Election night coverage
I spent part of the evening over at Mike McGill’s election night party, in Cypress. The event was very well attended, and McGill was gracious and humble – and he was right behind Jim Silva, in their contest for the 67th Assembly District, with RINO Dianne Harman running a distant third. Regardless of whether or not McGill sinks Silva, he has quickly become one of the most engaging conservative Republicans in the OC and he will be someone to contend with for years to come.
The big surprise of the evening is Rosie Avila’s apparent failure to energize Republican voters in the 47th Congressional District. Tan Nguyen, her primary opponent, was a Democrat candidate for the House of Represenatives just two years ago, but he spent over $300,000 on his race, hired past OC GOP Chair Tom Fuentes, and according to insiders he focused on Vietnamese voters in a huge way, including advertising in all kinds of Vietnamese media. Avila also failed to attack him for switching parties.
The other shocker tonight was Jose Solorio’s apparent victory over the hated Claudia Alvarez, in the Democrat primary for the 69th Assembly District. It wasn’t close – Solorio utterly wiped out Alvarez, much to the relief of Democrat activists in the OC. I feel bad for Armando de la Libertad. He gave it a good shot, but hopefully he will run for the Santa Ana City Council and make use of his increased name I.D.
In the GOP primary for the 34th Senate District, RINO Lynn Daucher spent about a half a million dollars and as such was leading her conservative opponent, Lupe Moreno, by a wide margin. Moreno however paid a lot less per vote than Daucher – who will be facing Lou Correa. Good luck Daucher – Correa wiped out his Democrat opponent, liberal Tom Umberg. He will surely thrash Daucher in the general. Even worse news for her – Measure A, which prohibits abusive eminent domain at the county level, is passing by a huge margin. Daucher has always supported misuse of eminent domain – while Correa is against that. She will surely pay for this stance in the general.
The unions took it hard tonight. Their supervisorial candidates, Rosie Espinoza and Dave Shawver, got trashed by Chris Norby and John Moorlach, and the latter’s pick for Treasurer, Chriss Street, prevailed over his opponent as well. And Pat Bates looks like she might defeat Cathryn Deyoung as well.
In my Central Committee race I look to be right behind the incumbents, with just a few more votes than Ryan Gene Williams, who is looking forward to running against Solorio for the 69th Assembly District. My counterpart in the Democrat Party, Claudio Gallegos, is one of the top candidates for his Central Committee.
Finally, OC Sheriff Mike Carona is slipping as the votes come in. He is barely over 52%. I hope that Bill Hunt will force him into a runoff. And I should note that Prop. 82 is also sinking! Take that Paul Walters!
Rosie poor showing is no surprise.
The fact that your associate yourself with Rosie
REally? Here are the predictions I made on this site:
“I think Correa will beat Umberg by at least ten points in the 34th. Daucher will likely prevail over Moreno, but not by as wide a margin as her handlers would like.
In the 69th, I am now hearing that Solorio is up by a few points. Claudia Alvarez has been melting down now on a daily basis, and will likely lose it again at tonight’s city council meeting. Go ahead Claudia – Jose won’t mind. If Claudia does somehow win, I see a lot of Dems voting for Ryan Gene Williams in the general.
In the 47th, I see Rosie Avila beating Tan by at least fifteen points, although she never did attack Tan for changing parties at the eleventh hour. She may yet come to regret that.
In the 67th, it is wide open. Silva is a joke and I hope that Harman takes enough votes away from him to allow Mike McGill to prevail.
Moorlach will win going away in the 2nd Supervisorial District, as will Norby against Espinoza.
As for Carona, I think he is headed for a run-off against Hunt. Martin’s strong push in the last few weeks will take votes away from Carona, allowing Hunt to get him in a run-off.”
Well, it looks like I was right more than I was wrong. Yes, Tan’s win is a shocker – but he will be toast against Loretta. You know the saying, “a fool and his money are soon parted?” That applies to Tan quite well.
It also looks like Carona barely avoided a runoff. But at least we saw the end of Claudia Alvarez’ career!
And I came in fourth in my Central Committee race – ahead of one incumbent, and two other candidates. Claudio Gallegos won his Central Committee race too, so now we will have even more to write about going forward.
My best wishes to Mike McGill – he did not win but he ran a great campaign and gave that squish Jim Silva a scare. I know the machine will come to regret sending that buffoon Silva to Sacramento…
And Armando Ramirez aka de la libertad got a huge 15% of the vote. I bet you Jose could care less if he even got a concession phone call from Armando.
Armando: you should have taken Jose’s offer and pulled out.
You can blame Rosie’s loss on her incompetent political advisor.
I agree it’s time for Armando De La Libertad AKA Armando Ramirez to look for a new name. How about a contest to help him pick one? I’ll kick things off:
De La Loser
De La I’m going to be the bank ethnic rep for the rest of my life
De La Loretta’s Name didn’t help one bit
And I think Claudia needs a new name too! Let’s help her as well!
Claudia Alvarez found out that being a mean hateful person does not ALWAYS get you elected. My old wood shop teacher would be proud of how hard Jose spanked her. Now when she runs for Lou’s Supervisor seat and loses again she can complete the coveted Triple Crown for Political losers. Good luck to Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido who endorsed Solario and now will be rewarded with TWO more years with Alvarez on the council. Without Bist though Alvarez is dead politically and those two years will pass quickly and Alvarez can go back to kicking dogs and pinching babys as a regular citizen.
Armando De La Libertad and Morro Morales can now form a new club for people who thought being a Loretta Sanchez staffer with her endorsement would get them elected but got their ***** kick by Jose! Armando will end up like Morales. Who is Morro Morales? Exactly:)
Nice try at the swipe at Tim. However, who else could take $170K, go up against 1.3 million in an incumbent’s bank and almost pull off an upset against that same incumbent?
Mike Carona didn’t win squat. As we speak the numbers are still falling for him and hopefully there’s a run-off. Regardless, even if Carona manages to squeak by, there is absolutely no room for boasting because Carona’s poor showing is akin to an ass wooping.
I’d say you better not antagonize Tim too much because there is no quit in that dog. You Carona yahoos should be thankful of the lousy voter turn out that has apparently saved your guys ass, and be real quite for awhile.
You forgot to sign your post “Timmy’s Mommy”.
Laugh while you can. Soon enough the Jaramillo trial will start, and at some point thereafter Carona will end up resigning after Jaramillo unloads the rest of the dirt he has on him. Maybe Carona can become a Wal Mart greeter thereafter…or perhaps a security guard.
If you all must make a point, try to avoid pointless name calling. There is no need to call Art a prick(your point was good enough).
And as for the 69th, I am as ecstatic about Claudia’s loss and Jose’s victory. But Armando is an honorable person who deserves respect. He ran a spirited race. I respect Armando a lot and ask that you please respect the decision he and his wife made. I personally find it tasteless to make fun of one’s last name(changed or not). Anon, would you like it if someone made fun of your last name?
Again I think you are right and I’m sorry for my comments about Armando’s name. You are right he is a good man and I was trying to be funny but that was a mistake. Sorry.
Mr. Pedroza- We’re still waiting for the “big one” from the Hunt camp and OC Weekly; all we get are lame accusations and baseless charges. Do you really not think if George J. had a bombshell, he, Tony Rack, and the sheriff would have this whole “silly mess” settled by now? If not, you’re pretty naive. I assure you the one more destined for Walmart greeter would be you, while you are consumed with envy for Carona above all else. He will finish out the next four years just fine, despite what Timmy says.
I personally am dissapointed Armando did not win the election. I still feel he was the better candidate, but it is what it is.
I congratulate Jose, since he at least does not stoop down to the level of Claudia Alvarez.
When Claudia won her last council race, she and gal pal Lisa Bist waged a vindictive campaign to unseat Planning Commissioner Tom Lutz. Now that she’s a two-time 69th Assembly candidate loser, one wonders what commissioners Claudia and Lisa will seek revenge on.
I suggest they start with the mayor’s Planning Commission appointee — Vicky Betancourt.
Speaking of Victoria Betancourt.
I asked the City manager and City Attorney, face to face, to provide me with a copy of the letter from the FPPC to Victoria Betancourt.
They both stated that it was a personal issue and they would not give it to me.
I have since obtained a copy of said letter from the FPCC and her Form 700.
If she did nothing wrong as she claims, why did she write a $ 744 check to Mike Harrah?
If she did nothing wrong, why did she issue a public apology before the last planning comm meeting?
If she did nothing wrong, why has she refused to return my calls or emails seeking answers?
This issue is not going away, and from here on out it might be in many peoples best interest if she was to resign.
Those people do not want to answer questions because of the crime of another.
Wow! Art and Whitaker sure know how to run campaigns. 0-3. Good job fellas, as a Democrat it is good knowing you’re on the other side.
Now would go let the two whacko’s, Rosie and Lupe, know that it is time to head out to pasture. Or better yet do us all a favor, including them, and put them out of their misery already.
Now as far as your Assembly candidate Ryan Gene goes, good God he finished behind both Art and Tiny Tim in the Central Committee race. That should be a sign of how successful he’ll be come November.
Congrats again on your successful political consulting careers. I hope you remain with the GOP for years to come.
So I can see Art still can
Ryan’s Central Committee race was only so that he could continue to buildname ID.
He’s on the Central Committee anyway as the county’s youngest Ex-Officio for his Assembly campaign.
I’m somewhat impressed that he pulled 6,077 votes without doing anything compared to Solorio who spent and raised over $100k and managed only 5,950.
Granted Ryan does have a tough race ahead of him against Jose, but I think he’ll do fine considering the circumstances.
Jose and Ryan were both winners last night and what’s good is that they get along great together.
I think the citizens of the 69th AD are going to have one of the most friendly political races Central County has seen in a long time.
ryan gene ran unopposed and Jose ran against one of the nastiest and most corrupt candidates – Claudia Alvarez.
If Jose spent $100K on the primary it was money well spent for two reasons: 1) he ran a good brand campaign that set the groundwork for Nov. and 2) he beat Claudia Alvarez.
That would be a refreshing experience.
Are you and Timmy Whitacre done endorsing people? Seriously, you guys are the kiss of death to all you endorse. You guys are the Bad News Bear of Politics. Good work.
“brock in anaheim said…
Ryan’s Central Committee race was only so that he could continue to buildname ID.”
How pathetic have the Republican’s become in the 69th?
Their candidate is using a Central Committee race to build name ID?
This seat used to be the most hotly contested seat in the state. Both parties targeted the district with big dollars and using their big guns. But clearly the GOP have surrendered and walked away from the fight.
Ryan Gene Williams candidacy is a joke and we all know it. His campaign website is on par with someone running for playground monitor not state assembly.
Lucky for Ryan Gene, Art and Timmy are available to help his campaign. With those two on board at least he will have a better excuse for the horrible showing he is sure to have.
Tim has nothing to hang his head about. He took an unknown candidate and almost forced Carona into a runoff – while being vastly outspent. Had Tim prevailed, he would have done so against professional consultants who each make a ton of money doing what they do.
Rosie’s defeat also should not be pinned on Tim. She ran the show – and that included not working closely with Tim at all. Her loss as such is on her and her campaign, not on Tim.
As for Lupe Moreno, her goal all along was to publicize her issue, which is stopping illegal immigration. She succeeded in that goal. She also garnered almost a quarter of the vote, despite the fact that Daucher spent ten times as much as she did. Now Daucher’s cupboard is bare, and Correa is going to send her into political retirement in the fall.
Yes, I also tried to help Mike McGill, and the record will show that he gave Silva a run for the money. Mike ran a terrific campaign and he went from being an unknown council member in a low profile city to being a major conservative leader of our party. He is someone to keep an eye on in the future.
I am very careful about whom I advise. I only help those who deserve the help. You may not know this, but I helped Chris Norby to take out union squish Cynthia Coad a few years ago by bringing major non-union contractors to the table. I suppose you won’t give me credit for that one. Well, I hope you enjoyed watching Norby utterly destroy Rose Espinoza in the primary. I guess she will be staying in her garage henceforth.
Looking forward to the general, I will continue to advise Ryan Gene Williams. I am also excited about Tom McClintock’s campaign – which I expect him to win. I also will take a close look at the local races, particularly the Santa Ana city council campaigns.
And I reserve the right to gloat about the demise of Tom Umberg and Claudia Alvarez.
You should do a post on this:
“I have since obtained a copy of said letter from the FPCC and her Form 700.”
This is “hand in the cookie jar” stuff.
Heads should roll.
Scan those items or PDF them and post them for all to see. Make them available to SA Citizens too.
That’s awfully sweet of you to make excuses for Timmy but you both ended up as big losers Tuesday night.
The fact that you got elected to the 69th Assembly District Central Committee seat isn’t exactly a feather in the cap. The Republicans have no presence in the district and the candidacy of Ryan Gene Williams further cements that fact.
I mean Whitaker, Pedroza and Brett Franklin you gotta be kidding me. That is the 69th GOP base. Why didn’t any of you run for the 69th seat? Afraid you might end up with Whitaker, Pedroza or Franklin as a consultant for your campaign?
Art you didn’t bring down Claudia or Umberg so stop kidding yourself.
As far as Hunt goes, he had Carona as an opponent. Carona’s sleezy behavior, questionable ethics and criminal friends should have been enough to force a run-off. Had he had a credible campaign staff instead of Tiny Tim he would be in a run-off today instead of being on paid leave.
Glad to hear you’ll be advising Ryan Gene. Your advice sure helped the other “rapture righties” you were “advising”.
“Ryan Gene Williams candidacy is a joke and we all know it. His campaign website is on par with someone running for playground monitor not state assembly.”
Who is this guy to talk? If you’re a respected Rep living in the 69th, did you decide to jump into the race? Umm, no.
Ryan, who worked for the county party duirng the special election, talked to quite a few people to see if anyone wanted to run. No one wanted to, so he jumped in because other GOPers were too pussy to do so.
Granted, Ryan has a very tough election ahead of him in November, but at the very least he’s working on getting he support from the party, elected officials, and the voters to position himself as a potential force in the area in the years to come.
If anything, there are many Democrat activists that respect Ryan for jumping in and bringing something new and fresh to the table.
If he decides to run for Council in a few years, I’m sure he’ll have a strong force of Republicans and Democrats behind his election because he at least brings people together.
Don’t bash the kid. He knows what he’s doing.
“Don’t bash the kid. He knows what he’s doing.”
I know what he is doing to, he is setting himself up for an a$$ whuppin’. He and the GOP have no future in the 69th and he will start learning that sooner than later.
You shouldn’t encourage the little fella to do things he has no possible chance of succeeding at.
Wouldn’t his time be better served harassing women as they enter family planning clinics or bashing gay’s for wanting equal rights?
Or perhaps he could just sit back and wait for the rapture with the other wacky “dominionists” like Rosie and Art.
“Wouldn’t his time be better served harassing women as they enter family planning clinics or bashing gay’s for wanting equal rights?”
Probably not seeing as how Ryan doesn’t chastise the Dems in a Democrat seat which is why he’s earned a lot of respect from the other side.
The kid isn’t a dumbass. He’s playing the political game well all things considered.
Perhaps if people wouldn’t cut him down and undermine his campaign a la Adam Probolsky because he’s not a Carona fan, the party (and their candidates) would look a little better and a little stronger.
Art said … “I also will take a close look at the local races, particularly the Santa Ana city council campaigns.”
SAUSD school board elections need closer scrunity. It’s time the current board president Audrey Noji be challenged for her dismal performance and allegiance to the superintendent.
Where all the Armando lovers go? He got whooped. Most posters here could have received the same amount of votes he did without spending a cent.
And, his name is fair game since he changed it for political reasons. There has never been a clear explanation of his name change and the fact that he included the word Libertad or Liberty is politically contrieved.
Dear Mr. Claudio and Mr. Art,
Could you write an open let to the Santa Ana City Council asking them to make Councilmember Alberta Chirsty the Mayor Pro Tem for the last few months on the City Council? It’s a small thing but to those of us in the Valley High School neighborhood it would mean a lot. You see, Alberta came from our neighborhood and she has never been given the opportunity to be Mayor Pro Tem during the last 7 1/2 years on the council. Did you know she is the only African American to EVER be elected to the Santa Ana City council? She has worked so hard for the community and I wish the council would let her leave the council with that last honer. God bless you both for what you do on this blog. You are the first thing I check when I get on the internet at the library.
I heard that they might name the skate board park at Centenial Park the Alberta Christy Skate Board Park because of her many years of working with youth and she was such a big supporter of that Skate Park. Did you know that the neighborhood kids helped design the Park? Alberta is a wonderful role model for all of your young people. I great woman.
The city has a strict policy against naming facilities after living people. While they may have done it in the past, it is no longer allowed.
Not sure who said they were looking to name the skate park after Alberta, but it wasn’t city staff.
Alberta Christy would have been Mayor Pro Tem but for the council shenanigans courtesy of Lisa Bist & co.
Historically, that position has been shared and Alberta was slated to be next in line, but another councilmember shouldered her way to the front of the line, traded with votes on other issues and cheated Alberta out of that position.
It would be appropriate to return that position to Alberta for the balance of her term, but don’t expect it to happen.
Someone else’s political aspirations are in the way.
Alberta is a class act.
Isn’t Dan Young still alive? I believe the city named a soccer facility after him. And didn’t they name part of a street by SAHS after famous alum Diane Keaton?
Why did Lisa leafrog Alberta for mayor pro tem?
They also named the train station for Robert Richardson who is on the school board I think and Walkie Way by Discovery Science center for big bucks Dem Walkie Ray and tried to a school after lauren Grizett and Manual Esqueda , and a tennis court after Neil Machander near Santa Ana high, and many others.
Why don’t they name the skate board park after Armando since he used to be a pro skate boarder?
Loretta is waiting to hear from you. Ex-Republican & Hispanic
Frankly, I am sick and disgusted with the baseless attacks upon and unfounded innuendo directed against Armando de la Libertad. Those who are posting comments such as:
“Where all the Armando lovers go? He got whooped. Most posters here could have received the same amount of votes he did without spending a cent.
And, his name is fair game since he changed it for political reasons. There has never been a clear explanation of his name change and the fact that he included the word Libertad or Liberty is politically (sic) contrieved.”
are really ill-informed and questionable in insight.
First, he ran against 2 people who have served for years on the Santa Ana City Council and have had that dais in which to develop widespread name recognition. He got half as many votes as Claudia Alvarez, despite her broad name recognition after JOBSPAC and other conservative special interest PACS spent close to two million dollars in two consecutive 69th AD races to get her elected, and she has had her name in the ballot 3 times in the past two years. It is ill-informed to call Armando a loser, although he was predictably the low vote getter in the race after having been MASSIVELY outspent by a 10-1 margin or greater by his opponents and the Independent Expenditures on their behalf.
Second: Although I did not back Armando in this race, it is because Solorio was in the race. I do not believe Armando could have beat Claudia simply due to the name recognition issue (see above) and I know the same money that went to Jose in IE’s would likely not have been directed Armando’s way (at least to the same extent) for that same reason.
Third: Armando is a very bright, well meaning and talented man who would be a great elected official. He is Harvard educated, but not a stuff shirt. He has now cut his teeth in a very positive campaign, and contrary to predictions, he did not come close to causing the race to default to Claudia. He has shown integrity to run against the odds that developed against him, did so in a distinguished manner, and should be opened with welcome arms and minds should he choose to run again. It is my personal hope that he will run for one of the two open seats on the Santa Ana City Council . He would be an able and principled council member, and it would give him the ability to make the connections and name recognition necessary to successfully run for state office in the future.
As for his name change, people do it all the time. There is nothing “shadowy” in his past, which I suspect you know. If you do not, wake up. People with shadowy pasts do not try to hide that past by chanding their names but not residences, and then run for public office and placing their faces on fliers sent to half the registered voters in the city. Be fair, and make intelligent comments.
Rumor has it that Armando might be tossing his support to Ryan Gene Williams and some of the big business IE money that went to Claudia Alvarez has also voiced it’s support for Ryan.
The race for the 69th is going to be hot.
Jose Solorio is hiding so as to avoid the tough questions such as his support for higher taxes, illegal immigration,drivers licenses for illegals.
Thanks Armando, I mean 9:08 AM poster.
So, by your thinking, Armando ran knowing he was going to lose. That doesn’t sound too bright, particularly in light of the fact that he personally loaned his campaign $35,000……OUCH!!!!
And, I don’t suspect Armando will run for Santa Ana City Council. He ran in 2000 and lost decisively. He also ran and then pulled out of the last AD 69 race.
He’s now know as a two time loser and a guy who pulls out of races. If fact, I only think he stayed in the 69th AD race because he didn’t want to go through the shame of pulling out again.
That’s the story. Please go ahead and spin it.
I would more accurately say, that your story.
Without a doubt, Armando was the best candidate in that race. It would have been better for democrats and Republicans alike if Armando was elected, but such is life.
Armando’s name change had nothing to do with running for the 69th, or the city council for that manner, but it is convenient to attack him on it, since they are is nothing else to find. The race is over, move on.
Timmy Whitacre and yourself should write a book and call it “Broke Back Politics” I starting to wonder about your relationship with Timmy????
“Rumor has it that Armando might be tossing his support to Ryan Gene Williams and some of the big business IE money that went to Claudia Alvarez has also voiced it’s support for Ryan.
The race for the 69th is going to be hot.
Jose Solorio is hiding so as to avoid the tough questions such as his support for higher taxes, illegal immigration,drivers licenses for illegals. “
You are so full of s***- there are times that a post can be explained by a lacm, of sophistication. Yours is just flotsam. The only true aspect of your post is that JOBSPAc and other IEs will pour money to the republican candidate in the general if they cannot get the DINO to win the primary is a seat. IN the 69th they are looking at a safe democratic seat. Claudia got the money she did because she is a prostitute to big business, and democrat in name only. That is why she got the massive expenditures in the Umberg primary and the last primary for the 69th AD. It is the only real possibility for PACS that are solely representing big business interests to get a “republican” ie DINO, candidate in such a district. There may be an expenditure, but it will not be big because Ryan is a sacrificial lamb candidate.
In other words, the 69th AD willnot be hot – Solorio will be there for the next 6 years.
Claudia will not be able to run again, as she is a two time consecutive loser with no way to explain why she could have lost this race.
As for Armando chipping in for Ryan, what a joke. Armando is a true blue democrat, and you know nothing about him.
As for Solorio, he has never hidden his views on anything, and is not afraid to take a controversial stand.
Get a clue.
Jose Solorio refuses to debate and has already backed out of one debate because Armando would have handed Jose his ass.
Jose makes no mention of his reconquista stance about free school for illegals and drivers licenses for illegals because he would would LOSE.
Jose has no stance on anything.
Jose’s stance has always been “I’ll look into it” and you know it.
The only reason he got the votes he did is because he ran against Claudia.
The business IE’s do not want Jose in Sacramento and you know it.
Name one positive thing Jose has done for Santa Ana.
Other than try to leave.
Armando never said what he was for. He couldn’t even answer two simple questions from the LA Times.
I would not support him for school board, city council or any elected position. Sure he may be a nice guy, but he showed in this campaign he is sorely lacking in many other ways (i.e., knowing the issues, explaining his views, garnering support etc.).
Hay much mas para Sr. Ramirez a la oficina de Wells Fargo.