Hey Anaheim Democrats,
How has CoVid isolation been treating you?
I know we all miss our monthly meetings and everything else we usually do together, but we can be proud as Californians (and Democrats) that thanks to following our Governor’s wise instructions, we are really “flattening the curve” in this state, better than most other states! (And able to HELP other states even!)
And then, the sooner we can get out there again, have our meetings, and start:
• Getting 20,000 signatures to recall Mayor Sidhu,
• Getting back to work on changing our awful council, and
• Helping get Josh Newman back into the state Senate!
What could be more important, in the summer and fall, once we are once again set loose upon the world? EXCEPT … except possibly spending the fall in a swing state like Arizona or Nevada, to help get the Dictator out of the White House. Some folks we know are doing that; let us know if you want contact info.
Some of you have been asking about the progress of the Sidhu Recall. Back in February the recall proponents missed a deadline by a day – a simple misunderstanding that’s cleared up, and they’re going to get started again. But they’re “keeping their powder dry” – as soon as they know when it’s going to be safe to knock on people’s doors again to get signatures, they’ll re-start the process – there’s no point starting the clock too early. Plus, Sidhu and his majority just keep providing new and more outrageous reasons to get rid of them.
The newest: Late on Friday night March 26, with nearly no public notice (because they pretended it was a coronavirus-related emergency) they voted to give $6.5 million, out of our dwindling reserves, to the resort-advertising agency “Visit Anaheim.” (As usual all councilmembers but Jose Moreno and Denise Barnes voted for this.)

Anaheim looters, 3/26/2020
Can you count in how many ways this was an outrage? This crowd has been draining our reserves for a lot of unnecessary things and soon there will be none left. There are many more pressing needs in this town right now than the need to advertise Disney and our hotels, which can’t even operate right now, and those big companies can do their own advertising. And then to push this through with no publicity pretending it’s a pandemic-related emergency – these people just get more and more shameless.
For now, we hope you are keeping up with Jose’s pre-council-meeting briefings on Facebook live, 5pm on the Monday before each council meeting. So the next few will be Monday April 20, May 4 & May 11 (before the Council meetings April 21, May 5 & May 12). You can also send in comments to those council meetings via e-mail.

5th district candidate & Club member Kenneth Batiste giving out food on Anna Drive this week.
Meanwhile a lot of us have been concerned about the virus spreading among two of our most vulnerable populations – the homeless, and the incarcerated. Many of our club members are deeply involved in one or both of these causes, and it’s real useful to keep in touch of them through Facebook and e-mail to help out, even if just signing petitions and writing letters.
And kudos to all our Club members who’ve been helping to bring food to the needy neighborhoods of Anaheim – even before this pandemic, but especially now!
Keep safe, healthy, and socially distant you-all – but give each other a call sometime, this can get lonely! See you all when this is over!
VP emeritus Vern.
The Coronavirus & Harry Sidhu!2020