H. W.’s my little brown ones reprise. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-08-17-mn-655-story.html
Kwanza is cultural and racial misappropriation. Name one African country where it’s celebrated. Kwanzaa is Angolan currency or spelled Cuanza…
The pink turd deserves Bob. They can race to the bottom.
Bob, Bob, Bob. This angry MAGA gasbag has completely taken over the Liberal OC's comments section, though we pretty much…
ACLU and immigration attorneys voice concern. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-responds-to-house-passage-of-h-r-29-the-laken-riley-act https://www.latintimes.com/immigration-lawyers-raise-concerns-about-laken-riley-act-could-disproportionately-affect-571694 Azerbaijani foreign agent at odds with fellow Texas Democrats over bill. https://riograndeguardian.com/cuellar-gonzalez-at-odds-with-fellow-texas-congressional-democrats-over-laken-riley-act/
He was referring to me I think. But no you come across reasonable and grounded.
Yeah I thought you might-a been. Have I been sounding like I'm "frothing at the mouth" or "having a temper…
I was referring to Min, Levin and Tran. Eh.
*I* didn't say "coward," but Eric may have been reacting to the person posting anonymously. Which we do allow. Meanwhile…
Civil Rights Archive
No More Pain for Marla James, Huntington Beach Heroine.
Posted on October 9, 2021 | 10 CommentsSurf City! Time for a Marla James Initiative. -
JUNETEENTH Open Thread: End of the Epic Lie
Posted on June 19, 2021 | 2 CommentsWith a suppressed 1979 interview with James Baldwin, and a great timeline of racism / civil rights in the USA -
WILDSTAR: Will the Libertarian Candidate get SIX YEARS for Contempt?
Posted on March 8, 2021 | 13 CommentsSupport the man this Friday morning! -
NO ON 25: Good Intentions and the Road to Hell.
Posted on November 2, 2020 | 5 CommentsThis will only make things worse for the accused. We need a better reform. -
Demand Justice for Deaths in OC Jails – Tuesday morning!
Posted on June 23, 2019 | No Comments. . . From our friends at the ACLU Orange County: Rally with impacted families, Orange County Racial Justice Collaborative, and the ACLU of Southern California at the OC […] -
Supremes: Cops can shoot you in your front yard if you look scary.
Posted on April 5, 2018 | 14 CommentsA very discouraging Supreme Court decision that'll make police even less accountable. -
Then along came Catholic Worker, and SUED OC over the Riverbed Homeless Evictions!
Posted on January 29, 2018 | 14 CommentsSometimes it takes a LAWSUIT to make a County behave like human beings... -
An Actual Article about Lou Noble’s Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Anaheim.
Posted on August 26, 2017 | 5 Comments. . . The Register printed one of their lamest and least informative stories ever a couple weeks ago; I won’t say who wrote it because maybe he had a […] -
California Republicans Can No Longer Hide In Ghettos.
Posted on March 26, 2015 | 4 Comments. . . Face it, California is changing and many of us Republicans fail to understand demographics and political culture. We’re losing out at the box office, and we’ve become shut out of […] -
Remembering Pete Seeger in Laguna Beach…
Posted on January 29, 2014 | 26 CommentsMy first wife’s family lived in Laguna Beach. Her parents had retired there, and her father died without ever being able to return to Puerto Nuevo in Rosarito and eat […] -
Today’s MLK event, and how we can revive the Voting Rights Act! (Jonathan Adler)
Posted on August 31, 2013 | 3 CommentsFirst, as we prepare for this afternoon”s spectacular 50-year celebration of the I Had A Dream speech 3-6 at Sasscer Park) let me pass along some thoughts from organizer and […] -
AB 473 for medical marijuana dies: Do Democrats representing the OC really HAVE to be Police-State Democrats?
Posted on June 6, 2013 | 46 Comments. Bill Maher’s final New Rule this weekend was especially appropriate and timely to today’s story (starting at 2:10) Episode 284 by BillMaher1956 High points, my emphases: “Finally, new rule […]
Saavedra reports about another wrinkle to the OC Covid contractor situation. I won’t pay to get begins the OC rag’s…