Democrats turned their back on Larry a while ago.
Wow... so that means it'll be Kuo huh. Larry will lead a Republican majority.
Tammy bows out.
While we're criticizing the Voice, I'd be real irritated with them if I were San Clemente. That moderate southern town…
They've been trying to wedge that Anaheim stuff into articles for years now. Sort of tiresome.
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if…
A little Huntington spillover apparently
I like that we're getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because…
When did the MAGA mongrels start pouring into Seal Beach?
Campaign Finance Archive
Disclosure for All: Make Haters Pay Off FPPC Fines Before They Can Stir Up Hate Again
Posted on January 10, 2016 | 1 Comment. . . Since California’s gay, lesbian and bisexual communities have won most of their rights and freedoms, the transgender and gender non-conforming community are next in line to […] -
Huff, Mimi and Wyland block Lou’s “DISCLOSE Act” – Why do Republicans hate transparency?
Posted on March 20, 2014 | 34 CommentsIt’s a question I keep not getting an answer to, try as I may. I mean, the Republicans I know here in the OC, my Republican friends on this blog […] -
Fullerton Police Officers’ Association <3's Flory and Alvarez *Updated 10/16*
Posted on October 16, 2012 | 23 Comments**Update 10/16** The FPOA and Fullerton Firefighter’s PAC filed additional late expenditure reports (not to be confused with filing late reports– different problem, like Mr. Bankhead.) We’re now up […] -
Why This Republican Is Voting NO on Proposition 32!
Posted on October 7, 2012 | 7 Comments. I have been a Republican since I turned 18. I even campaigned for the 1998 ‘paycheck protection’ Proposition 226. However, this time around, I am not supporting Proposition 32. […] -
Damn LIEs: Who is Winning the “Chevron Cup”?
Posted on May 17, 2012 | 3 CommentsAs political observers have predicted ever since the Supreme Court spat the Citizens United decision at us in 2010, late independent expenditures — yup, “LIEs” –are the things to watch in […] -
Wondering who will be donating to Linda Ackerman’s lame Assembly campaign?
Posted on October 24, 2009 | 10 CommentsWho will feed the Hackerman machine? Are you wondering who might be giving money to lame Republican Assembly candidate Linda Ackerman? Wonder no more. Here is a list of the […] -
Van Tran paid drunken Andy Quach $2k for advice
Posted on October 21, 2009 | 11 CommentsYou remember the story about Tran’s intervention this summer in the DUI investigation of his political protégé, Andy Quach. Well, who is the first disbursement listed on Tran’s 3rd quarter […] - puts Van Tran in the loser column
Posted on October 21, 2009 | No CommentsVan Tran is going through the motions in his race for the 47th Congressional District In a rundown of candidates who were “winners and losers” after filing their campaign finance […]
Note to self when the allegations in civil litigation expose you to both civil and criminal liability and you don’t…