No good judge would allow two attorneys to argue against one. It’s called bullying. Not civil. And she ain’t OJ.
I’m not a Larry fan. The public record reflects that. Go listen to the last Irvine city council meeting. I…
She is a crackpot. The Irvine DEI committee is a joke. Go listen to their meetings and her speak. And…
Larry, like you, is part of the Agran is a Visionary Genius Party. He stopped being a Democrat when he…
There are two other candidates. I read their statements and this is who I will support. Kuo is awful --…
She should have tried the facial challenge to the ordinance that I mentioned.
I wouldn't mind having his Agranista commentary here is he played it straight, as I requested. But he won't, because…
Cite me some general rule to that effect that that's a no-no. You can do what the court agrees to…
I think you know. We used to refer to him as the "morbidly obese hate-vessel," back in the Epting days,…
73rd assembly district Archive
ADEM Recommendations & Forum for AD-73
Posted on January 24, 2019 | 6 CommentsVote Emma Jenson and "Unity in the Community" slate in South County! -
Your June 2014 Primary Election OCD Live-blogging Thread! (Last update Thursday)
Posted on June 3, 2014 | 12 CommentsFinal Results (pretty much) Wednesday morning: The best news: Judge Joanne Motoike (right) won by a lot! Board of Education incumbent David Boyd beat his tea-party challenger whatsisname by a […] -
New poll shows that GOP hack Diane Harkey is sinking fast
Posted on April 8, 2009 | 9 CommentsA new poll commissioned by the Diane Harke watch website, shows that the Republican Assemblywoman is in big trouble in her district. Over 20% of the voters find Harkey to […] -
Assembly Member Diane Harkey talks about the state budget crisis
Posted on February 1, 2009 | 1 CommentBefore today’s Super Bowl 73rd AD Assembly Member Diane Harkey and I discussed my recent Orange Juice blog post on the “No New Taxes” pledge by our Republican legislature. In […]
My original report was spot on.