Hunt’s got Carona in his sights

Bill Hunt, the San Clemente Chief of Police, is picking up momentum in the closing days of his campaign to unseat the disgraced incument OC Sheriff, Mike Carona. Earlier this week the only Latino candidate for Sheriff, Bob Alcaraz, pulled out, endorsing Hunt in the process. Then yesterday I heard that Hunt had picked up endorsements from a number of police officer associations (POA’s) in several cities: Huntington Beach, Buena Park, Inglewood, and La Habra.

Tonight I received an email update from the Hunt campaign touting their second TV commercial. Here is what the Hunt campaign had to say about the commercial: “The 30-second ad reminds voters that Sheriff Carona has given us one scandal after another and his law enforcement record is a failure, introduces voters to Lt. Bill Hunt’s background and experience, and outlines the Hunt reform plan. “

You have to figure that George Jaramillo, Carona’s ex-buddy, will be handing what I am sure will be quite startling dirt on Carona to the OC Weekly this week and the next. Their most recent article was unbelievable. Carona apparently sent a dirty card to Jaramillo’s wife, wherein he referred to a part of his anatomy as the “Little Sheriff.” How Jaramillo will top that one, I don’t know, but I am sure looking forward to the next two issues of the OC Weekly…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.