Mission Viejo’s Keith Rattay May Get Golden Parachute Contract From Taxpayers Tonight




Tonight the Mission Viejo City Council will consider a new employment contract for Assistant City Manager Keith Rattay that would be the envy of most private sector workers.  According to the terms of the proposed contract (http://dms.cityofmissionviejo.org/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=1755&doctype=AGENDA), Mr. Rattay will get NINE MONTHS pay for doing NOTHING regardless of whether he quits or the City simply fails to renew his contract.  As a mid-level manager, Mr. Rattay’s proposed contract will pay him a hefty $162,178 yearly salary, a $450/month car allowance, $7,500 extra “just cause” (technically “deferred compensation”) ON TOP OF the full PERS pension contribution that is worth $40,000-$80,000 per year depending on which actuary you talk to.  Making matters even worse, the internally inconsistent proposed contract declares that Mr. Rattay is “at will” on the one hand (meaning he can be terminated at any time for any reason) and then later limits the grounds for termination to stealing money from the City or being convicted of a felony.  Doing a terrible job is evidently insufficient grounds for termination at the City of Mission Viejo.

Times are tough economically everywhere . .. . evidently with the exception of the City of Mission Viejo which awarded City Manager Dennis Wilberg a similar contract recently.  These bloated public employee contracts are generally justified on the grounds that “this is what it takes to keep good people” a logic that is simply untrue, especially in these tough economic times.  I simply dare Mr. Rattay to show how he would obtain anything approaching this kind of compensation if he were to take his highly paid act into the private sector today.  Good luck with that.

I encourage Mission Viejo residents to attend tonight’s City Council meeting to persuade the council majority consisting of Frank Ury, Trish Kelly and Mayor Dave Leckness to join council members Cathy Schlicht and Rhonda Reardon in opposing the ridiculously fat contract from being thrown onto the backs of taxpayers.

About Geoff Willis