The Registrar of Voters WILL NOT CERTIFY the Santa Ana Recall Election.

I heard it from a highly placed source in the County who called me this morning to “correct some of the misinformation” (NOT a Supervisor, and nobody working for Vince if that’s what the reader was thinking) – no matter how far the Recall Election of Jessie Lopez proceeds, and no matter its eventual outcome, the Registrar of Voters WILL NOT and CANNOT CERTIFY IT.

On the other hand, the ROV (Bob Page) can do nothing to STOP Santa Ana from this kamikaze course – only the City Clerk, Jennifer Hall, has the authority to put the brakes on. But then, poor Jennifer can only do what the Council instructs her to do, and this kamikaze course will continue as long as Mayor Amezcua, Phil Bacerra, and David Penaloza continue to act as Brainless Police Union Robots. (see illustration above.)

One thing’s for sure – Jessie Lopez WILL NOT BE REMOVED, whether she wins this FUBAR election or not; and Santa Ana will continue to have a Progressive Majority for at least another year.

But, poor Jennifer (right.) What a miserable job she has found herself in. She used to look so happy and perky when she was Anaheim’s assistant City Clerk (and she was always real helpful to me.) Now she looks miserable and exhausted. Now she knows why City Manager Kristine Ridge (also an Anaheim transplant) and Police Chief Valentin both resigned recently – the stress of working for Mayor Valerie Amezcua is obviously more than the hardiest employees can handle for long.

The next regularly scheduled Santa Ana Council meeting is this Tuesday, the 7th, and they need to get this on the agenda, and hopefully one of the Serrano Three – at least one, hopefully all of them – will vote the right way, and save Santa Ana from a LOT more wasted money, from being a laughingstock, and from knowingly turning in a doomed and illegal election, something that as far as we know has never been done before.

Phil Bacerra‘s pretext on Oct. 30 was that the ROV had not rescinded his July certification of signatures – something Phil made Jennifer confirm in public. Well, it turns out he HAS – and this was DATED on the 30th – did this happen after the meeting, or did Phil and Jennifer not know about it?

Still, Phil and Valerie appear to be mindless Agents of Malevolence, intent on “Burning The Place Down” (as always I’m happy to eat my words.) Mr Penaloza at least COMES OFF AS a thoughtful public servant. Can his friend Avelino or his wife KBN (who both seem smart enough to know better) talk some sense into David? He could save the day, and none of these three should have to worry about pissing off the POA, they’ve done all they can for them, and this is now a no-brainer.

No matter what the Council decides, there will be a lot of people who bitch and moan and threaten to sue, but from here on it just gets worse if they don’t stop it. ANOTHER Page, County Counsel Leon Page (yes, there are two Pages just as there are two pages to the letter) send ANOTHER LETTER to the City Attorney on the 30th, stating as clearly as possible,

“Given that the Registrar has complied with your request on behalf of the City Clerk that he rescind his certificate dated July 17, 2023, we presume that the City Clerk will now rescind her July 17, 2023 Certificate of Sufficiency of Recall Petition.”

Poor Jennifer, stuck between a rock and Valerie. It’s time for everyone to accept that, no matter whose fault this was, and no matter what the election outcome MIGHT have been, this recall is FUBAR. And in case you didn’t know, that is a military acronym for “FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL REPAIR.”


Coming up – I had promised you some more info on Jessie’s lawsuit, although this really SHOULDN’T have to come down to that…. . .

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About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.