They've been trying to wedge that Anaheim stuff into articles for years now. Sort of tiresome.
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if…
A little Huntington spillover apparently
I like that we're getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because…
When did the MAGA mongrels start pouring into Seal Beach?
I can’t believe Judge Griffin let two attorneys argue on Tammy’s behalf. That’s a no-no. You can have as many…
Hearing over. Decision due on or before 5:00 pm tomorrow.
So Tammy was so scared in district 3 that she moved to District 5 and left her son at their…
The tax fraud sounds like it would go to the US Attorney for the Central District (up in LA), but…
san diego Archive
Getting Hosed in search of SoCal’s Mythical Garden, pt 2: The Great Thirst.
Posted on July 4, 2023 | No CommentsThe first addition to California's natural water supply portfolio reminds us how it all got started. -
Making Good Border Trouble with Javi Virgen Aguilar & Friends!
Posted on May 7, 2023 | 7 CommentsAnd the Border Patrol is still dumping out water? -
NO to Big-Oil Gunderson! Vote BLAKESPEAR for south-county Senate!
Posted on November 7, 2022 | No CommentsLooks like another no-brainer, down in SD 38! (Sorry I didn't write this sooner!) -
What’s a poor law-abiding person gotta do to get their name off a GANG INJUNCTION in this county?
Posted on July 1, 2020 | 4 CommentsSpitzer needs to make this possible... -
San Diego progressives to CPC: Rescind Levin Endorsement!
Posted on March 9, 2018 | 8 CommentsProgressive groups outside the district are wading into a situation they don't understand. -
Pro-Levin PCCC Polls CA-49 – OMITTING Applegate from Poll and Report!
Posted on February 24, 2018 | 8 Commentsoh, bullshit! -
Joint Orange Juice-Liberal OC ‘Headline this Voice of OC Story’ Reader Contest: San Diego Edition
Posted on August 23, 2013 | 23 CommentsFirst and most importantly, you have to read this story in the Voice of OC. Now. Just do it. I realize that this is not the way you should have […] -
At the Crackdown of Dawn: SA Police Bust Homeless in last 15 minutes of Occupy Protest
Posted on April 17, 2012 | 10 CommentsOccupy Santa Ana’s “Necessity Village” protest action — designed to push the argument that people have biological needs to sleep and eliminate body waste and that the City should facilitate […] -
No Party for Young Men: Fletcher Flees Fleischman’s Phlegm.
Posted on March 29, 2012 | 18 CommentsIt seems that the Republican Party in California has completed its transformation into an irrelevant political institution. I have written previous articles on how to transform the party to relevance […] -
Why is a San Diego Congressional Candidate on Our Front Page?
Posted on January 31, 2012 | 12 Comments. . . I have taken an interest (a political interest) today in a woman whom I have never met. Her name is Denise Moreno Ducheny. She is an immigration lawyer […] -
Overview of O.C. city employee pensions
Posted on June 2, 2011 | 13 Comments. . . Sac Bee Columnist Dan Walters article in today’s Register is a red flag that we all acknowledge. “Big spending cities facing music.” He cites Vallejo, which filed for […] -
San Diego Deputy Sheriffs arrest and deport a sick 9 year old little girl
Posted on November 18, 2010 | 25 CommentsThe video above involves a grandmother, a 28-year-old mother and a 9-year-old girl. Last week the family was driving to a clinic, because the young girl had a high fever. […]
While we're criticizing the Voice, I'd be real irritated with them if I were San Clemente. That moderate southern town…