First Gamble, now Tony Beall: Election Scofflaws in Rancho Santa Margarita

First we learned that experienced politician, Carol Gamble, had to perjure herself in order to gather the relatively meager number of resident signatures necessary to put her name on the ballot. (Fortunately, despite DA Spitzer downplaying Gamble’s offense, she was beaten last month by the fine, popular reformist Keri Lyn Baert.) Now, we’ve learned that Ms. Gamble is not the only RSM elected that struggles with integrity.

Gamble’s close friend and confidant Tony Beall found it necessary to include the signature of his adult daughter, who apparently doesn’t even live in RSM, on his nomination papers in order to meet the minimum resident signature requirement. Aside from the concern that someone who has sat on the dais as long as Mr. Beall can’t collect 20 resident signatures without tapping a family member, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with having your daughter sign your nomination papers, so long as she is a current resident of RSM. But seriously Tony, do you have to lie about your children’s residency in order to adequately complete your paperwork? This is getting really embarrassing. 

Yes, shortly after the election, we learned that our Mayor elect, Tony Beall, had to rely on his 34-year old daughter, an attorney who works out of an Irvine office and, according to her biographical information posted on her employer’s website, “resides in Newport.” So does Mr. Beall’s 34-year old daughter that practices law in Irvine still live in her RSM childhood home with mommy and daddy, thereby legitimizing her signature on Daddy Beall’s nomination paperwork? Or, is the information on her law firm’s website correct when it states that Tony Beall’s daughter is a resident of Newport Beach, thereby invalidating his paperwork?

We did learn from the Gamble case that we cannot rely on District Attorney Todd Spitzer to protect residents by fairly investigating and enforcing the laws, at least when it comes to Todd’s Republican friends. But one would have hoped that at least one of the Beall daddy/daughter lawyer duo would remember that as attorneys and officers of the court, they have a duty to act with honesty, integrity and candor. 

What is to become of Rancho Santa Margarita as our electeds lapse back into corruption and wasteful government spending?

About South OC Paine

South OC Paine, anonymous FOR NOW, is an anti-establishment, reformist Republican in southern Orange County who is currently on mission to bring more race diversity into the GOP.