It’s Another Chemerinsky Wednesday in Laguna Woods! Need We Say More?




UPDATE: If you wanna get in you GOTTA RSVP RIGHT AWAY, THUSLY: Email subject line ‘RSVP for Sept. 14,’ with, in its text, name & contact ph. # of driver(s), to: ConcernedCitizensLWV@

Vern says:  Count me and Donna IN – we try to never miss the good professor’s lectures at Laguna Woods.  And now, I’ll let Jonathan Adler* of “Concerned Citizens” make the pitch as he does so well:

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Sept 14 Wednesday 1:30pm, Laguna Woods’ Concerned Citizens:
UCI Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, 9th annual talk:
“The Supreme Court Vacancy: Last Term and Impact of the Election”

@ Clubhouse 3, 23822 Avd. Sevilla
(for gate entry, you must RSVP, see instructions below!)

“We just did a poll. … More people are paying attention to the Supreme Court this year than [in the past] … because we’re not just voting for a president, we’re voting for the Supreme Court. … Both [Clinton and Trump] have said the issue should be a high priority for voters … The Court is at a tipping point.”

–Nan Aron, Pres., Alliance for Justice, “Future of the Supreme Court” panel, NetrootsNation conf. 7/15/16

chemerinskyDo you know the Supreme Court’s real impact?  That many cases affect people more than most laws?  That just 1 new justice caused overruling of precedents?

Faster than you can say “Scalia vacancy,” candidates, surrogates, pundits, anchors, reporters, even ordinary voters, say the Court is a huge issue. Recall the 1992 Clinton campaign mantra “It’s the economy, stupid!”?  It’s now “It’s the Supreme Court, stupid!”

Chemerinsky will review its last term, including how Scalia’s death thwarted rulings conservatives wanted, and Kennedy’s vote led to a few moderate majorities.  Most important: He’ll project how a Pres. Clinton’s or Trump’s nominees would impact the Court for decades and specific precedents they’d overrule or extend. Trump said he’d pick judges “as close as possible to Scalia.”  How would they rule? Clinton said hers will defend Roe v. Wade and oppose Citizens United. What else is at stake? Come hear the Dean predict specific details.

Alert: Acts of explicit full frontal prognostication to occur!

chemerinsky 5Never heard a Chemerinsky talk? Ask anyone who did, and hear “Don’t miss him!”  To lawyers he’s brilliant, yet clear to lay folks; warm too.

Erwin Chemerinsky, a leading constitutional law scholar, teacher (of judges as well as students), author, litigator in the Supreme Court and other courts, often analyzes its cases and trends on the air and in print. His column is in the OC Register each Thursday. He’s written countless articles for scholars and lay readers. His books include “The Case Against the Supreme Court” and “The Conservative Assault on the Constitution.”

Still not sure? Play any of his talks on  A Harvard Law J.D., he taught 21 years at USC, then Duke.  UCI invited him back to Southern Calif. in 2008 to found its law school. He drew a stellar faculty and led its rise to the top tier.  And his life of public service is amazing.

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Alert: Laguna Woods Village non-residents: Gated community; all clubhouses are within gates (except CH7). The gate entry slips you may recall (to print out, fill in, hand in) are no longer used.  To enter: Now just 2 ways: (1) Ask a resident to ‘call in your name.’ (2) Get on Concerned Citizens’ guest list, that it must file by the 4th business day before event (but later add-on is possible):  You must RSVP NOW to assure entry:

To RSVP: Email subject line ‘RSVP for [event date],’  with, in its text, name & contact ph. # of driver(s), to: ConcernedCitizensLWV@  Driver: Tell gate staff “[your first name] on Concerned Citizens’ guest list, [or] guest of [name and house # of resident who called you in].” For more info, call contact person listed on flyer or posting.

*A note on Jonathan Adler:  The army veteran and former Supreme Court clerk who organizes these talks was last seen at the DPOC meeting that endorsed José Moreno and Donna Acevedo-Nelson.  He spoke successfully in favor of Moreno, but angered Brandman supporters by mostly listing all the horrible things Jordan had done.  Scolded the chairman:  “You are to speak in favor of your candidate, not AGAINST the other one.”  Jonathan, without a beat:  “I feel the Party should strongly support the candidate who did NOT vote to give away $700 million to big business special interests, who did NOT try to sabotage district elections” … etc. etc… to the entire room’s laughter.

Edited (by GAD) to Add: This is your Weekend Open Thread.  Etc.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.