No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
She is a crackpot. The Irvine DEI committee is a joke. Go listen to their meetings and her speak. And…
Larry, like you, is part of the Agran is a Visionary Genius Party. He stopped being a Democrat when he…
There are two other candidates. I read their statements and this is who I will support. Kuo is awful --…
She should have tried the facial challenge to the ordinance that I mentioned.
I wouldn't mind having his Agranista commentary here is he played it straight, as I requested. But he won't, because…
Cite me some general rule to that effect that that's a no-no. You can do what the court agrees to…
I think you know. We used to refer to him as the "morbidly obese hate-vessel," back in the Epting days,…
paul glaab Archive
OCTA says WE just need some more “education,” LOL. And, introducing the Orange Juice Option!
Posted on September 21, 2012 | 21 CommentsThe second public speaker at Monday’s OCTA highway committee meeting (after Fountain Valley Mayor John Collins’ furious, righteous scolding of OCTA staff for dismissing the official opposition of the six […] -
How we can defeat the 405 Toll Lanes! And also… Meet your OCTA Board!
Posted on July 20, 2012 | 29 Comments. You and I can defeat this 405 Toll Lanes plot! But first off, when talking about OCTA, (the Orange County Tranportation Authority) it’s important for us to distinguish two […] -
Mission Viejo’s Neil Lonsinger & Brian Skalsky endorsed by Republican Central Committee of OC
Posted on October 18, 2010 | 7 CommentsAt tonight’s meeting of the Republican Central Committee of O.C. former New York governor George Pataki discussed his petition to repeal Obamacare identified as Revere America. We were told that in the past […] -
76 days until the election yet local candidate kept under wraps
Posted on August 21, 2008 | 5 CommentsAs the presidential campaign moves forward many pundits are questioning the credentials of Senator Obama, Democratic candidate to be commander-in-chief of the country. For several months polls have shown him […] -
Laguna Niguel Mayor pimping SAPD Chief Paul Walters
Posted on May 16, 2008 | No CommentsApparently Laguna Niguel Mayor Paul Glaab, who is also an OC GOP consultant, is trying to connive other council members in south Orange County into supporting Santa Ana Police Chief […]
My original report was spot on.