Michelle Steel & Kristi Noem: Animal Haters Flock Together!

Do YOU remember (as I do) Michelle Steel, on the dais as an OC Supervisor, woefully announcing to the world, “I do not eat dog. I do not eat cat.” She said it more than once, and it was probably in response to some racist nutjob commenter whom she should have just ignored. But still it sounded ridiculous, and memorable, and beneath the dignity of the office if not her.

Or if you don’t remember that, you MUST remember THIS, from the time of COVID and the controversy over mask mandates. It’s on video! Irresponsible anti-masker Michelle’s point such as it was, was that it was unfair to make HUMANS wear masks when we don’t make our pets wear them. “Species discrimination,” she pouted, and I’m not making this up:

OK, first of all, yes, this lady is now in Congress, and some of you are responsible for that.

Secondly, all of the above takes on a different flavor when you see Michelle embracing puppy-killing governor Kristi Noem at the Republican State Convention last weekend, and learn that Michelle has a RARE AND EXTREME ZERO PERCENT RATING from the Humane Society. Today we got this picture, and this short note, from her opponent Derek Tran:

Last weekend, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem whose recount of murdering her 14 month old puppy has “horrified” both Republicans and Democrats, appeared with Congressmember Michelle Steel who boasts a “0%” score card from the Humane Society, the nation’s largest animal protection and welfare organization.

Yes, this blog reported on VP-hopeful Noem’s dead puppy problem last week, and we speculated recklessly over, well, whether that dead puppy’s fat was injected into the governor’s lips as part of her hyper-labial MAGA makeover. But there’ll be no speculating here – How does somebody get a ZERO PERCENT from the beloved Humane Society?

They’re not some liberal outfit that just gives zeros to Republicans and hundreds to Democrats are they? No, on inspection, they are not! If you look around their national scorecards, some Republicans got 100, some got zero, most are somewhere in between. For example Texas’ two Republican senators: John Cornyn sports a proud 100, while Ted Cruz, who left his dog home during the state’s worst snowstorm while he went out partying in Cancun, has a zero, like Michelle.

But how, specifically, did Michelle Steel receive such an abysmal rating? Mira nomas:

(If that’s hard to read or understand, click HERE and then find and click on “Michelle Steel.”)

And this woman complains about “Species Discrimination?” Well, if the mink coat fits, then WEAR IT.

Animal lovers of District 45, vote for Derek Tran, who, our research shows, loves animals! Actually he’s allergic to cats, and doesn’t have pets right now because of where he lives. But he loved the German Shepherd and poodle he had growing up, and in Congress he’ll work for animal rights and get a 100% from the Humane Society, like MOST Democrats and SOME Republicans!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.