A little Huntington spillover apparently
I like that we're getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because…
When did the MAGA mongrels start pouring into Seal Beach?
I can’t believe Judge Griffin let two attorneys argue on Tammy’s behalf. That’s a no-no. You can have as many…
Hearing over. Decision due on or before 5:00 pm tomorrow.
So Tammy was so scared in district 3 that she moved to District 5 and left her son at their…
The tax fraud sounds like it would go to the US Attorney for the Central District (up in LA), but…
Having now read Tammy’s opposition and supporting declaration, I believe the writ will be denied and osc discharged. The petition…
One name: MIKE WATERMAN: CO EO of VisitAnaheim.
Gail Reavis Archive
NO to Big-Oil Gunderson! Vote BLAKESPEAR for south-county Senate!
Posted on November 7, 2022 | No CommentsLooks like another no-brainer, down in SD 38! (Sorry I didn't write this sooner!) -
It’s already November in Mission Viejo
Posted on July 7, 2010 | 18 CommentsAccording to Monday’s comments and a vote from Mission Viejo mayor Kelley the Nov. General election is now underway. After fighting if favor of retaining access to lifetime health […] -
Former MV Mayor supports YES on Measure D
Posted on May 28, 2010 | 31 CommentsFormer MV mayor supports YES on Measure D Having read her letter in the Mission Viejo Dispatch I contacted former MV Mayor Gail Reavis to discuss her thoughts on […] -
Recap. Mission Viejo 2010 TEA Party
Posted on April 16, 2010 | 30 CommentsDriving along La Paz towards Marguerite just before 5 p.m. I was both surprised and impressed by the size of the crowd on all four corners of this major Mission […] -
“Amnesia, Delusion or Lies? (Mission Viejo councilwoman) Kelley’s Urban Revisionism”
Posted on April 23, 2009 | 3 CommentsThe following blog story comes to us courtesy of the Mission Viejo Dispatch. www.missionviejodispatch.com Amnesia, Delusion, Or Lies? Kelley’s Urban Revisionism April 23, 2009 by MissionViejoDispatch.com At a Special Council […] -
City of Mission Viejo edits Veterans Day ceremony coverage
Posted on January 22, 2009 | 11 CommentsAt Mission Viejo’s annual Nov 11th Veterans Day ceremony, held at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior center, I arrived at the same time as council member Gail Reavis. […] -
Mission Viejo part-time city council majority votes “lifetime health benefits” for themselves
Posted on November 18, 2008 | 6 CommentsAs hard as I try to write something positive about our city council they throw me under the bus. At tonight’s Mission Viejo city council meeting I urged them to […] -
“Grass roots” activist Cathy Schlicht defeats the “machine” candidate in Mission Viejo
Posted on November 5, 2008 | 1 CommentWhile the morning newspaper headline might read “elected in the city of Mission Viejo were councilman Frank Ury with 13,707 votes and first time challenger Cathy Schlicht garnering 11,163 votes,” […] -
Mission Viejo Closed Session “Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 (One Potential Case: Brown Act Challenge; Rose Parade Float Ad Hoc Committee”
Posted on October 30, 2008 | No CommentsSome people are so driven by their personal “special interests” that they overlook resident interests in the process. Case in point. Mission Viejo Mayor Trish Kelley appoints Councilman Lance MacLean […] -
Arrogance caught on camera. Mission Viejo councilman Frank Ury’s 100% retroactive pay increase
Posted on October 8, 2008 | 5 CommentsThis is not a personal attack. The camera lens does not lie. For Mission Viejo City councilman Frank Ury to vote a “100 percent” wage increase, backdated 16 years before […] -
Council Members Lance MacLean & Frank Ury out of touch with MV voters
Posted on August 27, 2008 | 8 CommentsEven before entering the race for any elected office one of the first things a candidate should do is to take the pulse of the citizens. That said, I am […] -
Mission Viejo illustration of Politics over Principles
Posted on August 20, 2008 | 4 CommentsSeveral years ago former Assemblyman Gil Ferguson created an organization which he named “Principles over Politics.” While Gil passed away a few years ago the non partisan group that he […] -
Interview of Judy Rackauckas, latest candidate for Mission Viejo city council
Posted on August 11, 2008 | 5 CommentsAs a result of council member Gail Reavis decision not to run for a third term the filing period has been extended to this Wednesday at 5 p.m. I just […]
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if…