A little Huntington spillover apparently
I like that we're getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because…
When did the MAGA mongrels start pouring into Seal Beach?
I can’t believe Judge Griffin let two attorneys argue on Tammy’s behalf. That’s a no-no. You can have as many…
Hearing over. Decision due on or before 5:00 pm tomorrow.
So Tammy was so scared in district 3 that she moved to District 5 and left her son at their…
The tax fraud sounds like it would go to the US Attorney for the Central District (up in LA), but…
Having now read Tammy’s opposition and supporting declaration, I believe the writ will be denied and osc discharged. The petition…
One name: MIKE WATERMAN: CO EO of VisitAnaheim.
santa ana parks and recreation commission Archive
Santa Ana City Commissioners terrorized a student so badly that he resigned
Posted on July 25, 2010 | 35 CommentsSanta Ana Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Tish Leon Another scandal is erupting – and like the Benavides Hatergate fiasco it involves Councilman David Benavides. I found out this week […] -
Santa Ana council candidate Thomas Gordon rejects dog park feasibility study
Posted on March 24, 2010 | 31 CommentsIf cost is the issue, the City of Santa Ana could turn the little-used Lawn Bowling Center into a dog park for less than $10K I was invited to attend […]
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if…