Orange County Republicans resort to marrying Latinas in order to court the Latino vote

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Apparently Orange County Republicans have resorted to marrying Latinas as their main form of Latino outreach.  The latest example of this is Capistrano School Board member Ken Maddox, who now goes by Ken Lopez-Maddox.

According to an August/September 2003 survey by WEDDINGBELLS magazine (search), 94 percent of 5,000 brides polled were taking their husband’s name, either wholesale or hyphenated, and 6 percent were maintaining their maiden name.  They had no research regarding men taking their wive’s names.

So Ken is treading new ground here.  But the real irony is that he has a long history of immigrant bashing.

In one funny episode, two Latina activists visited Maddox to ask him about his connections to Barbara Coe and her hateful CCIR organization.  Here is an excerpt from an online article explaining what happened after he denied any connection to CCIR:

“But Maddox’s claim of non-affiliation with CCIR was quickly cast into the wind when a woman known by the author of this article to be a very active member of Coe’s group in the Orange County area (especially in Anaheim), unexpectedly dropped by the Assemblyman’s office the very moment that Maddox was having a discussion with both Ce Coatl and Teresa. In fact, upon overhearing CCIR being mentioned in the conversation, this woman casually strolled into the Assemblyman’s private office, proceeded to seat herself in one of his chairs, and said, “Oh, I’m from the CCIR. Is there anything I can help you with?”. This same woman would later be seen outside of Maddox’s office standing next to — you guessed it — Barbara Coe, who, along with a tiny handful of other CCIR members, organized a counterdemonstration against those groups who peacefully assembled that afternoon to protest the legislator’s vote to repeal SB60.”

Maddox is a former cop – rather a former DARE cop.  He now works for Board of Equalization member MIchelle Steel, as some kind of assistant.  And he has been a political consultant.

Maddox is allied with the Talibani Republicans who control the Capo School Board.  His latest action this week was to vote to reject “a proposed $372 million budget for the 2009-10 school year, a move that could put Orange County’s second-largest school district in serious financial jeopardy if trustees can’t agree on a spending plan in the next eight days,” according to the O.C. Register. Nice going there Ken.

Maddox was elected to the Capo School Board last year.  He has previously served in the State Assembly.  He lost to John Campbell a few years ago when they fought over a State Senate seat.  Campbell later ran for Congress and won.

I can’t stand Maddox in part because of his support for the Orange County PLA (project labor agreement), which banned non-union contractors from bidding on Orange County public works for several years.  He is a fake conservative, IMHO.  He is consistently conservative on stupid social issues but a disaster on fiscal issues.  In particular, he is a pro-union hack.

And now Maddox fashions himself a Latino.  Creo que no guay!  I wonder if his wife knows what an immigrant basher he is?  I should say his second wife.  He parted ways with his first wife several years ago.  Of course the divorced Maddox supported Prop. 8, banning gay marriage.  Nothing says “sanctity of marriage” like good old fashioned divorce!

How sad the OC GOP is on the issue of Latino outreach.  When I was their Latino outreach director I started a chapter of the RNHA (Republican National HIspanic Assembly) with the help of David Nunez, a local Latino Republican who ran for Congress.  We regularly attracted as many as 100 people to our meetings!  Since then, the OC GOP has become a bastion of anti-Latino haters.  I finally quit the party a few years ago after being the only Latino to get elected to the OC GOP Central Committee.

The CA GOP finally found another way to reach out to Latinos as Assemblyman Juana Arambula, from Fresno, quit the Democratic Party and joined the dying Republican Party.  He was tweaked over budget and water issues.  He terms out in 2010.   Most likely his political career is now finished.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.