Misgendering Ada as "Adam" is another instance of his being piggish, Vern. Neshanian continually bubbles over with misogyny -- and…
Not jealous of him at all, but that's echt Neshanian to suggest that. He's as self-serving and unyielding as Trump…
I realize that the ROV calls this the District 5 election. https://ocvote.gov/sites/default/files/elections/2025IrvineD5/Web%20Condensed%20Calendar%204.15.25.pdf This is wrong -- and if I have…
Please quote the relevant portion of the paywalled article for our readers. (I actually did just sign up for a…
Did I not mention Julie Diep is a Democrat. I thought I did.
No, I understood your point. You keep people from voting for the endorsed candidate by giving them someone that they…
I think you missed the part where the only important thing next month is to keep Strickland under 50%, otherwise…
You notice Rabbi Steinberg’s sidekick Rabbi Pete Levi bolted unceremoniously from his post at ADL-OC after gloating about the unraveling…
Rabbi Richard Steinberg is a pig. Not me. A Schmuck in a yarmulke playing politics. Didn’t say a damn thing…
Bernie Madoff Archive
Harkey Husband Hits New Low, Sues his own Fraud Victims!
Posted on August 8, 2014 | 31 Comments. . . Last December we reported, as you may remember, the criminal misdeeds of Dan Harkey, the funder-husband of Assemblywoman/BOE favorite Diane Harkey – how Dan was found guilty […] -
The Harkey Files: South County’s Rabid Wolverine encounters some setbacks.
Posted on December 8, 2013 | 27 CommentsI have been assured that California’s Board of Equalization does SOMETHING or other, even though some of the smartest political observers of the state seem at a loss to understand, […] -
Bain Capital, Cayman Islands, Swiss Bank Accounts and Amnesty?
Posted on July 14, 2012 | 11 CommentsSeveral years ago the Bush Administration determined that there was a big black hole in the American economy. International Investors….like Bernie Madoff, Bernie Ebbers, Ken Lay, Jeff Skillings and literally […] -
Bernie and Sons and Friends…just plain folks.
Posted on December 16, 2010 | No Comments. . . What if you could borrow $100 Billion dollars interest and tax free for 22 years? What if eventually, you had to repay $7.2 to $20 Billion dollars of […] -
The $170 Billion dollar Cigar Box?
Posted on June 30, 2009 | 1 CommentBernie was contrite yesterday. “I’m ashamed…”, Ruth waxed poetic: “This is not the man I married…” His children, brother and the whole Madoff Team kept a low key. His Legal […] -
150 Years to make restitutions!
Posted on June 29, 2009 | No CommentsBernie Madoff has plenty of time to do the right thing. Ruth can move to the old folks home in Florida…stay with friends and back talk about what nasty, terrible […] -
Bernie wants Clemency!
Posted on June 23, 2009 | 2 CommentsOn June 29th, 2009 Bernie Madoff faces sentencing in US District Court. Today Bernie’s attorney told sentencing Judge Denny Chin – what he should do for Bernie! “Bernie will speak to the Judge at the […] -
A decade at Bernies!
Posted on March 13, 2009 | 1 CommentBernie Madoff yesterday traded his Brooks Brothers/Armani suit for County Orange. He made his plea in front of a judge and walked underground, safe from the prying eyes of the […] -
Weekend at Bernie’s!
Posted on December 17, 2008 | 6 CommentsWhat is it about the name Bernie? Bernie Ebbers, the World Com guy was a real mover and shaker….that grabbed all the money and ran with a gigantic ponzi scheme! […]
I don't think that you did. Well then obviously the hard push needs to be behind Briscoe.