This statement makes me KNOW I’m right to support Joanna in CA-47 as the one who can beat Scott Baugh next year and help us Democrats get back the House. – Vern (My “bolding” in the following press release…)
Date: October 22, 2023
Contact: Emma Weinert, 646-467-3521
Joanna Weiss for Congress Campaign Statement on CADEM Pre-Endorsement Results
ORANGE COUNTY, CA – Today Dave Min secured the California Democratic Party (CDP) pre-endorsement. Orange County has a long, demonstrated history of electing Democratic Congressmembers who did not receive the CDP endorsement. In 2018, every candidate who earned the CDP endorsement lost in the primary election, including Min.
Community organizer and attorney Joanna Weiss has built a broad coalition of support across Orange County and California, including those who know the district best, including Congresswoman Linda Sánchez, Former Congressman Harley Rouda, Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, Supervisor Katrina Foley, Orange County Young Democrats, and grassroots activists in Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Costa Mesa, and Irvine. [Vern – add Anaheim Mayor Ashleigh Aitken.]
Weiss has raised over $1 million from individual donors and has the most grassroots donors. Weiss also has the most cash on hand of the Democratic field and is the top nonincumbent woman fundraiser in the country.
“This is a proxy-driven process that rewards party insiders, not the strongest candidate. We are confident that voters will reject Dave Min, just like they did when he had the CDP endorsement in 2018,” said campaign manager Emma Weinert. “This endorsement means nothing unless voters back your campaign, and voters know Min is a liability come November 2024. Based on the groundswell of grassroots and fundraising support surrounding Joanna, we are confident the voters will conclude that Joanna Weiss is the best candidate to beat Scott Baugh. We look forward to carrying our message forward with the voters of the 47th Congressional District.”
Joanna is a former litigator and Adjunct Professor at Chapman University School of Law where she taught courses on Pre-Trial Civil Procedure and Public Interest Lawyering. Joanna served on the Board of Directors of the Public Law Center for over a decade, winning multiple awards for her legal and community leadership.
As founder of Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE), Joanna has activated over 2,300 activists to donate over 50,000 volunteer hours, register over 10,000 students, and raise millions to support candidates and causes in Orange County, CA.
Born and raised in Orange County, Joanna attended Capistrano Valley High School and Saddleback College, graduated from UCLA, and received her JD from USC School of Law. Joanna and her husband Jason love to surf, hike, and volunteer with their children Leah, Will, and Audrey.
This is a woman that doesn’t know the difference between a person’s exercise of their free speech rights and a hate crime.
All she is doing is giving Baugh the potential of beating DUI Dave.
Honestly, Eric, you’re doing quite well on Chumley’s blog. I won’t feel too bad if I have to edit out all of the consonants in your comments.
Why would CDP back someone with a recent DUI!??
Cuz he’s an insider who’s been playing the insider game for years, and has promised / been promised a lot of favors.
My problem with him before that DUI ever happened is he’s pretty corporatist, loves the prison guard unions, tanked rent caps in the “Stop Homelessness Act,” whined like a baby when constituents complained to him about that, and just generally seems phony.
The phrase to keep in mind is “Incumbent Protection Racket.” That’s not just CDP; it’s consistent across pretty much all levels of politics. Parties will generally not go against incumbents unless the incumbents go against the party first — for example, by being too progressive or critical of corruption.
And if the Green Party ever got into power, it would be the same way. It’s a function of having power, not of individual personalities. It’s like if suddenly Ecuador became the most powerful country in the world, it would end up being hegemonic and exploitative much like the U.S., Russia, England, and China have been. Power corrupts.
Ironic, after this fine sour grapes piece about how the state party endorsement really doesn’t mean anything – I’m glad to report that at the same time the state party made a good choice in CA-40 picking Allyson Damikolas over Joe Kerr. Yay state party!
They also OVERWHELMINGLY chose KBN (who is now calling herself Kim Nguyen Penaloza due to her marriage to Santa Ana Councilman David Penaloza with whom she is now having a baby) in CA-45. And just when Derek Tran was starting to sound good! I do think Kim could beat Michelle Steel if anyone can.
Speaking of phony, when is serial candidate Joe Kerr going to quit his vanity runs for office? He’s starting to resemble Hide-and-Seek Sidhu – without the peacocks and rusting dinosaur.
But when klepto eyes converge on him, at the precise right moment, he COULD be the next Sidhu!
She married PENALOZA? Oh man… Let’s see how well I can type after the facepalm I feel coming on: thif id b9nokddkt abdyrd<
Well they’d been an item for at least four years or so … since around when I was first figuring her out. If you remember she was running for Supervisor against Do, Pulido and union tool Sergio Contreras (really nobody decent there.)
And she came off really smart, articulate and PROGRESSIVE! Me and Donna fell in love with her. I wanted to interview her but she gave me the cold shoulder. Some of my progressive friends told me, “Don’t trust her, she’s just in the race to help Lou Correa’s chosen candidate Miguel by taking progressive votes from Sergio. Oh, and that cop union-loving Santa Ana Councilman Penaloza is her boyfriend.” And I was all, “Oh.”
So quickly doth love sour….
The Correa-Nguyen-Pulido ploy didn’t work by the way, and it was Do and Contreras that made it through the primary, which surprised me. Beginning of people souring on Pulido I guess.