You should try reaching out to the various YouTube cop watching channels like Audit the Audit and Lackluster.
He's been fighting a rear-guard battle for years. North OC is lost forever. Even the wealthier enclaves in the South…
Behind the scenes, a lot of issues stemmed from him being a lapdog for Tony and Jennifer Beall, whose entire…
PS... I wanted to share this; I just got an email from the folks at Residents For Responsible Desalination,…
Thanks K, good work! :-) (Thinking of a Kafka The Castle joke)
Katie Porter loves some lobbyists.
Michelle Steel exists because the DPOC is weak sauce. South Koreans aren’t racist tools. Just ask Two name Tammy Kim.
Yes, we are HB'ers. For my very limited input, after a little snooping, what I've been able to glean so…
Michelle Steel is just a mail order bride. A puppet. Cut her some slack. Nobody hated Knucklehead Smith or Jerry…
R.E.D. Alert Archive
California Financial and Political Links: Your One Stop Source
Posted on June 30, 2009 | 4 CommentsIf you are in a hurry and you don’t have the time to spend hours going through google links that lead you to a dead end, then you’ve come to […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Lose Your Home, Lose Your Vote!
Posted on September 16, 2008 | 5 CommentsLose Your Home, Lose Your Vote! -
R.E.D. Alert: Doing the Camile St. Churn
Posted on August 4, 2008 | 14 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate. 920 W. Camile Street, Santa Ana, California Is […] -
Stop the Bailouts
Posted on July 27, 2008 | 3 CommentsExcellent video explaining why we should fight bailouts. Ask yourself this: The last time you made a big financial mistake did the government bail YOU out? No? Well then why should us […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Floral Park – What is your house worth?
Posted on July 24, 2008 | 3 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate. My House is Worth What is a hit […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Why Mikey Harrah cannot build his dream
Posted on July 19, 2008 | 10 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate. Real estate booms and real estate busts are cyclical […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Forclosure slip? Free booze on the house!
Posted on July 18, 2008 | 5 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate. I don’t think anyone has yet mentioned the R-Word […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Santa Ana ranks number one in June 2008
Posted on July 13, 2008 | 8 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. We’re number One! We’re number One! According to the recent DataQuick June homebuying report, residential real estate located in 5 out of 11 Santa Ana zip codes […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Does the City Care at All?
Posted on July 12, 2008 | 8 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate. Do you remember this place? No, it’s not your […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Where in the Ward are You?
Posted on July 9, 2008 | 8 CommentsR.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion) Alert. When you need to take a break from politics, give your mind a rest in Real Estate! Where in the Santa Ana Wards are you? Santa […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Spring 2009 loan resets
Posted on July 6, 2008 | No CommentsA R.E.D. (Real Estate Diversion) Alert According to this recent Business Week article there will be blood in the streets in the Spring of 2009, when over 1million option ARM loans reset. […] -
R.E.D. Alert: Homes for Our Troops
Posted on July 4, 2008 | No CommentsR.E.D. (Real Estate Diversion) Alert Above, is a picture of Jeff Guerin. He is an army medic who suffered severe injuries when a roadside bomb went off during his tour in […] -
R.E.D.(Real Estate Diversion)Alert: OC Real Estate Risk
Posted on July 1, 2008 | 6 CommentsWould you buy one of Robert Bisno’s Condos if you had some spare cash and you knew your friend was going to get $5,000.00 for the referral? How about investing […]
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