Zoom Event: What Lies Ahead for the Stadium, the Angels, and Anaheim? (&Weekend Open Thread!)

As a longtime member of the Anaheim Democrats Club (which some refer to as “the Conscience of the OC Democrat Party”) I’m excited to announce our first event that’s open to ALL – meaning you, Democrat or not, as long as you’re concerned with Anaheim and us not getting ripped off by our own “leaders.”

You see the graphic above – our stellar panel of Jose Moreno, Wally Courtney and Dave Duran will be answering questions including but not confined to:

  • What comes next in Anaheim’s dealings with the Angels and their owner Arte Moreno?
  • What lease is Arte bound by now – is he paying ANY money to this city?
  • Should we take his threats to leave Anaheim seriously?
  • What should a future Mayor and Council look for in their dealings with the Angels?
  • The Stadium – should we sell or continue to lease?
  • And what’s it really worth – with or without its surrounding property?
  • Will the team ever be called the Anaheim Angels?
  • And what’s next for the People’s Homeless Task Force’s Brown Act suit against the City, and why is it still important?

This will be a Zoom meeting, this Thursday at 6pm, and will be moderated by Anaheim Democrats member Grant Henninger. Facebook event page here… And more important – REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE!

[GAD adds: To make sure that more people read this, this will also be our belated and be-earlied Weekend Open Thread. Act accordingly!]


About Anaheim Insider

Identity suspected but unsure, Anaheim Insider is SOME slavish devotee of Curt Pringle and the Disney/Chamber kleptocracy in the OC's biggest city, and can always be counted on to spout their official line. [OK, he's a satirical character based on the anonymous "Anaheim Insider" who posts on Matt Cunningham's "AnaheimBlog.net", and is known for his tagline "Anaheim Insider here" and referring to Mr. Pringle as "The Great Man."] Oh, and of late, the editors have been using "Anaheim Insider" for non-satirical Anaheim-related pieces which are either collaborative or simple announcements.