Don’t just sit around at home Monday evening all depressed and shit, join your fellow Americans in solidarity against all the stupid and crazy things our new/old President is threatening to do to us over the next four years! And remember, Trump isn’t so much a person or a President, as a mental illness half the nation has.
See you there! Monday at 6, at Bristol and McFadden. And let this be your new Open Thread.
DEI and human relations are dead behind the Orange Curtain.
The Orange County Human Relations Commission cancelled yet another meeting and Irvine DEI committee cancelled there meeting too. Rabbi Petey Levi fled his post at ADLOC.
DEI is DOA in DC.
So both the dpoc’s bootlicking lapdog and the volunteers at VOC have written about the postponement of OC Human Relations Commission and cite to the ADL as if it is a respectable human rights organization despite it being the contrary and the growing public opinion against it.
Irvine DEI committee has cancelled its last 2 meetings (December 2024 and January 2025), it cancelled 4 of its 12 meetings in 2024 has now cancelled 5 of its past 13 scheduled meetings. Proof that all this DEI nonsense is just progressive window dressing.
Dumb dumb Donny finds Diedre Harris, President of NAACP-OC, and gives her a proclamation for MLK day. But, he won’t give her a seat on the OC Human Relations commission. Must not be many black folks in Orange County. Or, Dumb dumb Donny and floundering Foley must not know many.
Circling back to constitutional law scholar John Eastman and Orange County. Chapman Law School I’m looking at you.
Flashbacks to 2010, remember there was a Tea Party, and they became really obsessed with immigration, and that year too John Eastman was running for AG but didn’t make the primary, and I went and reported on a Tea Party in San Juan Capistrano.
Here is part of my report:
“Some Irvine harridan named Lynne Shite (there being no program to consult, I am using the Irish spelling) was on hand as an expert in “birthright citizenship,” a real thorn in anti-immigrants’ side – that nasty little part of the 14th Amendment that grants citizenship to anyone born within our borders:
“‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.’
“Well, Ms. Shite has figured out a way that that passage doesn’t mean what it says, in two steps: First, the “anchor baby’s” mommy and daddy are NOT under our jurisdiction when they’re here, but under their own nation’s jurisdiction [see, told you, novel] AND, the “anchor baby” owes its allegiance not to its new country but to its parents. Got that? That dragon slain, Ms. Shite moved on to spew other vile nonsense.
“[Ms. Shite, if you are reading this: Have I got your argument RIGHT? SHITE?]”
I had no idea at the time that these ideas would be taken seriously by anybody in power.
Examples of someone within the United States but “not subject to the jurisdiction thereof” would be ambassadors and foreign leaders, who if they commit crimes here are (possibly after some processing) sent back to their homelands to face whatever justice their government chooses. So short of that example, Schott’s argument fails. One question I might have is whether parents can renounce the citizenship of a minor child; if so, a second is whether that would still be operative if that action was the result of duress.
Something for dpoc bootlicking lapdogs and VOC volunteers to consider when they write articles about anti-hate and quote ADL operatives including Rabbi Dicky and Matt Friedman.
See, Vern, this “Rabbi Dicky” is an example of him being a pig. With as much as he write here, it is imputed to the blog, so ultimate you’re the one who suffers most.
That said, I agree with the mondoweiss article. For most Zionist Jews, Israel supplants “Ha Shem” is the object of the equivalent of their worship.
Happy 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Eric. (Or you can substitute in another word for “Happy” if you must.)
I was in Dachau in 85 with my jewish stepfather.
How nice for you, though perhaps less so for your stepfather.
Rabbi Richard Steinberg is a pig. Not me. A Schmuck in a yarmulke playing politics. Didn’t say a damn thing about Farrah Khan.
You notice Rabbi Steinberg’s sidekick Rabbi Pete Levi bolted unceremoniously from his post at ADL-OC after gloating about the unraveling of the OC Human Relations commission. Why is that? Isn’t that the real story? Did he get his life threatened over his pro-Israel lobbying activities?
Too bad corporate journalists have an ADL playbook they must follow restraining them from actually reporting truthfully about the operation if they want to continue drawing their pittance.
Dumb dumb Donny “suggested possibly considering a pause on such programs in light of the Trump administration’s plans to defund DEI initiatives”
It will certainly be interesting to see whether Chaffee breaks with Wagner on that. Interesting to see what Janet will do, too!
In other news, Larry Agran had a horrible International Holocaust Remembrance Day last night during Irvine City Council Meeting. He may have almost started to cry.
You would have thought some local ngo would have made a statement defending Larry by now Too bad the oc human relations commission is currently defunct. They could have taken the helm.
[There used to be another paragraph here, but Neshanian touched the “tribe member” third rail.]
Wait WHAT happened? Details please…
Well it was not I repeat NOT friendly fire.
What occurred was nothing less than a Jewish Zionist hit job on a tribe member in public orchestrated by Irvine tenants the Jewish Federation of Orange County with Eric Ludwig and his supporters in tow.
No Rabbis. No Matt Friedman of the local ADL chapter. No representatives from AJC.
And, the word used to describe the mayor’s current state is reeling. There is video out there.
I told you that you, as a Jew-phobe (except for Agran), do not get to use the term “tribe member” here.
Damn, now I have to retaliate by carving up some of your comments.
How cruel and callous can one Do be. Now that’s MAGA style DEI defunding. No Tet for you.
Nguyen seems to think it’s the County’s responsibility to throw parties for her constituents. Nothing has changed.
HB Mayor goes full MAGA.
President Trump blames DEI initiatives for causing mid air collision over the Potomac River last night.
[There used to be another paragraph here, but Neshanian’s “Farrah Khan” privileges have been suspended.]
Looks like Tammy Kim is gonna have some fun with judge griffin Monday morning In scoldesang v petersen. Ironic that it case is in Fullerton. Does Tammy show in person or go remote?
Vern has something in common with Sarmiento, Wagner and Newman. They are all 64.
Of course, me and them and Loretta Sanchez and Joe Shaw never miss a Saturday night at Club 64.
But last night Barack Obama tried to get in, we wouldn’t let him. Still too young. Still 63.
Speaking of Lo, wasn’t she supposed to a successful screenwriter, or something?
I was also 64 until (checks clock) 33 minutes ago.
[Edited: Try reporting on the facts of Tammi Kim’s situation as if you were recounting facts in front of a no-nonsense judge.]
Ex parte hearing in scoldesang v petersen, et al. went forward at 8:30 am and was over by 8:47 am. House cleaning. Tammy did not appear in person or remotely but her counsel did appear remotely on her behalf. Evidentiary hearing this Thursday at 2:00 pm. Petitioner’s additional filings due tomorrow and respondents filings due this Wednesday.
OC Register reports (finally).
Circling back to prominent oc figures under the jurisdiction of the California state bar.
The volunteers of OC finally report on Kim’s election filing dustup and throw Betty Martinez Franco under the bus for her former employment in Flint’s pr firm. Their delay can be a result of their pro Tammy leanings.
Carl Petersen filed a response this morning and Tammy filed an Opposition, a Declaration in support of her Opposition and an Objection this afternoon after the 12:00 pm deadline. Wahwahwahwah. These pleadings are not viewable remotely or at an in court kiosk as of 4:00 pm today. Mandate Proceedings resume at 2:00 pm tomorrow 2/6/2025. You can attend remotely here.
Ha you’re right. The Flint connection enabled the Voice boys to copy and paste 3-4 paragraphs from their old Anaheim work.
Having now read Tammy’s opposition and supporting declaration, I believe the writ will be denied and osc discharged. The petition is mostly a pile of hearsay supported by a pi report that does not conclude one way or another that Tammy is not residing In District 5.
But, Tammy’s declaration is incriminating especially when her position is Scolesdang didn’t meet his burden.
Tammy’s attorney doesn’t appreciate when a party has not met their burden, you don’t have to present any evidence.
So Tammy was so scared in district 3 that she moved to District 5 and left her son at their District 3 property. That defies standard mom rules. She must really not like her son Christopher.
At the very least, I’d get a copy of a Irvine company residential lease for those apartments known as the Woodbridge Pine Apartments and ask the court take judicial notice of it.
Unless Irvine company gave Mr Cunningham written permission to sublease to Tammy, her sublease ain’t worth a ting.
Hearing over. Decision due on or before 5:00 pm tomorrow.
I can’t believe Judge Griffin let two attorneys argue on Tammy’s behalf. That’s a no-no. You can have as many attorneys as you want but only one addresses the court. And I also can’t believe Fink doesn’t know you can’t specially appear for an attorney who is actually present in court. He may have been Murdock’s co counsel or associated counsel but he wasn’t specially appearing for Murdock who made his appearance on the record. Needless to say, counsel for both sides left chips on the table and much to be desired. But, Tammy has more to lose than Ron does. I still think Griffin lets her keep her name on the ballot.
I like that we’re getting play-by-play on TammyGate over here, whereas Dan, who is obsessed with it, is not, because he banned Eric.
Yeah well, I’ve appeared before Griffin on more than one occassion. Both at Central and North Court. In retrospect, if Murdock really believed Scolesdang didn’t meet his burden, he wouldn’t have needed to bring in another attorney to prove it. So there is that. Whether or not this thing gets denied, Tammy still loses. Woodbridge ain’t keen to outsiders.