcement than the bailiff, Carona, did when he first took over as OC Sheriff.
I wish I had a picture of Fleischman strutting around at the OC GOP booth in his deputy duds…maybe that will show up in the next OC Weekly.
There is also a little dirty businesss which goes with Sheriff’s job and no one is talking about it.
The Sheriff’s wifes are given sole contractual rights by the county to sell the “COMMISSARY” to all county jail inmates in about 4 x inflated prices.
I was looking for a copy of the commissary order price list which I was using while there but could not find it.
It is multi million dollars business annually for Sheriff’s wife.
Flash can’t run for Sheriff because he doesn’t hold the correct POST certification that the law requires. His function as a Level III Reserve doesn’t get him that certification. However, I applaud him for attending the required training to become a Level III.
Your constant tearing down of others is becoming tiresome. Why don’t you find something positive to say for a change.
Thanks for the good news re Fleischman. As for having positive things to say, you might have missed my article about my co-blogger, Thomas Gordon. I waxed poetic about how he tripped up Santa Ana’s ethically challenged developer, Mike Harrah.
BTW, I seem to recall Carona talking about making peace with his deputies, on election night. And then he attacked Hunt and others who opposed him during the campaign. Nice. Perhaps we should pass a law prohibiting anyone that works for Carona, or Rackauckas for that matter, from running against them?
If you are in passing “a law prohibiting anyone that works for Carona, or Rackauckas for that matter, from running against them,” you should consider the Orange County Judges who do not even get on the ballot because challenging lawyers fear reprisal in the courtroom.
Nice democracy…….. Huh?
In addition majority of judges and lawyers are Masons who believe in absurd dishonor for oaths. Page 183 of the Masonic Handbook states:
“Whenever you see any of our signs made by a brother Mason, and especially the grand hailing sign of distress, you must always be sure to obey them, even at the risk of your life. If you’re on a jury, and the defendant is a Mason and makes the grand hailing sign, you must obey it; you must disagree with your brother jurors, if necessary, but you must be sure not to bring the Mason guilty, for that would bring disgrace upon our order. You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons except murder and treason, and these at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason, be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate, don’t tell the truth in this case, keep his secrets, forget the important points. It may be perjury to do this true, but you are keeping your obligations.”
Both Corona and Rackauckas are allegedly 32 degree Masons.
Is it time to disband the sheriff, dept. et al.
Return the responibility to the people.
Fleischman in uniform – HOT!
OMG, I so wish I had been working at our Democratic Booth last night. We are right next to the Sheriffs! I would have given him a full plate of gra…..
I missssss allll theee funnnn!!
Oh well his time is coming again. I got Fles once in his robe I will get him again in his so called reserve Uniform!
Not to mention it makes me sick to my stomach to think he is even wearing a Uniform at all. He really puts a bad spot on the Sheriffs dept now!!!
What a waste this guy is.
A disgrace to law enforcement everywhere in the USA!
I second what Anon @ 7:51 a.m. said. Jon went through the training necessary to become a reserve deputy. He volunteers his time for the sake of public safety. So why the juvenile “nyah-nyah”?
Show some class, amigo. Don’t let your animosity for Carona so completely blind you that you cannot tip your hat to a political adversary’s public service.
And as for you Karen…I’m relieved to find out you are a Democrat.
I find it hard to believe that Fleischman is doing anything for the public good. He and Schroeder have made a shambles of the OC Sheriff’s department. They misused our OC GOP Central Committee to their own ends. They are an embarrassment to the OC Republicans who believe in principles, not misuse of power.
My post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but believe me I have nothing nice to say about Fleischman. He is hardly the first person to don a uniform for selfish reasons. Uniforms symbolize power – what could be more attractive to a guy like him?
By the way, the other day I had an opportunity to talk to Shirley Grindle. What an amazing lady! Now she is someone who has sacrificed years of her life for the public good, but politicos like Fleischman have nothing good to say about her. I am happy to support honest public servants like Grindle – not Machiavellian manipulators like Fleischman.
What can I say — you are letting your animosity blind you and exhibiting a total lack of charity. That’s one reason it can be very hard to stomach the sanctimony you dish out by the barrel.
And speak for yourself when you say Jon and Mike Schroeder are an embarassment to Republicans who believe in the principles of our party. I have known Jon and Mike for many years, and — no disrespect intended — they have worked harder to advance the cause of liberty and limited government than you and Shirley Grindle combined — times 10.
Unfortunately, you are apparently become so consumed with hatred for Carona you are unable to see any good in anyone even remotely connected with the Sheriff.
Perhaps, but even Benedict Arnold was a patriot before he became a traitor. People change over time – sometimes for ill. I used to consider Schroeder a friend. No more. I cannot forgive his actions.
As for Fleischman, I have always been wary of him. I am told that he once used the CRA the same way he used the OC GOP Central Committee. He is not to be trusted, in my opinion.
As for my motivations, they are inspired less by animus and more by disgust at the state of our county party. I still believe in the Republican Party – but we have some major housecleaning to do here in the OC…
And don’t discount Grindle’s work. I know she has put the finger on many of your associates, but in her defense she has kept a lot of things out of the press. I don’t think I would have been nearly as kind.
As for my own contributions, I agree that they pale in comparison to Grindle’s. I do what I can, for the candidates I believe in. There are fewer and fewer of them each year.
Fleischman in costume? That’s got to be hysterically funny. He would look the same as the way Patton described Montgomery
“He has all the ferocity of a striking rabbit”.
I would rather be more afraid of those Girl Scouts I saw in the movie DodgeBall.
Is this the same Fleischman who bellyaches about tax dollars being confiscated? And then collects a six digit figure in pay and benefits for a position in the OCSD that does absolutely anything to benefit public safety?
I sure hope he runs for Sheriff. That will be a fun campaign to watch.
Jubal, (Cunningham), it is YOU who is blinded. Fleischman and Schroeder have done their part to ruin our department. But you think you know it all. Oh,by the way, have you shaved off that wino goatee yet???
Anon@9:43 a.m.,
I can see we have a latter-day Cicero among us. If that is the apex of your capacity for argument, then continue bleating.
We’re just going to talk past each other regarding Jon and Mike.
As for Shirley Grindle, I do not criticize her “for putting the finger on many of my associates” — whatever that means (you might try to provide specifics rather than making blanket claims). My disagreement with Shirley is over her advocacy of contribution limits, and her belief that politics can be “cleaned up” through ever tighter and more arcane contribution restrictions. The end result is restrictions on our political liberty that do nothing to “clean up” politics.
As I understand it, TIn Cup limits contributions from individuals and organizations. Of course it leaves the back door open for IE’s. I have no problem with these limits. They force candidates to broaden their base and seek support from many instead of from a select few.
Until we can come up with a better way to keep the politicos honest, this will have to do.
My comment about your associates has to do with the fact that, according to Grindle, OC Sheriff Mike Carona and OC DA Tony Rackauckas are amongst the worst offenders when it comes to campaign finance violations. They are your amigos, no?
So Fleshboy decided to put on his faux uniform?
My 12 year old daughter has better musculature development than him.
He is a running joke to those of us in law enforcement and an embarassment to the OCSD.
Even the Carona supporting deputies can’t stand him.
Jubal… you are nothing to me..
I read your Blogs on OC Blog and you have the nastiest site I have ever seen..
So feel free to post here and there, since you take everyone off of your posts!
As for the so called Fles… being reserve officer protecting our streets?? PLEASE SPARE ME!
Flesh… is nothing but pure slim. Plus feel rest assured I am so glad I am a Democrat. As for you? Art and Tim have you so beat on both Integrity and Ethics and just pure being a human being.
You are the percentage of Fles.. And Scott and Schroeder low life type all put together in one!
So you bet I am glad I am who I am. A great wife, mother, and a person who just wants to take Sheriff Carona to the wood shed for doing what he is doing to good working men and woman of the Sheriffs Dept.
I guess the last 8 years they were OK for Carona. I guess when Carona knew his chances for Lt. Gov were shot to heck after one alleged crime after another blew it for him, he needed to resign, not take revenge!
What petty little man you 4 are!
Caanot wait to hear from you again!!!
You said “many of my associates.” I didn’t know “2” was considered “many.”
I have known Mike Carona for a long time, although long-time acquaintance is a more accurate description.
I consider Tony Rackauckas a friend, and I’m proud to have worked on his 2002 re-election campaign.
From what I’ve read in the papers, Carona’s campaign reports were vague on categorizing large expenditures. I don’t understand why, and it strikes me as sloppy (and if I were Carona, I’d want me campaign reports to be spotless). But all I know on that one is what I’ve read in the papers.
As for Tony, I don’t think he’s had campaignb reporting issues. Shirley’s issue with him is Tony doesn’t think everyone who who files a late report or makes a mistake should be hauled into court.
On campaign contribution limits, we’ll agree to disagree. Like most conservatives, I view them as an unconstitional and arbitrary restriction on my ability to support the candidates of my choice. Why is is OK to donate $1,500 to a candidate, but not $1,600? Why not make the limit $500, or $50, or $2,000 or $25,000? Limits are inherently abritrary, and they transfer political power to government officials — because they decide how much we can contribute.
They force candidates to broaden their base and seek support from many instead of from a select few.
Art, isn’t this supposed to be a free country? Why must candidates be forced to raise “broaden their base”? And that is a euphemistic way of saying candidates have to spend all their time raising money.
The irony, Art, is these contribution limits you reverence helped the Mike Carona you abhor defeat the Bill Hunt you adore. An incumbent like Carona could raise $1 million in 1,500 increments — but there’s no way Bill Hunt could have.
I never figured you to be a fan of the Incumbent Protection Act — otherwise known as TINCUP.
One more thing — aren’t you embarassed by the comments you allow people to leave on your blog? Maybe you think it is OK because they are childish slurs against Jon Fleischman, but they also reflect on your blog as a whole. We have our disagreements, Art, but I admire the work you and your co-bloggers put into OJ, and I’d hate to see your comments section turn inot a cesspool that drags the rest of your blog down.
First, our policy here is to only delete posts that are profane. Yes, some posts get a bit wooly, but when posters write childish things they only serve to undermine their points. Believe me, we do delete posts every week, but they are the worst of the worst.
Second, Tincup is not perfect, but without it guys like Carona would not have to work so hard. They would end up funded by five or six of their insiders, and that would be that. RE Hunt, the Deputy Association spent plenty on his behalf, but Carona insiders on their board did not allow them to put the kind of tough hard-hitting mailers that would have put Hunt over the top.
As for the issue of your “associates,” trust me there are surely far more than just Carona and Rack, but for whatever reason Grindle has not outed them. I’ll leave that to her; I hope she will pen her memoirs and let them all have it.
I think you are the best and most ethical of the OC GOP machine types, but as I have pointed out many times, the party needs a house cleaning. We are supposed to be the good guys, and too often we are not. That is not acceptable to me. I expect corruption from the Dems; I am hearbroken every time the bad guys leave elephant footprints…
You think my comments about Fleshboy are childish? You joking right? My comments are the true beliefs of the peers Fleshboy has from his peers who wear a uniform and do the job Fleshboy pretends to do at places like the Fair. Which is exactly where he belongs, as an exhibit.
As for the issue of your “associates,” trust me there are surely far more than just Carona and Rack, but for whatever reason Grindle has not outed them.
Based on what, Art? Because you think so? You’ve crossed over into pure conjecture now.
As for you, Anon@5:25, it certianly is not reassuring to think there are law enforcement officers with your level of immaturity.
That is, assuming you really are a law enforcement officer.
Well Jubal. It’s even less reassuring that you believe Fleshboy actually provides anything of benefit to public safety.
Just a note — Art comments that we only remove comments that are profane, but I’d like to expand on that a bit. For one thing, we routinely delete duplicate comments and comment spam. But there are a few other types of comments we sometimes delete after discussing it among ourselves.
I’m not entirely sure how to describe what other kinds of comments get deleted, and this is just my opinion, but it seems to me that anonymous comments are sometimes deleted if they’re particularly tasteless. I think the consensus is that a person can say just about anything they want to if they’re willing to put their name on it, but we’re a bit stricter with anonymous speech.
For example, if commenter Bob Garcia says that Bill Jackson cheats on his wife we might leave that comment alone, but if the same thing were said anonymously we might delete it.
As I say, this is mostly my opinion about how comment deletion decisions are made here. Art or Claudio may want to give their own opinions about it.
You have to love this commentary by Fleischman in today’s FlashReport.
I’m no fan of Mulholland, but apparently Fleischman can tell just by looking at someone and determine they are “losers”.
I’d like to know what is his definition of a “loser”?
But it’s nice to know that conservatives make personal attacks even though they accuse liberals of doing the same.
His blog has become boorrrrrinnng.
This whole thing points to the fact that we have totally inappropriate people in elected positions in the County. It’s time to give the County CEO responsibilty for hiring and firing of the Sheriff, DA, etc. The only electeds should be the Sups. The County would run like a real business with people actually accountable for their actions.
Maybe Flash could investagate the alligations against Mike S. when he was CRP chair. There are plenty of women he could speak with about his behavior. Some might say criminal.
Jubal said…
One more thing — aren’t you embarassed by the comments you allow people to leave on your blog?
Is that why you delete any comments you disagree with Jubal?
Jubal said…
I have known Mike Carona for a long time.
I consider Tony Rackauckas a friend.
Birds of a feather.
Is that why you delete any comments you disagree with Jubal?
Like everyone elese who makes that claim, you are flat wrong. Take five minutes to read comments on OC Blog and you’ll see that.
But I don’t expect you to care about being factual.
Matt “Jubal” Cunningham does delete comments from the OC Blog, so don’t bother wasting five minutes of your time on his blog to prove it. Anyone who has called him on this (if they are not deleted first) is given his usual answer of only paying attention to IP adresses.
How dare Art say something disparaging about Fleischman and his comical Reserve Deputy antics. Why is he the only defender amongst the contributors to Fleischman’s blog , of which Matt is a bonafide member.
I am amused at Matt’s claim of any knowledge of Shirley Grindle’s experience and proven track record, to make his false claim of comparison to his “associates”. Nice try Matt, but you haven’t been around the OC long enough to remember.
By the way Matt, you were paid handsomely for your aid to Tony’s re-election, even though it wasn’t even needed. And I wonder if your other “associate” Schroeder had anything to do with that waste of money?
Jubal has been a low level hack for many years. He lives off his wife . He is like many wanna bees. Little talent but a few connections and he can put bread on the table but not much else. Jon Flash is going to get a big suprise when the US Attorney comes a calling on him and his “other” Flash report contributors who also happen to work for the government.Are you hearing me Paule Phil? Hearing me John Campbell?
Ouch Jubal. Is all that true? Are you really living off the old lady? It might explain why you won’t support Bush’s position and join the military to support the current foreign policy. You’re not too old.
I can only guess she won’t let you go. Which is good for you.
Man, that’s gotta suck.
Jubal said…
“Like everyone elese who makes that claim, (Is that why you delete any comments you disagree with Jubal?)
you are flat wrong. Take five minutes to read comments on OC Blog and you’ll see that.”
“But I don’t expect you to care about being factual.”
And we don’t expect you to be honest.
You do delete many comments and your failure to even acknowledge
that you do is pathetic at best.
Matt “Jubal” Cunningham does delete comments from the OC Blog, so don’t bother wasting five minutes of your time on his blog to prove it
Anon (whoever you really are), you accused me of deleting comments I disagree with — which anyone who spends five minutes on OC Blog can see to be untrue.
Of course I delete comments. I delete comment spam and I delete comments containing profanity or personal attacks or personal gossip. And I think OC Blog readers appreciate my efforts to keep the comments section clean.
I am amused at Matt’s claim of any knowledge of Shirley Grindle’s experience and proven track record, to make his false claim of comparison to his “associates”. Nice try Matt, but you haven’t been around the OC long enough to remember.
Really? I was born in OC. I have lived in OC for 38 of my 42 years. I have been active in OC politics since 1991.
But you apparently know more about me than I do.
By the way Matt, you were paid handsomely for your aid to Tony’s re-election, even though it wasn’t even needed. And I wonder if your other “associate” Schroeder had anything to do with that waste of money?
Handsomely? I was paid $2,500 a month for four months. Maybe that’s handsome for you, but not to a self-employed individual with a wife and foru children. And maybe you were asleep in late 2001 and early 2002, but it was needed. Tony’s re-election was in jeopardy and Wally Wade was gaining momentum.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, Anon, but I doubt you could even meet that standard.
One more response and then I’m leaving the playground for good — because it’s almost nap time for Lazy Steve and Mr. Anonymous.
My wife doesn’t work — so it would be difficult for me to live off of her.
Nice comments section you run, Art, Claudio et al. I guess it would be too hard to actually enforce any kind of standard.
I think the consensus is that a person can say just about anything they want to if they’re willing to put their name on it, but we’re a bit stricter with anonymous speech.
For example, if commenter Bob Garcia says that Bill Jackson cheats on his wife we might leave that comment alone, but if the same thing were said anonymously we might delete it.
OK — this last one then no mas.
Gila, as someone who found themselves on the CUSD enemies list, I find it odd that you think someone should be able to make a hurtful and unproven allegation like the example you used, just because they’ve attached their name to it.
Besides, anyone commenter here can simply make up a name. They can comment as Art Pedroza or Gila Jones.
See what…
…I mean.
Jubal does live off his wife. She works for local Republican sell out John Lewis unless she was fired. She left the county party but I believe she went on her own. Jubal, take the hits or leave the arena. You and Flash boy and the others spend your blog time supporting your clients (in your case others clients)and bashing those who oppose you. Your blog should be considered an “in kind” donation to Tony R and the mobster sheriff. Maybe someone will ask the fppc to look into it. Maybe Shirley G. will read this and look into it. Regardless, it appears to can’t take the medicine you dish out you little popinjay.
One question for any DS out there. Do they really give Flash boy bullets? Or is he like Barney Fife and only allowed one?
I’ll take your accusation seriously when you reveal your ID. Currently, you have Jubal at a disadvanatge, because you know who he is, but he doesn’t know who you are. Neither does anyone else for that matter.
If you’re right, you shouldn’t be afraid to state your name. Until then, you’re just a smack-talking squirt.
Anon @ 1:44p. You sort of have a good point.
Jubal is known….now. And having been around polictics he of all people should know the scrutiny one comes under when they surrender to putting themselves in a public forum.
But I have to disagree with the ‘smack-talking squirt’ line.
Jubal has only revealed himself recently. And that was after he was outed by the OC Weekly. Prior to that he hid behind his moniker taking shots at any number of people, organizations, or causes that he did not favor.
He only has himself to blame for any abuse he has received.
Granted, but even before he was outed, he didn’t write posts calling people fat, accusing them of living off their wives, and that sort of stuff. He and the rest of the blogpen have been tough on folks, but pretty clean. Not even during the go-rounds you two have.
I’m sorry, but I can’t give credit to some guy/girl throwing out accusations about someone’s personal life withouth having the nads to put their real name to it.
Anon. You mean like this one here?
Scroll down. And you’ll see Lurk refer to illegal immigrants as ‘vermin’.
I prefer anonymity. Let’s face it,Flash boy carries a badge and works for a crook. Mike S. has a wife who is the resident flack for the DA. With this in mind who in their right mind would want to expose themselves to these creeps. Call me a coward, it’s okay. Jubal is their popinjay so he also can turn someone in to the thought police. Art, keep the blog as is. Don’t let them back you down. Jubal, you are worthless and should be ashamed of yourself. Flash boy, you too are wothless. “Please, call the sheriff someone is breaking into our home. Wait only flash boy can respond…honey just give the guy everything.” How reassuring that must be to see flash boy roll up to your home. Wait, maybe Jubal should also get a uniform and gun. Crime would plummet.