The 2024 OJ Blog Central Committee Guide!

They come with sad eyes, sometimes looking down and shuffling their feet. “Thanks, Greg and Vern, for your voters guide, which we use every election. But… but… what about Central Committee? Who should we vote for there?” I exaggerate, for humorous effect, but only slightly. (This is Vern.) Hundreds of folks in their desperation have already clicked this week on our 2020 Central Committee post, which I’ll re-direct hither.

Greg and I have compiled this guide, with input from insiders and rebels, with an eye to progressive politics, honesty (opposition to corruption), intelligence and dedication, and with an eye to making positive change in the Parties. It’s probable we’ve missed some good people (or accidentally picked some bad ones) – we can’t know everybody! If anyone disagrees or feels they got short shrift, you are welcome to make your case in the comments, and we may change this.

As I update this Tuesday morning, literally hundreds of voters an hour are clicking on it, so we’re taking it seriously (more than we may have yesterday.) And remember, you don’t HAVE to pick six people. Just the ones you and we trust.

So first…


The “Fighting 59th”

  • Lourdes Cruz!
  • Isabella Rubio!
  • Elizabeth Galindo
  • Arnel Dino
  • We don’t know Izeah, and can’t support the others.

(Note: The Fighting 67th doesn’t have a vote on this because apparently only six or less people in that district were interested.)

The “Fighting 68th” – where Vern lives.

  • Jessie Lopez!
  • Luis Andres Perez!
  • Luis Aleman (though Greg disagrees)
  • Giovanni Chavez
  • and Vern likes Cenorino Gomez because of his designation as “janitor.” The Party needs a janitor. Remember the janitor at your high school? Wasn’t he like the coolest guy on campus?

NOT Poseidon lover Gloria Alvarado, or troublemaker Lupe Lopez. Don’t know much about Tina but she was part of that Gerry Serrano / Fiona Ma crowd which is creepy.

The “Fighting 70th”

  • Mark Anthony Paredes!
  • Adam Tallabas
  • Libby Frolichman
  • Can’t vouch for the others, and Ada sure doesn’t need YOUR vote!

The “Fighting 71st”

  • Sudi Farokhnia! (Last seen sneaking into an Alex Mojaher event.)
  • Linda May!

The “Fighting 72nd”

  • Bethany Webb!
  • Gina Clayton Tarvin!
  • Victor Valladares!
  • Ted Perle
  • Faye Hezar.
  • Jonathan Adler, an old friend of Vern & Greg’s who helped us with this guide, although we didn’t generally agree with him. But he was always a good and smart progressive.

The “Fighting 73rd” – embarrassment of riches here…

  • Lauren Johnson-Norris!
  • Marleen Gillespie!
  • Lee Fink!
  • Manny Chavez!
  • Doug Elliot!
  • Branda Lin.
  • (Sorry, Ryan, Dean & Tammy are cool too, but we only get six.)

The “Fighting 74th”

  • Michael Sall – real nice guy!
  • Alan Fenning
  • Anne Cameron
  • Can’t vouch for anyone else.

for Republicans

Now this presents a hornets’ nest of conundra, starting with “Do any Republicans care what Vern & Greg think?” And also, what does it mean to be a Republican any more? We can’t answer that. We used to look hard, and be excited, when we found a Republican who was NOT either an on-the-take kleptocrat or some kind of backward anti-immigrant anti-gay anti-women’s rights reactionary – and too often all of the above. NOW, in the age of Trump, we’d be happy to endorse ANY REPUBLICANS who loudly and proudly renounce the Ochre Abomination. Are there any? We don’t know, maybe there are.

But we can say that the following OC Republicans, in the following districts, are NOT SO BAD:

  • 59 – Denis Bilodeau & Jon Fleischman (I know, Zenger will object, but we’re comparing them to other Republicans.) I hear that Ryan Bent is all right too.
  • 67 – Bruce Whitaker, who cares about corruption and police brutality
  • 68 – I guess Tardif just cuz he’s our friend, but we don’t agree with him on much
  • 70 – Phat Bui because he makes funny videos (sorry, such slim pickings)
  • 72 – ONLY the honest, humane, eccentric John Briscoe!
  • 73 – The Moorlach.

That’s about it, from Vern. Below you can read Greg’s cogitations in green and Jonathan’s in blue, if you are so disposed. I hope this was a BIT of a help.

Appendix – Greg (in green) & Jonathan Adler (in blue) discuss

Endorsements and recommendations:

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.