So you've saying that you've got her in a position that would facilitate rape. Personally, I wouldn't brag about that.…
Greg, In case you missed it Alex Odeh (a Palestinian American Christian) was murdered in this county not too far…
That doesn’t make me look bad Greg. But carry on. I’ve got her over a barrel anyways. She just may…
True. Re dilatory tactic. This judge seems no nonsense/
That ... or it's a dilatory tactic. I'll be surprised if the Judge allows it -- at least without a…
Melahat update. She requested to substitute her attorney for a new one on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Still no sentencing…
"poor little Zionist Jewish princess" [Ed. Note: Taking out the offensive parts hasn't worked; maybe taking out all but the…
Let’s get one thing straight: Tammy Kim did not agree to withdraw her name from the ballot as some outfits…
Greenhut has to do better than this. No endorsement is better than a rotten one. But this is about relevance…
Michele Bachmann Archive
Tea Party Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Earns an ‘F’ in American Economic History
Posted on September 18, 2011 | 21 Comments. . . BELIEVER IN STATE INTERVENTION: Alexander Hamilton, who served as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington, sent a report to Congress on December 5, […] -
Top Ten Uses of the Arizona Bloodbath! (featuring Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptists)
Posted on January 11, 2011 | 37 Comments. . . What do you think were the top ten uses of the Arizona Bloodbath so far? 10. The e-mailer to our Fullerton Fringers warning darkly: “I’m sure you […] -
The Company Bill Hunt Keeps: now, Michele Bachmann?
Posted on May 14, 2010 | 21 Comments. . . . Controversial Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is swinging through Irvine this morning to raise funds for her upcoming campaign, much as equally controversial Florida Democrat Alan […] -
GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann will be in Newport Beach today
Posted on January 27, 2010 | 3 CommentsCan’t get enough of GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann? She is concluding her west coast trip with an event at the Pacific Club, in Newport Beach, on Thursday, January 28, at […] -
Ed Royce bringing nutter Michele Bachmann to the O.C. on Jan. 28
Posted on January 21, 2010 | 3 CommentsRuh roh! Congressman Ed Royce is bringing one of THE biggest nutters in Congress here to Orange County! They will be holding a rally on January 28, from 3pm to […]
Get Alex Odeh's good name out of your filthy asshole mouth. Some of the same JDL types who went after…