This is somewhat personally embarrassing, but I’ll own it. At the time when Vern was wondering what the hell was going on with Supervisorial candidate Sunny Park, and I was offering a long hypothesis (which I now abjure, because I was obviously wrong) as to why she might not be responsive to requests that she condemn it, she had already sent me an email reply condemning any such alleged hate crime, and calling both for an investigation, and for the removal of any county appointee found to have done it. I didn’t notice it in my inbox, yesterday 8/17 at 2:32 p.m., because I was busy and it came from “Team Park,” so I had glossed over it as merely a campaign email. D’ohh!
Here’s the relevant parts of my email to her followed by her reply.
Greg Diamond wrote:
I expect that you are familiar with the situation involving Supervisor Chaffee’s appointee to the OC Housing and Human Services Commission; essentially he revealed the (theretofore secret) name and address of a woman who had republished social media post in which he bragged that he had retaliated against a Hindu-owned restaurant with which he supposedly had a billing dispute by obtaining a cow’s head, dumping it in their doorway, and smearing its blood over their door and windows. I can’t verify that it actually happened, but only that he bragged about it having happened, which to the Hindu community is bad enough.A number of people in the Indian (not just Hindu) community have been waiting for you to comment on that — presumably you condemn hate crimes and do not think that those bragging about committing them should serve as appointees on OC committees, especially those dealing with “social services” — and they have gotten upset at your lack of comment. While I know that you received at least one email about this, I don’t know whether anyone who writes about local politics has officially asked you for comment, so I am doing so now.
If you want background on the story, you can find it here.
While you’re visiting, you may be interested in this story as well:
And here is her reply:
Hi Greg: I condemn any and all acts of hate. I have not heard directly from the victims, but it is disheartening news nonetheless for a supervisor’s appointee to have allegedly behaved this way. I hope and expect that a thorough investigation into this situation is conducted and that the appointee is held accountable if they are found to have engaged in this hateful act. – Sunny Park
If that sounds less than full-throated — that is as it should be. Sunny Park doesn’t personally know the provenance of the evidence presented; from her perspective, at this point the four alleged acts of wrongdoing only have the status of allegations. The role for a Supervisor (or candidate for Supervisor) should be to condemn actions of that sort generally, but then to seek investigation of those act by the proper authorities — which in this case would be either the county employees to which the Supervisors can assign such an investigation or outside entities who can report back to them.

To clarify, these are among the wrongful actions allegedly taken by Chaffee appointee James Mai:
- Actually engaging in a hate crime of the sort described in the story at the first of the two links above
- Bragging to the world — and to Mrs. Cameron (who who immigrated from India as a child adoptee) specifically — about having taken that action
- Using his (or an accomplice’s) access through the Country to protected records to obtain identifying information about Mrs. Cameron
- Publishing or causing to be published that information in social media — repeatedly — in retaliation for her whistleblowing against him
Park statement passes the burden on to the Supervisors to call for such investigation. Frankly, each of them, including Board President Doug Chaffee, should condemn actions of the type described — especially the misuse of county resources and privileges to doxx a critic! — without waiting for the outcome of an investigation. But then — having now delayed long enough that any findings will not likely come out before voting begins — they should ensure that a thorough investigation take place.
[Note: I do have a disclosure: I represent Mrs. Cameron in a separate matter that is personal rather than political. (We don’t see eye-to-eye on much of politics.) Since I was already her lawyer, I agreed to represent her in some early stages of this case: specifically in the limited capacity of speaking for her in a OC Housing and Human Services Commission meeting and in sending Mai a document preservation order. I do not currently represent her in this matter, although I suppose that that could change.]
As it stands, while I could comfortably allege each of the above actions in a legal complaint, while awaiting further evidence, the only one that I personally think is already beyond reasonable doubt if the second one. The Instagram posts by James Mai are at that link; you can read them for yourself. If he wants to declare under oath that this is a forgery, or taken out of necessary context, or whatever else would undercut the fact that he said those things online in what I understand to be a since-deleted post, then let him do so. (He should first simply bear in mind how many times and to how many people he has confirmed it and justified it.)
I don’t think that it will take too long to confirm the authenticity of this record. At that point, we can ask Mayor Park whether she would terminate an appointee simply for doing even only that much.
Meanwhile, the onus now moved to Supervisor Doug Chaffee — and his BOS allies Andrew Do (in whose district Mai has been working “independently” for Republican candidates) and Don Wagner (is whose district the victim is a constituent — to state whether they believe that an investigation should take place and whether Mai should remain as a commissioner in night of the documented hate speech.
I’d also suggest that the same onus should be put on the members of the Irvine City Council — Mayor Farrah Khan, Larry Agran, Mike Carroll, Tammy Kim, and Anthony Kuo — to say whether the portions of this related to Irvine (including the second on) should be investigated and whether James Mai should continue to serve on an advisory committee to a City Commission as well. To her credit, Mayoral candidate Branda Lin has already offered such a condemnation — but others have not. I’d especially hope to hear something from City Council Candidate John Park, of whom James Mai has been a prominent supporter. (Yeah, I have pictures.)
I would suggest that both county parties and “Young Member” affiliates, among others, should also answer these questions.
Finally, where in hell is Dan Chmielewski on this? This is all happening in his backyard, not mine! Given Mai’s association with the Republicans of Greater Irvine — which I suspect is one big reason Chaffee has been sticking by him — one would think that Chumley would be all over the story! (Or, maybe, one would think that he wouldn’t be! Great look for him, in the latter case!)
I’m going to put together a more detailed story to refine the public understanding of how these suspicions are grounded. I’ll aim to have this done by Sunday — because there’s a Board of Supervisors meeting where people can speak on Monday and an Irvine City Council meeting where people can speak on Tuesday.
Finally — did I mention that Doug Chaffee has been deleting the comments to his Facebook page that raise the topic of James Mai? Luckily, Andrew Do has been more willing to follow the law, so we know what those comments said and when they said it. Now there’s something else to ask him about at the next Board of Supervisors’ meeting.
The silence of Irvine’s Mayor and Councilmember Kim (who can find anti-Asian hate where it most definitely is not) is deafening.
Every once in a while we like to share with you how atrocious the anonymous trollish comments we receive here. One directed to this story, from someone calling themselves “a neighbor” from IP address
“Dan is dying from stage 4 cancer. he’s in and out of the hospital. sorry the chemo is keeping him from jumping on this story”
We have literally no reason to believe that this is true. But maybe it will motivate Dan C. to cross-check one the comments on his site to see if he can find the identity of this fan of his.
Sunny Park’s statement isn’t a condemnation, but what is really needed immediately is an affidavit by myself swearing to the authenticity of the screenshots . then she needs to read it + re-assess her tepid response
but it’s better than nothin I suppose
additionally, why isn’t anyone asking the #vietnamesevandal #jamesmai aka #asianvengeance if he said those things ???? ♀️
according to a statement on his own twitter page @jimmai in the 3rd week of April he DID admit to having said it
additionally, the self-styled “news outlet” that – in tandem with #hinduphobicvandal – DOXXED me – even they published a statement saying “yes james mai said this”
so idk how much more proof is needed BUT TWO THINGS NEED TO HAPPEN.
firstly, I’ll have 2 prepare a sworn affidavit, which will then hopefully shift the burden to mai to rebut – or have my word accepted as gospel truth
THEN : folx need 2 show up to the next OC Housing Authority Commission + confront the vietnamese vandal directly from the podium.
EACH speaker should challenge him to deny under oath that he didn’t say those things.
this he can’t well do.
I was fixing 2 ask some folks involved w/ SHAMEHATE OC to comment on this blog cuz they actually started the whole letter writing campaign
except – no emails were read to the Commission at Thursday’s meeting
that’s because the only contact info the OCHA lists is for the benefit of Housing Voucher Recipients – or those seeking a voucher. once you look at the main website , it’s a separate link for OC Housing + Development Commission . however, once there: it’s no way to actually contact the commission .
only way 2 make public comments is show up live.
they refused a reasonable accommodation for me 2 appear via zoom or call in – but no justification was given
when i finally reached the executive secretary: jessica villa she said those emails go to a division within OCHA that’s not located on site AND she doesn’t have access to those emails
unfortunately, some two dozen emails had already been sent to an address not created for that purpose.
the convo between myself + jessica occurred around 8:45am on Thursday. I explained I had requested ADA accomodations the day prior and they were denied without explaination. jessica told me she doesn’t know anything about my request and nobody had communicated it to her
so, in my desire to move forward I inquired when does this committee meeting START and what’s the best email address ? she gave me
I inquired when the meeting would commence she goes “10 am”
i hurriedly emailed a msg 2 #shamehateOC team + they were able 2 get folx who had previously written to the other address to resend it to the correct one
notwithstanding this EXCEPTIONAL diligence by OC , the emails were never read by – or even SHOWN TO or forwarded to committee members
when I contacted jessica villa again around 2 pm after she returned from lunch she said Commissioners aren’t shown the emails. those go to management who oversees the appointed Commissioners
she stressed again that if people “want to be heard that badly they could have come in person”
ok, jessica villa. if Hindus aren’t going 2 step up 2 the plate I’m ready 2 send some folx there whom the commission won’t like very much.
as 4 denise barnes, what a pathetic spineless loser.
for those of y’all who – like myself – believe in reincarnation//// does anyone know what denise was in her previous lifetime ? was she one of those “good everyday people” in Nazi Germany ~ who simply turned the other way while humans were being led to a gas chamber
how admirable.
Denise Barnes hasn’t answered anything. What you read below is my surmise — and why I personally will not put pressure on her on this. So your reply is over the top. If that makes me a “pathetic spineless lose” as well, so be it.
Where were you when Jordan Brandman’s texts came out? Maybe, had you known, you’d have been sympathetic — but would you have resigned a spot on a county commission in protest?
And I could go one with other people’s indignities, to which you and others you know would not respect, for days.
There is no way, in any sense, that the situation of Indian-Americans is even remotely similar to the situation of the Tutsis in Rwanda under the Hutu majority.
For one thing, the Tutsis were in their own homeland. Hindu Indians are in the vast majority (around 80%) in India, with a gigantic share of the political power. Luckily, India was long secular — but that has been changing under PM Modi.
Your analogy of “early warning signs” could, within India, apply to Muslims, Zoroastrians/Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists, and even Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews — although for most of the latter half of these groups it would be far-fetched.
This is instead about what is happening within the United States — religiously and ethnically polyglot, at least at its best — and one person, who claims to be against “Anti-Asian Hate,” turning out to be against it only when his ethnicity gets affronted, but perfectly willing to participate in it when another Asian group bears the burden and pain.
That is certainly worth condemnation, but extrapolating to concern about a genocide of Hindus is preposterous and pointlessly inflammatory.
Aside from pipsqueaks like this unforgivably promoted ass, the real threat to Hindus in the United States would come from three groups with which you are pretty familiar: those being (1) certain aggressively and fundamentalist Christians, (2) white nationalist “Patriots” who want to suppress darker minorities, and (3) those who would not extend protection of religious freedom to those who practice polytheist religious beliefs. All three groups are out there, growing in strength, and anyone who is REALLY interested in the welfare of Indian-Americans Hindus, would best but their efforts into curtailing the intolerance of the three groups I list above.
James Mai’s boorish braggadocio would not be so much of if one of the most powerful politicians in the county weren’t promoting him. (And it seemed to me at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting that Don Wagner likely was as well, though his main concern is Mike Carroll.) The term “shame hate” is exactly right for what we’re doing and what we should be doing, and Doug Chaffee being so confident that he won’t pay a price for this association is a problem. But you’re turning your fire on Sunny Park and Denise Barnes? You haven’t figured out yet that the threat does not come from them — and you should stop making Doug Chaffee happy every time you comment here.
In conclusion, likening the status of Indian-Americans in the U.S. to that of the Tutsis in Rwanda is an exaggeration almost beyond comprehension. (It’s also an insult to the Tutsis and what they have gone through — if you care.)
If one wants to protect Hindu-Americans from the actual threats they face in this country, they could start with challenging the “Patriots” and conservative legal scholars who want this to be a White Christian nations without tolerance for those who are neither.
This is Amit Dave, I comment your Facebook before. You will see me in Vern Nelson friend list. I am starting university in UCI this Semester.
Cameron have disease called Autism. She does not always speak on point, but she mean well.
I get to know Cameron through Anya and is very obvious she is different. In India, we call such peoples Differently Abled instead of Disabled. So India is ahead of US even in that regard.
I feel Cameron care about Hindus. She visit Mandir, meet with local pundits and never try convert anyone. She respect Hindus. She want only James Mai gone. Even we also want him gone. We have spent more than fortnight looking into him and he is worse than incident with cow. He also commit fraud with his charity AAPI United. Anya and Vasant mostly handling this.
I am only 19 years old kid, but I know most about India, as I am from Surat, Gujarat. There is no discrimination against Xtian. Our Prime Minister, Shree Narendra Modi have given sanctuarry to persecuted Xtian and Buddhist. I stand with BJP. All are welcome to write me,then I explain why Saffron Party (BJP) is future of India.
I am just teenage geek,but know how to research. Denise Barnes endorse this Hinduphobe Doug Chaffee. Look his campaign website. So why negative to Cameron is not making sense to me. She say weird stuff sometime,but probably due to her malady.
Only one more thing I want to comment your statement on Mussalmans. These are wreaking havoc in India. If they live like normal, nobody bother them. Even same with Sikh.
I believe #VietnameseVandal is not racist word. He is Vietnamese and claim himself he vandalise Hindu owned eatery.
I do not known about genocide enough to address comment, but is true genocide begin from demonising people. This what was done to Hindus in Bangladesh. So I think what she mean is James Mai giving licence to this type of behaviour. If he was not prominent figure, maybe it would be less serious.
I hope next Committee of Housing meeting come before semester start in UCI,so I can attend.They will not permit calling to comment and have no other mechanism like Zoom. If you have Facebook messenger, you can video call me, I explain to you everything. Thank you for going to County Supervisors meeting to speak,but is beyond time authorities get involved. Again, you should feel welcome to write me. Just again I want to say Cameron have done enough for Hindu community,she is frightened for safety because of #HinduphobicVandal James Mai.
We have reach out to Hindu NGO and just only recently receive reply. So they are looking into it. Mostly reason Hindus have not largely been public is we do activism in different manners. We let NGOs take lead. America is very individualistic, one person come,then bring another,then bring their mates, that is how is done. Indian way is to wait for organisation to step in and bring supporters. Vern ask me about this on Facebook,so that is my response. I will comment his Facebook too. Thank you for standing with #HindusUnderAttackinUS
I like that you said “pundits.” That is a word the English language stole from Hindi!
He also said “Musselmen,” a derogatory term for “Muslims,” So I’m hot inclined to compliment his vocabulary.
Amit: I can (and do) disagree with you assessment of the BJP’s merits, but we need not have such a discussion here and now. We can agree that the act about which he has bragged online is heinous, regardless of whether it actually happened or is just his self-aggrandizing fantasy, and that it should disqualify him from any position of public trust.
Unfortunately, Supervisor Chaffee has a lot of wealth and power, and the pettiness and willingness to unleash both in political attacks. I understand, with sadness, why some people whom he has appointed and promoted don’t feel that they can oppose him. That just shifts the burden to the rest of us.
Hello Greg Diamond, India is officially secular.In India,all have rights,no matter religion. Just if they act a bloody fool like this #VietnameseVandal, they will hope police get them first!
That is because crowds in street will handle it else!
I wanted to post link to Doug Chaffee website. He is proudly endorsed by Denise Barnes
Ketan, I’m glad that we generally don’t have mob justice administered angry crowds here — but if we did Mai might believe that he is safe due to his repeatedly demonstrated inability to draw a crowd.
I realize that India is still officially secular — just as we are officially non-racist — but sometimes countries do not live up to their self-billing. We’re not going to agree on this — and please understand that I’ve been following Hindu nationalist politics since the days of Bal Thackeray — but I suggest that is fodder for discussion after the current James Mai situation is resolved.
I am ashamed of ya all Hindus. This is more like a biased political campaign and has nothing to do with Hindus. James Mai has done way way more than ya all can ever do to Hindu community. Direct your anger to the white supremacists who are killing sikhs in record numbers and also ya all need a good research which demographics are attacking Hindus. Shut up and let the man talk. Ya all are joke to me.
Ah – I knew we’d eventually hear from some Uncle Tej, who probably thinks the cow’s head is hilarious! You hear him – “James Mai has done way more to Hindu community” … oh, he DID say that right.
This is a good example of why I’d like to steer clear of debating Indian domestic politics here. The grievances of Sikhs against their treatment by Hindu nationalists (led by Modi) are a legitimate topic for discussion — but I can promise you that none of the people who have commented here so far will have their minds changed.
That said: Madan, if you’re aligning yourself with someone who brags of leaving a cow’s head on the entryway to a Hindu-owned Indian restaurant you have already lost the argument in public opinion here.
You are right to condemn white supremacists who attack Sikhs (and others who wear turbans) in this country and others, but please bear in mind that from the perspective of racists in this country everyone from Turkey to Bangladesh are pretty much placed in the same pot. Anti-Hindu violence will inevitably become anti-Sikh violence because people unfamiliar with the subcontinent simply don’t distinguish. So despite your grievances, any position you take supportive of James Mai will just come back to haunt you.
Namaskar, We felt need to clarify #ShameHateOC are not politically motivated.
Our inspiration was fight against #Hinduphobia and push back against sitting appointed commissioner boasting of how he vandalise #IndianRestaurant.
Our mission has always been, and continues to be to raise #HateCrimeAwareness.
We prefer centre of focus remain on #HinduphobicVandal #JamesMai.
We are not wanting to be pawns in getting someone elected, nor sacked from public office.
Only we are wanting to #SueJamesMai and see Mai relieved of his duties as Commissioner in both County of Orange, California and City of Irvine City Hall.
We want to #BanJamesMai . Period.
We have no interest in matters concerning election of John Park, Sunny Park, Farrah Khan,Branda Lin, nor even O.C. Supervisor Doug Chaffee
We want to magnify #HinduphobicHateCrime.
Please do not use #VietnameseVandal who cause so much emotional pain to usher in one politician over other. It is not what is our end game.
We want simply to see Mai stripped of his commissioner’s post.
We remain quite concerned about Fraud committed by Mai via his illegitimate #nonprofit #AAPIUnited and funnelling donations intended for “charity” to #IrvineJohnPark, and others.
Our priority is #SafetyFirst and welfare of #HindusinIrvine #OCHindus and #HindusinOrangeCounty
#KeepIrvineSafe #WeAreIrvine
#Irvine #OrangeCounty #theOC
Please follow us on Twitter @shamehateOC
We remain grateful to Greg Diamond for amplifying #HindusUnderAttackinUS and #HindusUnderAttackbyJamesMai
I appreciate the comment, Vasant. I’ve explained my position privately, but I’ll do so here publicly.
I don’t know whether James Mai will be taken off of the Housing and Community Services Commission. But I do have some sense of how it won’t happen.
At this point, Doug Chaffee seems beyond embarrassment. If he remains on the Board of Supervisors, Mai stays on the Commission and his political star may brighten. I recognize that you don’t take a stand against Doug Chaffee — but I do. He’s the second-biggest part of the problem after Mai himself. (And as a side note to the Sikh community that attends the Gurdwara Singh Sabha in Buena Park: racists don’t distinguish between Hindus and Sikhs. Despite the conflicts present in India, you have a common interest within the U.S. in opposing hate crimes against South Asians — and in general, of course. It should go without saying that this also includes Pakistanis, Afghans, Bangladeshis, etc.)
Mai will also not be removed if one other candidate is elected to leave Andrew Do and Don Wagner in the majority. (They could change my mind about this, I suppose, but they have done and said nothing to make me think otherwise.) Wagner made clear at the latest Board of Supervisors meeting, when he parroted the defenses offered by the current OC Power Authority, that his interest is in keeping Farrah Khan and Republican Mike Farrell afloat. None of that suggests that he would go against someone so closely aligned with John Park and, it seems likely Anthony Kuo.) If Do wanted to grasp the mantle of a leader of the Vietnamese Community, he would have spoken out by now. No sign of it. I think it’s fair to suppose that Do sees Mai’s front organization, which purports to fight Asian hate crimes (so long as they’re not against South Asians, and probably north, west, and central Asians as well) as working towards his own benefit.
Foley has not spoken out either, but frankly the onus is not on her as strongly as it is on the three Supervisors directly or one-step-removed aligned with Mai. Foley is in the race of her life — in a new and more conservative district that, thanks to Chaffee reaches up improbably to snatch Costa Mesa into a South County district. So she’s a little busy right now, and she needs to focus on her issues. But is she the type of person who will take hate crimes seriously? Absolutely. She’s an accomplished plaintiff’s-side employment lawyer who focuses on discrimination. She’s also used to taking the underdog’s side and organizing people — as she did in offering the best accounting and best policy proposals when Huntington Beach had its oil spill. So while Park deserves a spot on the Board because she is not Chaffee — I don’t really have to explain why I think that, I suspect, and this is not to disparage Park’s own good positive qualities — Foley deserves a spot because she is Foley.
No, neither Park nor Foley have spoken out on this — because it is literally a distraction and that their opponents might unscrupulously use against them. They are by not means guaranteed to act against James Mai’s hate crimes — by which I mean the bragging about the hate crime, probable doxxings of Love Cameron in revenge for her leaking it, as well as the underlying act itself if it did happen — That leaves one seat that would decide the shape of the new Board if those two win.
That race involves Vicente Sarmiento vs. Berenice Nguyen. They’re both Democrats, so you can’t accuse me of being partisan here. Sarmiento has a strong record of concern about issues like this. Nguyen — not so much. She’s hard to figure out or to predict. But, honestly, having Vietnamese ancestry she could take the leadership on this issue if she wanted to — but I don’t think she’d want to. What I’d welcome from them is a joint statement brokered by the DPOC, but it would be a problem for Sarmiento to take the sole lead on an issue that could be taken (even wrongly and unfairly) to be attacking Nguyen over her ancestry. (Speaking of which, the tag “Vietnamese Vandal” should be retired. The problem with Mai is not in the least that he’s Vietnamese, but that he tried to show off his prowess as a bully by claiming to have committed an unspeakably offensive hate crime against adherents of one of the world’s great religions.)
You are absolutely entitled — and I’d even say right — not to want to enter into electoral politics while you address issues related to this hate crime. That is AOK! But my position is different from yours: I’m a (lay) reporter and a (credentialed) political analyst, and part of my role is not simply to agitate for a result, but to figure out how to make that result happen! And I am quite confident at this point that there’s no way it’s going to happen, even after this election, with Chaffee, Do, and Wagner in power on the Board. To have any chance at all — and still no guarantees! — you’d need to have Foley, Park, and probably Sarmiento (although maybe Nguyen.)
This is the sort of thing that I’m supposed to be able to figure out; it’s why even people who hate me still read me. It’s NOT your area of expertise, and it shouldn’t be. But for our separate reasons, we both think that what James Mai did is horrible even if he’s only a pathetic hate-crime braggart trying to make himself look more potent — and while we don’t agree on everything I think that on this matter we can comfortably co-exist.
I don’t give a shit what’s a distraction for Katrina Foley. D you know what’s a fucking distraction for Cameron? Hearing that this doesn’t matter to anyone on the BoS. Cameron can’t even focus on what she needs to do. Oh, but Katrina will get right to it after she is elected? Sure….democrat antiracist women talk a good game in theory, but in practice they don’t care. Don’t vote for any of the Democrats, guys. If they can’t speak up now, they never will. – Tess White.
Right, vote for the people aligned with James Mai in order to teach James Mai a lesson.
And sure, if people can’t do what you want on your schedule, at their busiest time in an election cycle, then it must be that they’ll never do it at all.
Chaffee and Wagner and Do are much more likely to punish Mau, right? I’d love to hear your analysis of how you reach that conclusion.
You know — and I’m toning this down by about 90% — blithering doesn’t much help things. It just makes it harder to get people to take this seriously.
As I think you know, I can’t comment publicly on what Cameron can or can’t focus on. But your displacing responsibility like this makes that hard too.
Got a car, Tess? Or just a big exhaust pipe?
I have a car thanks for asking but why are you changing the subject!!
Ask Mrs. Cameron if she needs a ride.
I get that you want to elect Republicans and that (plus enmity towards Foley) drives your commentary. What you don’t seem to get is that you are thus playing into the hands of James Mai. Which is your higher priority?
“Greg Diamond, in regard to your comment, we disagree …”
[Ed. Note: The rest of this submitted comment has been deleted. It can be resubmitted with some actual person’s name on it. We don’t allow anonymous attacks on people here. I’ll be happy to address your comments if you play by our rules.
You have six candidates in runoffs for County Supervisor. I suggest that you ask all of them or none of them for the condemnation of Mai’s actions, so you don’t come off as biased. I’ve explained and tried to justify who I think is — or maybe I should saw “was,” if you’re going to fritz out about it now — most likely to take a helpful position to you, which does not include giving in to demands that condemnation must occur now now now or else the person is useless. The positions you’re taking are ones that James Mai himself would appreciate, so I’m going to go on working against what I think he’s doing — and you ally with him if you think that it helps your cause. Who the hell is advising you about this strategy, anyway?]
From Katrina Foley Facebook page:
“Today, I spoke at Driving Out Darkness, a one-day immersive learning experience focused on educating leaders across Orange County on the history of antisemitism and the recent spike in hate crimes against the Jewish community and other groups. Antisemitism hurts all of us.
Thank you to the Jewish Federation of Orange County for giving the community an opportunity to learn about this dark history in an effort to prevent hatred and bigotry from taking root here in our own neighborhoods here in Orange County.
I firmly believe we must continue to educate our world to prevent the atrocities of future genocides. Our discourse has devolved, especially in government, and we remain vigilant to combat hate wherever it rises, shine a light on it and drive it out. Jewish Federation of Orange County”
It would be brilliant if Katrina Foley could address racist act of James Mai. Unless or until she do this, all the rest of her strutting around is just for show. Mai claim to have committed disgusting hate crime in her backyard,eg City of Orange.
Yes, Exposing Hinduphobia criticise Katrina because she need to tend to her own business first. In this case,her own business is filthy #HinduphobicHateCrime.
She has not even asked for enquiry into this. Yet, you want everyone to vote for her and your candidates of choice. Most of us in Exposing Hinduphobia cannot legally vote, so we do not care about your candidates, Katrina and Sunny Park. We care only about Justice. We desire resolution. You have told us you want Doug Chaffee out, and you even name to us in your DM three people who should replace in current Board of Supervisors. You cheapen hate crime incident by turning it into political hitjob. Anyone with half of brain can tell you do not like this Doug Chaffee. That is your opinion, but we conclude your dislike for Chaffee was prior to hate crime bragging.
You have exploited bragging of abusive, filthy violent racist incident to get people elected. We want no part of that. When was last time you call FBI to ascertain status of investigation? Or for you is just about election? Seems like it.
“AntiSmitism hurt all of us”, per Katrina Foley.
This Katrina Foley fail to address hate crime in her own backyard. Complete useless empty head.
Ketan we don’t know whether “a hate crime [occurred] in her own backyard.” So far, I haven’t been able to find any record of such a crime. But what is undeniably true is that he bragged online about having committed such a lurid hate crime (which in my view is itself a hate crime) — and either happened in Don Wagner’s or Andrew Do’s district, depending on whether he did it from home or from his supposed place of work.
Your continual inability to grasp this fact as you try to smear Foley didn’t make much sense to me until I realized that the person who has been commenting her as Tess is a Republican activist who had been attacking Foley for years. If Foley is aware that you’re working with that kind of crank, I’m not surprised if she doesn’t want to bring this up, because you’d just say “too little, too late” — as some in your group have already done towards Sunny Park.
Where did I even say or imply I am working with “Republican activist Tess”?? Where is this leap coming from? Neither I nor anyone in ShameHate OC is working with anyone else.
Hindu community will welcome response from Katrina Foley. The hate crime was alleged to have occurred in Orange, in looking the screenshots.
I will ask you again 2 questions you refuse to answer above.
1. When is last time you spoke to FBI?
We are attempting to enlist help of NGO’s, but your article make it difficult as you refuse to update. Nobody smear Katrina Foley. You have DM’d us on Facebook messenger saying you want 3 people elected to Board of Supervisors. You also said in same DM “Until that happens,there will be no investigation”. So FBI investigation is reliant on who is elected to Supervisor?
Please answer as to FBI update. It is very simple question and needs straightforward response.
I wrote you a long response that somehow got lost. I’ll try to reconstruct it in the morning.
I believe I spoke to the FBI (with Mrs. Cameron) twice, once to file a report and once to follow up. At the time of the follow-up, they essentially said “don’t call us, we’ll call you if we have any questions.” You can file a report to them if you want to.
I can find no indication that such a hate crime occurred in Orange. But there is no doubt that Mai did post the image we shared, in which he bragged on his hate crime. That itself would constitute a hate crime, for trying to stir up terror in the hearts of Hindus and other Indians and subcontinental peoples (and other Asians likely to be mistaken for them.) Doxxing of her, as it seems Mai did (through an pseudonymous post) was itself a crime, and that was reported as well.
“Tess” has been smearing Katrina Foley and you give the impression that you have been convinced to go after her without going after her opponent Pat Bates, but your belief that she had the most connection to the crime, while seemingly wrong, does explain that.
My saying that “until that happens there will be no investigation” was a reference to the Board of Supervisors conducting one. The FBI investigation — which I doubt is still active, if it ever way — is completely separate.
I’ll once again go over my explanation of why I think that the three supervisors races — two of which are Democrat vs. Democrat and only one of which is Democrat vs. Republican — are critical to getting any action to be taken against James Mai. Look for that tomorrow.
For now, I’ll just note that Foley is running in the South County (not Orange, not Irvine) district against Pat Bates. The two Supervisors with the most direct contact with Mai’s antics are the two who aren’t up for election this year: Don Wagner of Irvine (where Mai lives) and Andrew Do, in whose district Mai’s non-profit is said to operate. This is part of why I find your completely disproportionate focus on Foley to be so perplexing.
Greg Diamond,you are obsessed,mate. Please seek help for your malady.
Ketan never target Katrina Foley,other than several times saying she do nothing. Katrina Foley have half million constituents (at very least) and possibly more if one count district she first was elected in.
So on one single day some American lady name Tess, who fight with you on Facebook before,talk trash about Ms Foley here.
Then, few days later Ketan correctly point out Ms Foley is capable of speaking up out hate, but not said one word about #VietnameseVandal #JamesMai.
Then you insult Ketan repeatedly and claim conspiracy theories. Ketan doesn’t care about election.
Do you understand,mate? What it take to bloody well make you comprehend?
Read all comments carefully. You are just disrespectful angry old man.
We are taught to respect elders in Desi culture, but you cross the line. We have nothing to do with elections and
Katrina Foley did not even call for investigation of #HinduphobicVandal.
Even you mislead us until this morning. Now suddenly there is no FBI investigation that you are certain of. Get your affairs in order,and clean mess up. You place is all in jeopardy because we repeat your words. You introduce yourself as barrister,so we believe you. Now you backtrack about FBI investigation.
Leave Ketan alone,he is my mate.
Get help for your issues. You are sad bloke.
What do you mean by “get your affairs in order” and “you place is all in jeopardy,” Vasant?
We asked the FBI to investigate. I presume that they did some cursory as to whether the hate crime investigation really existed and decided not to pursue whether his simply claiming that he did it was a hate crime. Or maybe they are; they said they weren’t going to discuss it with me further. Is there a reason that you can’t contact them with your own concerns and put in your own complaint? Seriously, why don’t you do that? There are other civil complaints that could be brought, but while I am a barrister I am not YOUR hired barrister, so you can go out and hire one to help you rather than demanding that I — given that I’m participating in this as a journalist — donate my legal work to you!
To hell with it — I’m going to port all of this over to a new story where I can lay things out clearly so that you guys — if you are of good will — can understand it.
So let me get this straight. You guys have known about this incident since at least May from what I understand. You didn’t bother even trying publicize it until Doug Chaffee (much to your surprise) came out ahead in the primaries. Then you put the pedal to the metal. And when you did it was all about him. Greg,you and Vern are capitalizing on a disgusting incident. James Mai is a bully who tried to terrify the victim with a story about a gory hate crime and then literally cyberstalked her just for talking about it. She’s been telling people since like March. Where were you guys, hiding under a rock? Yet suddenly the only thing you want is Doug Chaffee gone?
Vern, have you even tried to collect signatures to have this bully removed from the commission?
You sure have been collecting signatures for the past decade,that everyone knows so it shouldn’t have been that hard!
Or you and Greg are just content to wait it out and live in hope Doug loses?
That doesn’t sound like Justice! No it smacks of your ulterior motives and we all know what they are. Looks like the Hindus are onto your game and don’t want to be your political Pawns. You can’t even bring yourselves to write a clean article that will resonate with readers. Everyone sees this except you guys. Yeah I know,I know you’re going to write a new article you’ve been saying that for the past two weeks if not longer….
Ah, go to hell. I didn’t hear about it till Greg wrote his story. And he didn’t hear about it till a little before that.
Chaffee came in second. Barely beating out #3.
This article begin with preface authour is embarrassed. He should be equally embarrassed now. He is not reading comments, just attacking anyone he perceive as not fully on his team
Yeah, I was embarrassed that I hadn’t read Sunny Park’s email offering a statement on James Mai before I called he out for not having done so. Did you glean that from the text, or did you just see the word embarrassed and decide to employ it.
I’m reading the comments and will address in a new story where and why they are wrong.
I’m trying to work with y’all on this, despite your not being “fully on my team” — but I can’t figure out whether the problem is that you don’t understand politics or that you do understand politics but want to give the impression that you don’t.
Well I’m ready to jump into this fight. Next Supervisor meeting is a week from today, Wednesday the 14th, and I’ll go and speak, as long as a few of you Hindu-Americans also do.
What’s the progress on educating Janice Hahn on exactly who she’s legitimizing.
But here’s the last straw, guys: Thursday the 15th the Supervisors are giving their report on the County’s 2021 hate crimes, and everything they’re doing to put their little feet down:
And Chaffee himself has the stones to add: “As a community, it is important we continue to stand up to prejudice, so everyone can feel safe and secure,” said Chairman Doug Chaffee, Fourth District Supervisor of the OC Board of Supervisors. “The continued rise in hate activity across the nation shows we can do more to create an all-inclusive environment, which is why my fellow Board members and I strongly support expanding the County’s anti-hate efforts.”
Who’s coming Wednesday? Thursday?
vern + greg if that’s what you want pls write an article with just the facts
y’all can certainly mention doug chaffee in passing, but they told me they perceive the original article from June 28th as a political hit piece
they done told y’all this multiple times
i would not count on getting a response til y’all can put something professional + credible together w/ UPDATES on the multiple investigations
We will get to it when we get to it. I don’t care what they done told me, they don’t get to demand prompt action.
You know why Hindu Community doesn’t trust you and Vern, Greg ? It is because you refuse to correct your mistakes and publish a new article. You have said this for two weeks now, at least Greg has.He has completely abandoned the situation, and even the doxxing victim.
You guys are devious. I will inform Vasant, Ketan,and Sonal to not commit to attend any event until you write a real article about #VietnameseVandal #JamesMai.
Do you understand that Exposing Hinduphobia will not commit to anything until you do this ?
We have no reason to. Right now seems like you are fucking using us. White Privilege Saviours with your condescending attitude. And stop manipulating a 19 year old boy. He told you he has only been in this country since JUNE and started attending UCI. He doesn’t understand your goalposts, but the rest of do and we are not impressed by your sudden “concern” for Hindus.
Yes, I understand. And as you’re barking orders while working against your own interests, your not doing anything for now is fine. Please do tell Vasant, Ketan, and Sonal (as well as this creepy “Jigar Vinod” person who taunts me about supposed “Ukrainian Nazis” and leaves contact information suggesting a tie to Irvine City Hall) not to commit to attending anything — just as a way to spite me. That sure beats your doing the wrong thing.
You know zero about my past history with Hindus or of righting hate crimes. This kind of crap is an obstacle to my wanting to continue dealing with this at all. And yet I will, because of what Mai did, not because of what your groups want.
You won’t likely like my story when it comes out — because I’m guided by telling the truth rather than giving into pressure from agitators.
Instead of going after “bad guys” like these First Amendment Auditors in Fullerton or MAGAs, you go after someone who is liked by all.
There is a reason people are NOT reacting or condemning James Mai. He is respected and known in the community, NOT within politics. We are talking about business circles and supporting the community. I learned about James Mai a few years ago (met him and Luis Huang both at City Hall during an event). Mai defended a Black woman who was attacked at Albertsons and later got her legal help
My guess is the FBI took your call, which is an open hotline, and when they found out who it was, they shut you down, even telling you they WON’T DISCUSS JAMES MAI. You call that an investigation? Maybe it’s for a reason? You guys can’t even find a one person to say anything negative about the guy. You think people DON’T want to be associated with Mai, and the truth is most people want to be including Chaffee, because they get an instant boost.
– CH
Let’s presume that, despite your email address, you’re not actually James Mai. How are you in any position to know whether he’s “liked by all”? You’re not.
I doubt that the FBI didn’t talk to me about any FBI investigation into James Mai because they had researched me personally — where do you come up with that sort of crackpot idea — but just because once a clear description of events was given (in a pretty long initial call) at that point the person calling in the information doesn’t have a right to updates.
OK, I get it: you love James Mai and in your circles everyone does. I’d say “you ought to get out more,” but I don’t want to encourage you.
I’m Lisa. Hi, Charles (Chin Hae). Thank you for posting under your own name on Facebook that you are tracking #LoveCameron. You also said you are going to contact her family and posted their names. She didn’t post this information on social media. This is the textbook definition of stalking, along with the repulsive Shan Khan turtle soup posts you made.
IPD Threat Management would love a chat with you. Call Detective Stephan Meyers at nine four nine 724 seven one seven nine.
#CharlesHwang #LibertarianOC #SuzannaStopaniFlores #JamesMai #ChinHae #SuzannaCooperStopani
ok,all of y’all calm the fuck down already
this is a private blog. they ain’t under obligation to publish shit
y’all act like those illegal aliens who come to America expecting free shit and giving nothing in return.
on a side note: vern + greg approve of illegal immigration + open borders.
America is a Sovereign Nation and doesn’t owe shit to anyone not here lawfully.
LIKEWISE: this blog is privately owned + also doesn’t owe shit to anyone. not even me. so stop asking me 2 get at them cuz I ain’t fixin to no more
stop acting entitled + create y’all’s own blog is my advice..
im happy 2 announce a significant development that y’all will be glad 2 hear.
i done told greg about it, so i will also forward the info 2 y’all . whoever gets it first will have “bragging” rights ~ no pun intended
one of my favorite memories of rediscovering my ethnic heritage is a flick about India – im not sure if it’s Bollywood per se – I think actually it was a British made movie but it received int’l acclaim . this was like a decade back, or maybe more
it was about a fine young man desperately trying to hold on to a renovated property he was seeking to convert into a hotel for tourists.
then this ancient old lady from England comes and …if I’m not wrong BUYS the hotel – at significant benefit to the young man + his family
through out the movie, the young man who ; at times gets so jaded + depressed he believes even the very gods have forsaken him…
somehow he manages to harbor HOPE he clings to positivity.
a refrain associated w/ this movie is something he incessantly repeats to himself as a self motivational effort
GOD bless you #shamehateOC I stand with all of y’all.
im grateful vern + greg were able to call attention to this. they did it their way. now if the manner isn’t satisfactory make your own blog the way y’all are down with .
have a beautiful weekend, everyone.
remember….if it’s not alright/// it’s NOT THE END
#keepthefaith ✝️
I’m half done with what I’m doing, hopefully everyone’ll be happy
charles “hwang” seems to know a awful lot about #jamesmai
he will be worth subpoenaing one day….
dude, you just made yourself a witness to the case.
and ppl locally ARE taking notice about the #vietnamesevandal #jamesmai.
the internet’s a lot like vegas..what happens there stays there
and you, charles are proving yourself 2 be a most helpful witness in the making …given your copious amount of “insider knowledge”
btw: jeffrey epstein frequently donated to charity. once he even donated for victims of sex trafficking. this is legit undisputed…..
meanwhile, him + ghislaine…well you know the rest.
im not sure that getting a black person legal help means mai is excused from any crime committed before OR after then
if I ain’t been vindicated..
“it’s not the end”
#shamehateOC might wish to research this “charles hwang” .
he might be “related” to someone with a similar name who is believed to have aided and abetted in mai’s doxxing of me …or he might one of that person’s “multiple personalities”
meanwhile im sending an email to the office of a certain filipino american who’s got mai on their radar…
Sure happy to talk to anyone email or phone anytime. I am a LPOC member but very active within the Asian American community locally. Your threats do nothing. Maybe you should address the facts I posted.
charles hwang…OMG dude. your a full – on retard.
you revealed your knowledge about how our laws work when you said the FBI accepts or rejects cases for investigation based on who the public perception of the character ( or lack thereof ) of the victim, reporting party or perpetrator.
keep running your mouth, charles
your fixin to talk yourself into a subpoena.
you know hella lot + it will be interesting to have revealed what more your privy to.
so according to this genius “charles hwang” the FBI accepts or rejects investigations based on the public perception of the character of the perpetrator or victim ?
you know what – im just going 2 come out + say it:
“charles hwang” is a troll being egged on by luis m huang or it IS luis huang himself…
luis and #hinduphobicvandal #jamesmai were in frequent contact. #vietnamesevandal even admitted to luis he did it.
*luis’s DM’s + other communication w/ mai are subject to subpoena.
keep talking… “hwang” lolz
NO maybe because the “proof” was a DM or Instant Message not a public post.
I am not Luis Huang but you may believe it
I am also NOT “Luis” “Hwang”
Oh Love…I don’t ever need to fucking troll. If I want to say shit about anyone, I would just say it.
Oh Love, how you love to use the R word, when you so desperately showing signs of mental health collapse. Pls take care of yourself darlin’
-Luis Huang
949-591-9089 (if Charles wants to chat)
Actually, I don’t approve of “open borders” — and I get a lot of shit for that from my fellow activists who do. It worked 100+ years ago, but I don’t think it works now.
I believe in generous asylum laws with people being able to stay in the country with relatives and such while they await asylum hearings, and I believe in DACA — but that’s not the same as entirely “open borders.” That sort of position is more likely held by business types who want to depress wages and increase desperation — and voters would not stand for it.
it was supposed 2B a surprise but “hwang” pushed me 2 reveal it publicly:
#vietnamesevandal #jamesmai is still under investigation by the #FBI as of today. i can confirm this.
now hopefully this gives justification to #removehinduphobe
I just did a basic Google search, and it shows all that information you said that was private is online. So you say this person is “protected” but shows up on a basic Google search?
Go search the name on Yahoo and even more information is available. You opened a can of worms here. It’s very concerning AND all public information…. This isn’t private information it’s public records. But it’s not of my concern, the topic here is was there doxing and from what was it’s all public info. The post Asian Dawn made they actually didn’t post all the public info apparently. WOW
Greg/Vern I you got baited and listened to nonsense thinking it was an opportunity to dish out meaty political dirt and used it to attack Doug Chaffee and secondary attacks towards Michelle Steel Young Kim, John Park, Tammy Kim (ALL KOREAN) members of KAFOC. You got tricked and used to get into a personal smear campaign against a community leader and fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Maybe you should write an apology post for slandering and admit to being fooled by a MAGA person and end up attacking the Asian American community and multiple AAPI organization, or perhaps you are racist against us Koreans and anyone who supports us?
No one here is really interested in what you think, Charles. We’ll file your advice in the usual place, despite the water shortage. But if you can really get James Mai to sue me for slander, let me know! I promise not to demur before we get to all that sweet, sweet discovery!
If you aren’t interested in what I think then you aren’t interested in the truth, so there is no need to for me to communicate here then?
How would I get James Mai anything, I met 3 times in my life and don’t even agree politically.
I thought you were journalists but don’t care about facts? Guess not. I hope you do get sued though and if not shame on you for attacking someone who has helped so many, I think you know the truth but rather stay ignorant.
Can you spot the logical fallacy in your first sentence, Charles?
I don’t consider Mai to be a credible source about his own operations. But, again, based on my understanding that SHAME HATE has made some sort of report to the areas of the state government involved in regulating purported charities, I’m happy to let that process play out.
I am interested in why you seem to take every claim that Mai makes at face value, though. Is that just a preference on your part, or do you have inside knowledge? And when you say that you’ve only met Mai about three times, does that mean that that’s the total extent of your communication with him? Or are there additional phone calls, emails, DMs, letters, communications between intermediaries (such as his wife or anyone employed by him), etc as well? You seem so very well-informed — yet … still not in communication with him? It’s intriguing.
By the way, if you’re looking for an Asian Libertarian to support in this election, you should take a look at Leon Sit, who is running for Assembly against Phillip Chen (no relation to Jay.)
My first sentence was respond to you saying you are not interested in what I have to say.
I do not understand your definition of DOX, that is public information on Google and Yahoo that [REDACTED] posted. Can you explain to me then maybe I am missing something?
Yes, I said I met him 3 times at events, Asian American events in Garden Grove and Irvine. I said that because you asked me to get him to do something. I have never communicated with him and don’t plan to do so. I am VERY well informed in the general political happenings of the county especially in the Korean community.
I know Leon Sit, nice young man. He does not have a chance against Phillip Chen, that guy is well funded and supported. Nothing bad to say against Phillip Chen, he hosted one of the Stop Asian Hate groups at the Capital recently that awarded non-profit of the year, which all Asians are behind helping Elderly Asians.
Doxxing is the release of private information, generally in either to intimidate them or to facilitate harassment.
When you say that the material is “available online,” if it is referring to someone who released it illegally — and in this case did include some information that was actually protected under state law — that violation of the law does not excuse your subsequent violation of the law. If it were otherwise, it would be trivially easy to “leak” the information anonymously and then report on the leak. I hope that you can follow this reasoning.
I am not representing the victim in this case of doxxing, but as I’ve said I think that it’s a winnable case for someone with the resources to pursue it.
Enough, for the love of Baby Jesus.
No haven to be had here for the baby or the adult Jesus here. But I’m working on the piece that they say they want, so at least comments can be moved off of this post soon.
I guess we’re in a race then.
Oh, go ahead and publish. Mine is taking a great deal of effort and it’s already long enough that it keeps choking my computer.
Sonal Kher here on behalf of Exposing Hinduphobia. We at #shamehateOC feel empowered at the news #JamesMai is still under #FBI investigation. We do not concern ourselves with trolls like Charles Hwang. WE shall blast it all over the internet. Leave the doxxing victim alone, Charles. You are Gangster like him.
Sonal, I can say that the original incident was reported to the FBI, in a long and far-ranging conversation. I presume that they did at least some initial investigation, but I couldn’t personally testify to it. I’m in no position to presume that they are, or are not, still investigating.
I’m not allowed to say more because of a limited attorney client privilege that attaches at the early investigatory stages on an attorney considering taking a case, but Love Cameron can tell you anything she’d like about our calls to the FBI. She can waive confidentiality; I cannot.
The comment I made including a letter from Mrs. Cameron to a public agency has been deleted. I have retained a copy of it elsewhere.
My name is Vanessa Mendoza, Vern you may remember me from the OCDA Recall. I worked behind the scenes on it. My brother was one of the original signers. (We are Republicans and we wanted him gone as he’s totally corrupt.)
Anyhow, its disturbing to see Greg is publishing emails with the doxxing victim’s initials. With something like that, Cameron doesn’t need Mai for an enemy. Greg is fucking this up royally as he knew or should have known almost 24 hours ago about the FBI being called. He could have verified it for himself, but he’s too busy nightmaring about Doug Chaffee.
I recommend the Shame Hate OC folks to hire your own expert, set up a website to promote this and reach out to some organizations locally that deal with hate and ask them for advice. You can’t rely on people like Vern and Greg. Cameron is in no position to endure any more of this. As you guys have noticed, they still have not put a story together. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Don’t forget that the real victim here isn’t a cow, but the doxxing victim, Love Cameron. Greg made a mess out of this from day one, in my opinion by not even securing a declaration from Cameron. I am trying to find her someone who can do it, because I just recently found out he is refusing to collect a sworn statement from her. I can’t guess why.
I recommend you Shame Hate guys to move on from this blog. They are destroying Cameron’s credibility every time they post a comment, like Greg did at 11.37 pm last night.
Vanessa, I posted exactly what she sent me, which appeared to have been already sent to a public agency and thus became a public record. In light of your comment, though, I’ve redacted the material at the end.
I am not representing Mrs. Cameron in this matter, despite my taking some initial actions to investigate and decide whether I wanted to do so, as well as speaking on her behalf to the County’s Housing and Human Services Commission out of deference to her disability. It was and is not my place to help her create a sworn statement regarding it. It’s not that hard to do, and online models exist.
Yes, she was doxxed. The issue is being able to demonstrate that the doxxing came from him or some in his household, or some agent of his. I don’t know if you know much about how that information would normally come out in the process of litigation-related discovery, and what expenses are associated with that as a plaintiff, but I factored that into the process of evaluating that case. I would be happy to see one of the groups associated with SHAME HATE take it on.
As for your allegations about the quality of my representation of Mrs. Cameron, I’m just going to disagree, doubt the basis of your knowledge, and otherwise let that pass. At some point I become entitled to defend myself, but not yet, and in any event Mrs. Cameron has other fish to fry right now.
Interesting to know that you were involved in the abortive recall.
Greg, you should know the definition of a public record. It’s not public until one ASKS for it, usually by a PRA request. Also the agency Cameron sent it to, probably has confidentiality protections in place since the government entity she sent it to is servicing her. In fact I would bet my life they do. She is literally receiving services from them. That is different from a random citizen sending an email to that agency.
I don’t get how you passed the LSAT, let alone the Bar. Attorneys in Mexico are smarter about our laws than you.
Vanessa, you’re wrong about the law. And you’re wrong about my conduct of the case. And it is disturbing that my client (in another matter) is discussing with you my supposed inaction in a case where I do not represent her. That’s all I’ll say for now.
You can send in a reply to this, despite being blocked, and if it’s worthy of publication (even if it disagrees with me here) I will publish the whole thing or, if it’s partly defamatory, will publish a redacted version.
Cameron just texted me and informed me this email Greg posted is redacted as to important parts that make a difference. Greg didnt bother to redact her initials. Also, Vern, every time you and
Greg approve comments with the Asian blog article that NAMES the blog ( like Charles Hwang did) you set Cameron up for more doxxing. This is sad.
Gotcha, on the second thing. Lemme look & redact…
Already did it. The email she sent to me (1) did not contain instructions to redact what looked to me like some sort of official code, rather than identifying information, and (2) was sent to a government agency, so I presumed that it was in shape to publish.
Why are you trying to censor my comments? How is it Dox? You want to hide the truth? How am I Dox anyone just by stating where I read a source? You can argue against it but censor? Guess you are a commie LOL
Charles, her private information, which is protected by law, is mentioned on that site. You can read some of the background on some of the posts and comments to find out why she’s entitled to that. While I disagree with most of what Vanessa said about me, including whether just mentioning the site name constitutes an additional act of doxxing, I will inform you now that YOU can’t use it here anymore, because you’re slimy.
Charles, you missed the point. As a Republican I think the GOP needs get a reality check with hate crimes. Even if James Mai BRAGGED about it in (only) a DM it reflects horribly on him as a Commissioner. By extension, if reflects badly on the City of Irvine too, to say nothing of the BoS.
Both the County and the City of Irvine have installed protocol to deal with employees and vendors who behave inappropriately. I can’t imagine why that would not extend to Commissioners…
Here are some links from the City of Irvine’s website:
It looks like complaints can be made anonymously. That is where you Shame Hate guys should start off. Forget about the cow and focus on the messages James Mai sent to Cameron.
Also, the City of Irvine has a DEI committee. It looks like they would welcome comments. They meet the 4th Thursday of every month. but Greg Diamond refuses to explore this option, so I’ve been told.
You guys know why this #ShameHateOC movement is doomed ? Anonymous complaints on social media aren’t going to get you support. In the OCDA Recall attempt, we used a combination of social media and real world efforts to promote this. We gathered signatures and we got support from folks of all political ends of the spectrum.
Charles seems like one of those disgruntled Libertarians who hates what’s called the duopoly. But calling the Republican party toxic ? Dude, you have issues. You and Greg would make a happily married couple as both of you have your heads up your culos.
So you are saying that a DM about buying a fresh cow head and throwing it against a wall is a HATE INCIDENT? It does not take a genius to know it was a troll to see what would happen as indicated on [REDACTED] post. You would first have to prove it was intended as a hate incident not circumstantial evidence. You would also have to prove dates.
Since no one will respond to the DOX question I would like to know how is it DOX if public information?
It seems Mr. Greg realized this is almost all alleged information, and backed off as it was a losing case but happy to use it as fodder for a smear campaign against Chaffee and all Republican candidates.
Yes, both parties are toxic. Esp Maga Trumpers and on the other side Defund Everything
Charles, FYI I’m not a commie, I’m a proud #ultramaga and member of #LatinosforTrump !
You know why the Libertarian movement hasn’t caught on? It’s because you guys don’t stand for anything. Go back to your basement and leave my friend alone, you freak.
I thought you believed in facts over feelings?
Answer the question how is it DOX if public information? The info posted doesn’t show any private information.
Maybe you are hiding the other really good public information about your friend. Which is on MSN or Yahoo Search would you like to see it?
Charles, would you like to post your email information here so people can know where they can write you when you’re banned from the site? It’s probably available somewhere on the internet, so it shouldn’t be a problem? Would it be offensive for me to do it without your permission?
my name is Love Cameron and I am the doxxing victim
i always and forever went to extreme lengths and and extraordinary effort to keep my name confidential
my name was not a public record
i was always “Love Cameron”
before you can dox me you have to know legal names ( married and maiden surnames)
so when [CHARACTERIZATION DELETED] hwang claims there is public records out there he misses the gravamen of my claim which turns on this fact :
I never gave my real name to anyone from social media
to find my real name, they used my address or a combination of social media posts and geotagged photos
do not believe [CHARACTERIZATION DELETED] hwang when he says all this information is out there because I never divulged my real name to anyone, EVER !!!!!
As Mrs. Cameron’s attorney, I can attest that she has always and consistently maintained the above position.
As this blog’s Managing Editor, I will share with readers the following announcement made on our Facebook page in response to a comment by Mrs. Cameron:
Speaking now to everyone: In addition, Charles Hwang and Vanessa Mendoza have been suspended from commenting on this blog for at least two months due to actions including being incredible pains in the ass. If Mrs. Cameron again describes Mr. Hwang using the characterization that I redacted from her recent comment, she will be suspended as well. Persons affiliated with SHAME HATE will be addressed ad hoc. I’m going to try to finish the story I’ve been working on, which has been changing every day as more bizarre commentary has gone on. If I do, it will be posted and will allow comments. Any comments on this anywhere else, except for the piece that Vern just published, will be deleted and their authors may face suspension.
Everyone can of course try to get in one below-the-belt punch and have people see it for a short while until it is deleted and that person is banned.
Wow, Charles — did you leave anything out of your description while dismissing it as a hate crime? Like who the alleged victim was?
James Mai’s “I was testing her” notion is lame-brained. Would he have falsely confided in her, to test her, that he had raped a 6-year-old child? No? And why not? Because that would be DISGUSTING, right? Well, let’s see if you can connect the remaining dots.
I’ve specifically said that there is a strong case to be made against Mai. I do not have the resources to pursue it, but Ivwould happily help an attorney who does.
Vanessa, I’ve moved your comment and my reply to the comments to this story, because the story you posted your comment on had nothing to do with James Mai and I’m trying to limit the contagion. Don’t do it again or you’ll be put in moderation — as a start.
By the way, I wish that I didn’t have to play both roles so often — but our county has a dearth of both lawyers who will work on worthy projects for low compensation and people willing to take on sensitive topics and powerful actors with news and analysis provided for free and under one’s own name, so I end up wearing more hats than I wish.
Thanks y’all. This has been a thoroughly entertaining Thursday evening/ Friday early morning read for me. Popcorn and Netflix could never have matched the looney-ness from everything I have read.
Here is the situation:
James Mai, respected in the business community and for Anti-Asian Hate efforts, noted track record on Social Media and in person. I don’t think anyone has disputed this.
James Mai, for whatever shits and giggles, decided to tell a horrendous story involving a billing dispute, a Indian restaurant, and a severed cow head.
Apparently, James dm’ed to me and confided to me, he had told me this same “story” of his. It apparently is buried deep in my dm’s. I have exchanged hundreds of messages with James via IG and FB Messenger, so it is not worth my 20 mins digging up past messages.
Love Cameron was told this SAME story, and L.C. got FUCKING TRIGGEREDDDDDD.
And dude, of course a horrendous story like that obviously would do that to people.
But does it pass the smell test?
What is the name of the restaurant?
What city?
Any documented proof? Does the Indian restaurant owners, did they do the sensible thing and take photos and video?
I just don’t believe a smart person like James would ever resort to such a horrendous tactic over a “billing dispute.” It did not pass my BS detector.
So whatever, I got mixed in between my “friendship” with L.C, and I got mixed because of my friendship with James Mai.
I literally don’t give a fuck what the truth is, that’s for the FBI to fucking INVESTIGATE. I am just glad you all kept the crazy AWAY from me. I don’t need another lawsuit on my hands. I am still dealing with Jacob JP23 Poozhila’s garbage lawsuit against my defaming his rapey rapey rapey degenerate ass (for legal reasons, I stress that everything stated for the record is hyperbole and satire, and can not be used against Mr. Luis Manuel Huang, for any legal or court purposes. No falsehoods were made in the public “blog” entry).
Thanks, Luis. From what I can tell, your assessment of the situation (except the last paragraph, which I can’t even follow) is correct.
Your friend James is an idiot for trolling people for “shits and giggles.” He trolled the wrong person, who had a reasonable reaction given her cognitive status and decided to publicize it. That was the right thing to do.
She believes that he was directly behind her being doxxed on his site. I’m not representing her in any case that she might have against him, but you might convey to him your own feelings about whether he should “get right with God” over this having happened. It apparently happened in one or more places over which he or his company have control, so he should take responsibility for such an action and punish anyone (if they exist) under him who did this.
Don’t you agree with that too? I would not that you will let her know if so.
Also fuck him for lying about Jay Chen. Does anyone know how his big Cerritos bash went yesterday?
Luis Huang is now trolling LC on Instagram. She and the Shame Hate Hindi people are rightly pissed. It looks like he’s trying to get her to admit this James Mai thing isn’t a big deal. Not sure what led to this turn of events, unless Mai is getting Luis to do it.
Mai is in deep shit, true that. But this has gone way beyond LC now. For my part, I’m curious why Luis is suddenly bullying LC about the story not being real and sending her DM’s. She described them on Instagram as being “in rapid succession”. I think that means he’s blasting one message after another at her. If Luis is harassing LC on Mai’s behalf that’s dumb AF, and maybe a crime. Greg talk some sense into Luis, maybe?
I really think whole thing has gone far enough.
Yeah… you’re probably right…
Greg, I’m posting because Luis M Huang is now trolling and bullying LC on her Instagram, trying to get her to walk back her story and say the screenshots are false. Please reach out to him and try to get him to stop, if possible.
At this point LC believes its Luis that’s behind the “Ava Liu” and “Shahn Khanh” accounts. She is prepared to contact IPD and inform them of the harassment by Luis and investigate if he is also behind these troll pages on Facebook.
Even looking at the messages Luis is sending her on IG, this seems like it could be interfering with a witness. IPD did determine at minimum; James Mai committed a Hate Incident. Luis is demanding details of the FBI investigation and abusing LC on Instagram. She sent me the screenshots. I will be forwarding them to DGI, but nobody in DGI really has control over Luis.
My wife and I are concerned about LC’s wellbeing. Thanks.
I don’t have a “talk sense into” kind of relationship with Luis. If she wants to contact the IPD, she can. If he’s the one doing this, he’ll have to answer for it.
I am not going to be involved in this in this because of mission creep. I’ve done more than enough already and I’m sticking to be legal obligations, of which this isn’t one.
Are you of any relation to “Jake Mitchell,” perchance?
Hello,Greg I came on this blog to review the comments because James Mai’s reappointment to the Child Care Committee is being formally certified on Nov 8th. I was looking to see if there is anything else I could add to the public comments I’m sending by email. I happened to see your question about Jake. It looks like you are taking a swipe at me and him,implying we’re the same person. We are not. We don’t know each other, but we both know LC. She reached out to me, and apparently to him also, due to Luis’ harassment of her. Which, btw is still continuing under the name of “Shahn Khan”. Luis was identified by his voice and IPD is now investigating his attacks on LC. So just clearing that up. Thanks, Cory Ng.
I’ll take you at your word (largely because it doesn’t really matter.) Just to let you know, many people write into this blog and others do so under more than one name (or pseudonym) to make it look like they represent a broader sort of consensus. So I won’t apologize for the question.
Luis can come here and speak to your last few sentences, if he wishes.
Here is a recording from City Council meeting from “Shan Khan”
I’ll let everyone make the determination if I was impersonating a “Mr. Shan Khan.”
Keep talking lies Cory Ng, and I will sue your ass for Defamation.
Luis M Huang