Hunt’s got Carona in his sights
Bill Hunt, the San Clemente Chief of Police, is picking up momentum in the closing days of his campaign to unseat the disgraced incument OC Sheriff, Mike Carona. Earlier this week the only Latino candidate for Sheriff, Bob Alcaraz, pulled out, endorsing Hunt in the process. Then yesterday I heard that Hunt had picked up endorsements from a number of police officer associations (POA’s) in several cities: Huntington Beach, Buena Park, Inglewood, and La Habra.
Tonight I received an email update from the Hunt campaign touting their second TV commercial. Here is what the Hunt campaign had to say about the commercial: “The 30-second ad reminds voters that Sheriff Carona has given us one scandal after another and his law enforcement record is a failure, introduces voters to Lt. Bill Hunt’s background and experience, and outlines the Hunt reform plan. “
You have to figure that George Jaramillo, Carona’s ex-buddy, will be handing what I am sure will be quite startling dirt on Carona to the OC Weekly this week and the next. Their most recent article was unbelievable. Carona apparently sent a dirty card to Jaramillo’s wife, wherein he referred to a part of his anatomy as the “Little Sheriff.” How Jaramillo will top that one, I don’t know, but I am sure looking forward to the next two issues of the OC Weekly…
This is how Corona wasted taxpayers money
Looks like Big Hunt and the “little hunt” are going to town!
Anonymous @ 2:33
The picture of the humvee vehicle is impressive, but your conclusion of wasting taxpayer money is not impressive at all. In fact, it is quite inaccurate.
The humvee was military surplus equipment that is available to governmental agencies to have. OCSD has a specific program to identify needs that can be met through the military surplus program – which saves taxpayer money. OCSD has been very proactive in using the military surplus program to benefit those we serve in Orange COunty.
This humvee was painted and equipped with largely surplus OR donated materials – some possibly from reserves or PSRs.
It functions in a reserve unit that operates largely with volunteers – again at a very low or no cost to taxpayers.
In other words, OCSD got a functional vehicle for search and rescue OR promotional display that cost the taxpayers of Orange County basically nothing.
Got a problem with that?
Wow, the Hunt steamroller is moving!!! Two more poker tournies and a chicken wing feed at Costco, and they’ll be real competitive. Sorry, he’s coming in third, despite the lavish praise from Alcatraz.
How could Alcarez “drop out of a race” he was never in…like the tree in the forest. His endorsement of Hunt only proves he was job hunting. No money, no experience no direction. He should have saved his money for a vacation. Great Business man!
“The humvee was military surplus equipment that is available to governmental agencies to have.”
“In other words, OCSD got a functional vehicle for search and rescue OR promotional display that cost the taxpayers of Orange County basically nothing.”
Don’t know what world you are living in Sergeant, but taxpayers, even one’s in OC, pay for all that stuff that the military uses.
Therefore, there IS a cost to taxpayers.
Further, Who pays for the gas?
Who paid for the paint job?
Who pays for the maintenance?
Who pays for the storage?
In other words, It’s driven around by some friends of Corona who gave him cash.
Do you have a problem with that?
Anonymous @ 12:51
Did I say the Humvee was NO cost to the taxpayers? NO. I said the Humvee was NOT a waste of taxpayer’s money!
The taxpayers did pay for the Humvee and it outlived its usefulness with the military.
Now it is surplus and being put to use in local law enforcement.
The O.C.taxpayers are not paying for the vehicle twice. They paid for it once and it is being used in a cost efficient way.
The gas and maintenance is likely paid for by the County of Orange.
The paint job was likely donated.
The vehicle is obviously parked in a lot that is a County of Orange owned lot.
So, what would you suggest?
Should the Search and Rescue Team call AVIS the next time they need a vehicle for a mission?
The vehicle is driven around by Reserve Deputies who donate their time and talents to conduct Search and Rescue missions.
The Reserves are hired and trained under POST guidelines and requirements for reserve peace officers.
So what would you suggest?
A little back peddle there huh Sergeant?
“Did I say the Humvee was NO cost to the taxpayers? NO. I said the Humvee was NOT a waste of taxpayer’s money!”
Have we not been told that flying both the “Big Sheriff” and the “Little Sheriff” to a date in the helicopter is not a waste of tax money either?
“waste” is all subjective.
“it outlived its usefulness with the military.”
Tell that to all the guys and gals over in Iraq rigging bits and pieces together to save their lives.
But Hey. You guys look and feel good cruising around looking for hot chicks here in dangerous OC. Right?
“Should the Search and Rescue Team call AVIS the next time they need a vehicle for a mission?”
They last used it for “search and rescue” when?