Here are the election-night totals, as they tote!
[Note: I tuned in too late to see the 8:00 results, and they turn out to be very important in explaining what came later. The “8:00” heading appears way down below. — GAD]
Here are the results at of 9:30 p.m., which include lots of vote-by-mail ballots and a smattering (under 2,500) of “day of” ballots.
It’s not over — hell, there are still a few days for late VBMs to show up, unless some weird rule prevents that — but at this point it looks pretty close between Wagner and Sanchez. Kris Murray is in fourth place behind Wagner, Murray, and wherever she thought she’d be at this point. (OK, let’s all it third place.)
At this point, you may be wondering who Larry Bales is, given that he’s running ahead of Deborah Pauly and just 500-odd votes behind Murray. Good question. Here’s his candidate statement:
I am a Viet Nam Veteran; my family has served in every United States Conflict including the Revolutionary War of Independence.
While working for the County of Orange, I exposed political corruption and unfair treatment of taxpayers that eventually resulted in 45 indictments and 45 convictions of corrupted elected officials.
Among them, a U S Congressman, the first one to be removed from U S Congress since the Civil War. My efforts, in stopping unfair and illegal property tax practices, directly contributed to the passage of Proposition 13. I support Prop 13!
I am against the “SPLIT ROLL” Property Tax being proposed. It will raise YOUR taxes. Our Commercial and Industrial business community already suffers from unfair competition and are either moving out of state or going out of business. Lost jobs.
I continue to be concerned about our election process and 2016 exposed and brought forward election fraud charges against YOUR former Assessor Webster Guillory, resulting in 5 election felony charges.
I have NOT and I will NOT accept SPECIAL INTEREST money or untraceable DARK MONEY from special interest. Special Interest and Dark Money corrupts YOUR representation to the point where, WE THE PEOPLE, no longer exists.
I support legal immigration and election laws.
Larry Balesb
In other words: he probably took votes from Loretta — almost as many as Murray took from Wagner. Or at least that’s going to be my story….
That’s 34 more precincts in, only 25 left, and Wagner’s lead fell from 1,808 to — whoops, make that ROSE to 2,011.
That is not the most encouraging thing that could have happened. At this point, it looks quite clear that Loretta will not be leading at the end of the vote counting (which ain’t going to go very late, making me doubt whether I should have had that big bottle of Mountain Dew.
10:30 — Final Election Night Update
With all precincts in — but not with their final figures! — Wagner’s lead fell from 2.011 to — whoops, make that ROSE to 2.980.
This is not what Loretta fans wanted to see. But, this is probably Wagner’s high-water mark. It’s time to play … What’s Left to Count?
Here’s the Election “WL2C?” Night report:
Total Ballots Left to Count
Total estimated number of ballots to count (after Election Day): 161Total estimated number of ballots counted (after Election Day): 161
Total Estimated Left to Count: 0
OK, that’s not very helpful. But the main thing is that they can’t estimate the number that really matters, which is: how many VBM ballots are still coming in?
And the answer to that is: not likely enough to let Loretta pick up 3,000 votes, given that she and Wagner combined will probably get no more than 80% of them and she’d need to absolutely demolish him in order to win.
What I don’t see here is any mention of provisional ballots counted, but maybe they’re just not a thing anymore, or maybe they were all counted really quickly.
Well, who knows. When Loretta gets 80% of the 5,000 ballots that come in tomorrow, I’ll be happy to eat my words.
(So did Kris Murray pull out of the race without anyone telling me?)
8:00 — What I Had Missed
Here were the first tranche of votes reported, all (if all went according to form) VBM ballots that had arrived prior to Election Day. Though, who knows?
County Supervisor Third District, Short Term
Under Votes: 189
Over Votes: 32
Complete Precincts: 0 of 229
DONALD P. WAGNER 19,955 39.99%
LORETTA SANCHEZ 18,401 36.88%
LARRY BALES 3,314 6.64%
DEBORAH PAULY 2,762 5.54%
In other words, Wagner kept on padding his lead all night, but he also started out with a lead of 1.554, so it’s Loretta lost both by mail and at the polls. Maybe there’s a way home for her, but I sure don’t see it.
It looks like we may be back in Orange County, at least where there’s no Trump on the ballot.
* Indicates Incumbent Candidate, if any |
Wagner’s lead is up to 3,413. which matters more than the drop from 5.0% to 4.9%. All of the known ballots left to count are provisionals (to which will be added unknown amounts of stragglers over the next two days.) But the late vote by mails obviously aren’t helping Loretta much, and not all of the provisionals will count, nor will they all be for her. nor will they all not be for him, nor (even if they all counted and were all for him) would they exceed his lead.
We’re calling it for Wagner.
THURSDAY, 5:00 (actually 8:30 for us)
Just because we’ve called it doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped working!
* Indicates Incumbent Candidate, if any |
On Wednesday (not, as I had for some reason written, Monday), we had 69,239 ballots cast, 9,954 at precincts, 517 in early voting, and 58,768 by mail. The early voting figures, as one would hope, have stayed the same. We’re now at 10,493 precinct ballots, a rise of 569, which I think are all mostly provisional ballots. Vote by mail is at 59,583, a rise of 815, which would all be stragglers. That bumped turnout from 20.3% to 20.7%.
There are 1,573 ballots — that we know of, meaning not VBM stragglers — left to count. These include 119 VBMs left at the polls, 1412 provisionals, 17 paper ballots, 12 Eligible Vote-by-Mail Ballots received after Election Day, and 13 conditional voter registrations. (Yes, that does add up.)
Even if Loretta gets all of them, and they somehow count twice apiece, that will not exceed Wagner’s 3,324 vote (or 4.7%) lead, so if any other publications you are reading hasn’t yet called the race it’s because they either are lazy, befuddled, or just can’t face it. But we’ll keep reporting anyway, because we care that much about posterity.
Loretta is now down by 3,518. There will be no further update until Monday.
(Note to the VOC — seriously, no one is going to look down on you for calling it now.)
Wanger went up 0.2% while Loretta stayed where she was., meaning that he’s almost up to the magic 5% figure — and when I say “magic” I mean “pretty much pointless.” Wagner picked up 696 votes to Loretta’s 502.
Dep Pauley made a charge on Larry Bales for fourth place on Wednesday, which I mention only because it tells you what sorts of people may be casting VBM on Election Day (or maybe one or two days before. Late, anyway.) Her deficit went from 281 to 110. On Thursday, that deficit was at 112; today, it was down to 65. Given the small numbers left to count — see below — it’s certain that she won’t get bragging rights by finishing fourth. (Note for future research: Does finishing fourth actually confer “bragging rights”?) Kris Murray picked up 111 votes, so she’s really safely in third place.
What’s Left to Vote Going Into the Weekend?
Well, late VBM ballots did have until 8 or 10 p.m. (not looking it up) to arrive, so there may be a few more, mailed perhaps from rural Alabama or Alaska by people who really are “absentee.”
Total Ballots Left to Count
Total estimated number of ballots to count (after Election Day): 11,352Total estimated number of ballots counted (after Election Day): 11,304
Total Estimated Left to Count: 48
Of these, 17 are election day paper ballots, 19 are already-received eligible VBM ballots, and 12 are provisionals.
I think that it’s time to reproduce the OCROV’s “Final Ballots to Count” boilerplate:
Final Ballots to Count
Elections always come down to small batches of ballots to count. The following examples details how complex and detailed the final ballot counting becomes – this is critical to ensure that every single ballot is accounted for and included in the final vote totals.
Damaged ballots are paper ballots where the barcode has been compromised in some way, preventing the scanning of the ballot. Examples include a tear, pen marks, foreign material (such as food stains, smudges, etc.), or a fade in the barcode itself. Each of these ballots must be duplicated onto new ballot paper by hand.UNSCANNED BALLOTS
A ballot unscanned is a ballot that did not scan on the first pass. Causes for this include issues in the barcode or a misfeed on a scanner. Each of these ballots must be located among the entire batch of scanned ballots (a needle in a haystack). Once found we must attempt to scan the ballot a second time and if it still will not scan we must duplicate it by hand.ORPHAN BALLOTS
An orphan ballot is a ballot that is returned without the full ballot (for example, a single page of a two page ballot). These ballots are not scanned in the early stages of the ballot scanning – we must wait to see if the voter returns the second page. Following Election Night we identify any orphan ballots and locate them among all of the ballots scanned. The orphan is then scanned into the actual tally.
I imagine that Neal Kelley is going to be in there this weekend with maybe a few salaried employees doing this final cleanup, along with pizza and carbonated beverages. Could be wrong.
Final note: the actual turnout is 21.08728%, rounded to 21.1%, so those of you who had 21.2% in the betting pool: I’m sad to inform you that it would take 72,250 total votes — 215 more, in other words– to push past 21.15%. So if the rules are that you have to be exact to one digit after the decimal, you’re not going to make it. Knock on a few doors next time!
Here are the charts from Monday night:
* Indicates Incumbent Candidate, if any |
What’s Left to Count?
Total estimated number of ballots to count (after Election Day): 11,551Total estimated number of ballots counted (after Election Day): 11,517
Total Estimated Left to Count: 34
Oh, and what sorts of ballots are they?
3 Vote-by-Mail
12 Provisionals
6 VBMs returned at the polls
5 Election Day paper
8 Eligible Later-Arriving VBM
0 Conditional Voter Registrations
Every election, here at the end, when those last few ballots spread across so many categories remain uncounted, I wonder:
“Why is Neal Kelley doing this to me? Does he WANT to promote OCD?”
And every election, I come up with the same likely answer:
“There must a betting pool as to what day counting will finish, and he’s manipulating it.”
Note: no, I don’t really believe that. Hopefully things end on Tuesday.
Those of you who picked 72,299 plus or minus 3 in your pool, we have good news! There are only 6 ballots left uncounted, all later-arriving eligible VBMs, so you win!
What we’re actually looking for, and want complete results from before we take on, is the final SOV, or “Statement of Votes.” But what the hell — if we’re going to be thwarted, so be it. You can go here and scroll to the last three pages — grand totals by district — if you want a head start at figuring out the subtleties of where the candidates did well and where not. (Hint: Loretta did well back where she served as as Congresswoman, which may have been a big hint had it been heeded in advance.) Top turnout medals go to Silverado (gold), Panorama Heights (silver), and East Tustin (bronze), if you discount the handful of votes from the Brea Olinda School District (which are in precinct 29289 — composed of Iron Bark Way and Linden Lane in Yorba Linda.)
Yes, you can’t wait for more!
* Indicates Incumbent Candidate, if any |
And … scene!
Loretta picks up 4, Wagner 1, and Bales 1. Wagner wins by 3,532.
We’ll check out the SOV later, maybe, for signs of what it may portend for the northern hill districts in 2020.
Here’s the reporting schedule:
So if I’m correct that we have to wait for more VBMs to arrive until Friday’s mail drop, we’d expect final results on Friday at 5:00. Anyone with better knowledge, please feel welcome to correct me.
Not sure she can make up 5 points with late ballots.
If Wagner joins Chaffee on the dais, welcome to a Pringle BoS!
More so than if Murray won? Oh wait — he dumped her, right?
Maybe you should invite her to write for us. Nothing to lose and stories to tell….
Forget it — I found Kris a real job, from an advert in today’s Nooner:
When you think about it, you’ll realize that this isn’t actually a joke.
We covered Larry Bales here when he interviewed with the Board of Supervisors for the temporary County Clerk appointment when Daly became assemblyman. It was refreshing to hear him – one of the very few contenders who were all Repubicans – answer Spitzer’s gay marriage question, “I have married gay couples, and I’m sure the Supreme Court is going to overturn Prop 8.” http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2019/03/supe-3-special-election-results-thread/comment-page-1/#comment-1130131
Nowadays he occasionally comments in all caps on all the blogs, including this one, mostly anti-immigrant stuff. He always boasts of being a veteran and having blown the whistle on some county corruption in the 90’s. He’s getting very old, and seemed not to understand a lot of the questions at the supervisorial forum a month or two ago.
He took votes from Wagner as did Murray and Pauly. And still it looks like Wagner is winning.
I’m certainly surprised.
Biggest shock is Murray’s total. 450 votes more than a guy who never held office?
I think Howie Ahmanson blasted her. Payback for years of crony capitalism and attacking Tom Tait.
I haven’t pulled her 460s, but what did she, the Building Trades, and the Anaheim Chamber spend?
Will end up something like $20/vote?
Weren’t the Trades supporting Loretta? Or at least both of them?
No idea, but Murray is responsible for throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at organized labor for projects that had absolutely no public merit.
They owe her.
True that. Well, if they supported her over (or even as well as) Loretta, then we know who Wagner should thank for splitting the vote against him.
So what do you think: Wagner now runs for Governor in 2022? Or maybe for Kamsla’s U.S. Senate seat, if she’s still there? If he did the latter, much of the OC Democratic establishment might support him!
That’s why I’m wondering, Ryan, whether Murray eased up on the throttle towards the end, as Thorburn at least *appeared* to have done in the last days of his primary race against Cisneros. (I expect that she’ll claim that to save face, even though that story makes no sense; the time to drop out was when Wagner got the GOP endorsement.) I feel sort of weirdly sorry for her. Her strength would be as something like White House Press Secretary, given her ability to stay in message no matter what, without shame or acknowledgement of lunacy.
I’m glad I voted for Don
I’m glad I switched on the avatars.
Same IP address as “Who cares?” for what that’s worth. A person who stuck up for Derek Reeve also says they voted for Don Wagner – IF it’s the same person. For what that’s worth.
I shudder to remember some of the scumbags I’ve shared IP addresses with for one reason or another.
So, do you live in Capistrano (as you imply in another posts’s comments), or did you vote in the 3rd District Supe’s race — or both? And if both, HOW?
Avatars! Gotta love ‘em!
I don’t want seem mean, because I do like her, but Katherine Daigle needs to not run for things for a while.* There must be some way to set herself up for future political success that doesn’t involve repeatedly getting the crap getting kicked out of her. ( It would be one thing if she were simply running to show the flag or something, but she really wants to win each time.)
*I suppose that she deserves to run for Wagner’s Mayor’s seat — but AFTER that.
Is it premature to talk about the Irvine Mayor’s race? Go ahead without me, if so..
She is one who believes Trump can do no wrong. That’s when I stopped liking her.
Thank you Greg for your enlightening comment.
My expectation was for about 2500 – my intent for such a short election period was to keep my name out there. I spent nothing, but I do really want a win. I am searching for the “right” place. The City is being manipulated by one developer and politicians that want success for their Boss – there are many many projects in the pipeline. I understand the quagmire,these politicians are sunk in and they have planted their feet firmly. As a result, our homes in the Irvine area have retained value and by the voters own acceptance they like who is “running the show”.
So, lets take a look at the political landscape: Shea will slide over to Mayor – without a peoples vote. Shea will appoint her own replacement (without a peoples vote) at least until 2020. Based on the outcome of the last two elections “absurdism” (self elected) minions and the will stay until 2024.
The Developer gets their pipeline of projects developed, zoning changes and permits will result in the most conducive and favorable outcome for the developments with OC BoS optimizing the level of growth and success for them.
There is a place for someone with integrity, and still finds a happy medium with businesses, developers and a propensity for a moderate in the areas of social correctness today.
I just have not found it “yet” so, I press forward. See you all in 2020!
“Shea will slide over to Mayor – without a peoples vote.”
How can she slide over? She can fill in for the Mayor “pro tem” but that’s an elected office and a replacement has to be elected within a certain time period.
I am told that Shea becomes Mayor automatically, and there will have to be an election for a 5th councilperson.
But she wasn’t elected “Mayor Pro Tem” so how can she assume an elected office permanently? That sounds like the old Soviet succession planning.
On the other hand there’s no reason the Council can’t appoint a successor to fill out a council term. That happens all the time.
I suppose that one of us could review the Irvine City Code to see what the rules are and provide specific citations ….
(Not gonna be me….)
Michael Fox, husband of Councillady Melissa, told me this … and I think I read it also in the Voice or something.
I’ll double-check. I’m writing a piece about Irvine anyway. They have voted (with the exception of Melissa) to outlaw roommate situations or something. Right while they’re being sued for not helping with homelessness.
Not that I really want to think about Irvine anymore — unless it’s about the topic of turning the Great Park into an international airport, the wisdom of which is becoming apparent — but Kev Abazajian (who write that piece) really does seem to be a good guy. In retrospect, I wish I’d heard him out about an endorsement for Council.
I presume that Melissa was on the short end of the 4-1 vote? For those who aren’t going to click, Irvine wants to define living arrangements with more than one person having separate leases and sharing living arrangements as a “boarding house” AND doing the same to those ON THE SAME LEASE unless they get a conditional use permit.
This is both ridiculous and spectacular, the latter because it is SO very “Irvine.” If Loretta had known that this was coming up and had Wagner’s support, maybe she’d have beaten him. Anyway, best of luck to whomever sues them over this.
Yes, Farrah voted with the three Republicans, under guidance from the Agranistas. Melissa is the only real Democrat down there. Too bad Lauren didn’t get on.
I don’t think that the source of guidance and Lauren not getting on are unrelated. It saddens me tremendously. But I’m inclined to leave it at that for now.
Translation: the Agran faction defeated Lauren Johnson-Norris with a vicious smear campaign.
Also, that Farrah, who denied being allied with Agran despite arguing for the DPOC not to weigh in against his position, may have been more allied with him at that time than was stated.
(I know that she’s having s beef with Jeff LeTourneau, but my saying the above has nothing to do with that. I had for years believed that while Farrah was ambitious, she was not treacherous; now I put her into the same class as Jeff and have no idea who’s lying.)
I went to Chumleytown to see what it’s proprietor had to say about the race:
So … there you have a sense of the quality of his sources.
In a comment, he complains that there were no walkers in his neighborhood — note that he himself is ambulatory — and laments the quality of the Democratic campaign, which keeps on pushing uninspiring moderates and being shocked when the public isn’T inspired by them. (Poor Loretta is so offen the one put forward. The boys just love her to bits.) My feeling about this race is that Andy Thorburn would have been a much better candidate — a reformer with energy and money. But … a Berniecrat, so no go!
The Tusked One also has a piece on me up there, including documents from my battle with the CDP and DPOC to reverse my wrongful expulsion from the latter. He includes my piece where I correctly predicted that Jordan Brandman would, if elected, align wth Harry Sidhu (and, I think we can safely presume, would have undermined Ashleigh Aitken had she been elected.). Can’t comment there, of course; just as well. Dan pledges to try to have me removed from DPOC if I’m reinstated — and, of course, that’s his right, just as it’s DPOC’s right to remove me for correctly predicting Brandman’s behavior. (If they follow the rules, I wouldn’t even challenge it.) Chum still seems unaware of my latest challenge, but just give him time. I appreciate his creating a readily accessible record of it all!
Yeah, heh, “Irvine News and Views,” the Agranista Pravda, where they hate Wagner as much as they hate the Foxes. Not a real credible source obviously.
An “unscientific poll”… of Irvine Republicans who read Larry’s rag.
I bet they’re grumbling quietly and deludedly to themselves right now, “Beth coulda done it if she’d stayed in!”
Lo is NOT catching up as of tonight.
I just called it. It’s over. Mathematically, it’s not completely impossible (if scads of people put ballots into the mail that didn’t show up today, and all the provisionals count, and they were all for Loretta), but you’d have to be an idiot to believe it’s plausible.
Let’s hear it for that Old Guard!
Lolita certainly could have put on an entertaining show is one is into assclownery. But damn, the screeching would have been unbearable.
Anyway libs, not to worry – Republican Supervisors vote the same way Dem would 99% of the time. That’s just the way it works.
This race was eerily familiar to Lou Correa’s defeat four years ago this week to Andrew Do. Just not as close.
In that race, an inexperienced field director, Alex Flores was in charge of the GOTV effort. Flores, a millennial Facebook denizen, thought like a lot of Loretta’s team that Likes equal votes.
Like Henry Vandermeier said back in 2015,”We haven’t what the catalyst is to boost Latino participation, especially voting”.
It looks like Ada’s party hasn’t figured it out either. I saw on social media, Phil Janowicz taking some serious shots, perhaps he was in over his head or just over confident.
With all that being said, Miguel Pulido is the next best home to add a Democrat in Area 1. Michele Martinez will end up like Kris Murray.
Enjoy the time off Loretta!
Putting Pulido in charge of county funds? Funny idea. Good one!
Shit, don’t rule it out though.
As far as I can tell the Board is getting even worse. Shawn and Todd both had a few occasional good qualities, which I don’t see in Chaffee and Wagner.
Why would Wagner want to give power to Pulido?
If he has even a lick of sense, why would Chaffee?
I think that we can rule it out. He’s the wrong flavor of corrupt — unless maybe, I suppose, he teams up with Pringle. And frankly I don’t know that Pringle’s ties to these five are that strong, although some seem to think so. (This makes me wonder if Pringle has become Krampus, the mythical one we tell stories about lying in wait coming to getcha.)
Huh? I thought the threat was that the people of the district would vote him in, as they have for 22 years.
Meagan — “Me Again,” get it? Google associates no one by that name with OC, though there is one in NorCal — is arguing that Pulido is the best Democratic hope to win District 1’s Supervisor seat.
“With all that being said, Miguel Pulido is the next best home to add a Democrat in Area 1. Michele Martinez will end up like Kris Murray.”
Just no. Better to lose with someone else than win with Pulido. He hasn’t been able to be pried out in Santa Ana, except through term limits, but as a Supervisor he has more money to play with, more influence to peddle, and more besmirching of the party’s reputation to …. um, accomplish. There’s a whole rest of District run outside of low-turnout Santa Ana that would not be happy about being served by (in both senses) the Small Dark Lord.
Big congrats to Supervisor Wagner.
I’m just as bad or worse than everyone else when it comes to predicting elections, but this margin over Sanchez and Murray is pretty darn impressive.
*Wagner is very dirty. This slime ball is an example of how OC Republicants do their jobs.
Pretty sad. We still don’t understand why there isn’t a run off.
I know someone who worked for him, who says he’s also mean and petty as hell.
Vern, I hate to break it to you but the only Supervisor I’ve known who wasn’t mean and petty was Chris Norby.
Ronandanna, there’s no runoff because by law Supervisorial special elections don’t have runoffs. That’s what gives a party that is putting up just one of its own candidates against seven of the other party’s such an overwhelming advantage.
[Checks notes]
OK, “overwhelming” may not be exactly the right word.
*Ridiculous Democrat strategy. Who are these people? We warned you folks
about running too many near do well candidates.
Loretta was the only Democrat on the ballot. Hence my archness.
*Guess the folks think that the Supervisor spot is the same as County Clerk and it doesn’t matter who serves. Loretta probably should have run
for State Office……and she would have done pretty well. The problem is those are all Democrats too! Guess she can jump on the OCMWD or go with Peer Swan on the Irvine Ranch Water District…..eh?
Like him or not Mayor Pulido remains immensely popular in Central County and has a reputation at the county level ads a DOER. He built the homeless shelter in record time, rammed the streetcar through and saved the court of appeals from Joe Dunns attempted theft.
Michele does not have the chops or name recognition.
Plus, Miguel has a secret weapon: Jerry Browns support.
And the police union. Which at least Michele has been standing up to.
The problem isn’t that Miguelito is not a “DOER.” The problem is that what he does is almost always self-serving, boondogglish, or downright crooked.
He’s not “immensely popular in Central County”; he’s popular among a small majority of the voters in the portion of Central County with the lowest turnout.
And yeah, that homeless shelter has been making headlines this past week, hasn’t it?
The only good thing about Pulido winning is that I doubt that Spitzer could resist shooting that particular fish in a barrel once he tried to pull a tenth of the stunts he’s done in Santa Ana. Spitzer doesn’t need Santa Ana Democrats’ votes to win reelection — and the headlines for taking down Pulido would be big.
Seriously, this would be a Pyrrhic victory. It would lead to four years of alienating independents, with the stories living on for twenty more.
I have no idea what you mean by “Joe Dunn’s attempted theft,” but it’s probably about as sensible as your other suggestion.
You of all people should understand to the people who elect these folks.
When you have 50,000 people out of 325,000. who bother to vote, the other 275,000 apathetic citizens could care less about the Orange Juice Blogs positions or opinions on who is corrupt and who is not.
Go on believing your fantasy. Meanwhile, Wagner and company will continue to win and your misguided righteousness will backfire……AGAIN.
I certainly hope that the person who responds to the email address you provided, which is associated with the name of the Northern California figure with the name you use here, is really you. Otherwise, this is pretty bad. Look for an email soon.
By the way, folks — the results were updated for Friday’s figures hours ago.
Meagan (or “Meagan,” as is more probable), please check the junkmail folder at the address associated with your account for an identity verification email from me, if you don’t see it in your inbox. Thanks.
The results are now final. We may add analysis here, or it may be anywhere, and in any event we’re just too worn out from waiting to care.