Daucher campaign spreading like a virus

A friend of mine received an invitation to a Lynn Daucher (GOP candidate for the 34th Senate District) fundraiser. It included a current list of all her endorsements. The news is not good. The list includes:

OC Board of Supervisor:
Bill Campbell (who is on the host committee)
Tom Wilson
Chris Norby

Anaheim City Council:
Harry Sidhu
Bob Hernandez

Buena Park City Council:
Steve Berry
Jim Dow
Patsy Marshall
Don McCay

Fullerton City Council:
Don Bankhead
Leland Wilson
F. Richard Jones
Shawn Nelson

Garden Grove City Council:
Bill Dalton
Janet Nguyen
Harry Krebs
Mark Leyes

Santa Ana City Council:
Carlos Bustamante
Alberta Christy

Stanton City Council:
Ed Royce Sr.
Brian Donahue

Westminster City Council:
Frank Fry

County Board of Education:
Bill Habermehl
Alexandia Coronado

Anaheim City School District:
Sandy Blumberg
James Vanderbilt-Linares

Buena Park School District:
Sam Hamblen
Carole Jensen

Centralia School District:
Karen Blake
Shirley Doi
Irv Trinkle
Dennis Salts

Garden Grove Unified School District:
Linda Reed
Bob Harden
Lan Nguyen

As much as I want to rip all of these endorsers, some of them are friends of mine and are legitimate conservatives. OC Register reporter Martin Wisckol recently wrote about how the Republicans for a New Majority (RNM) are collecting $25 million in dues annually. They are actively supporting Daucher. I am guessing that many Republican elected officials don’t want to anger the RNM, ergo their support for the RINO Daucher. Conservatives in the OC need to face reality – the RNM now controls the party, for good or for ill. If Daucher is the best they can come up with, that definitely bodes ill for the party.

I also met recently with a prominent Democrat local elected official. He said that Daucher is showing up at all kinds of events, usually sitting next to, or nearby, her Democrat counterparts, Lou Correa and Tom Umberg. Apparently she is also mailing to Democrat households. That seems to indicate that she is already working on her general election strategy.

Daucher’s conservative opponent, Lupe Moreno, will be organizing a precinct walk this Saturday, with details coming soon. Her signs should also be up soon. Moreno continues to be the underdog in the GOP primary for the 34th Senate District, but she has made stopping illegal immigration a key issue in her campaign, and that is the top issue for Republican candidates in the OC. Perhaps the voters will reward her for her tough stance.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.