
“Good job boys!” laughed the assemblyman.
“That’ll teach that Mexican to pay his speeding tickets,” chuckled the congressman.
It’s counter-intuitive I know, given what Congressman Lou Correa and Assemblyman Tom Daly say in public, given the fact that they’re Democrats, and given the fact that they both represent the most Democratic AND Latino district in this blue county, but the fact remains – these two politicians have done their best to further Orange County’s co-operation with Trump’s Immigration & Customs Enforcement, and the county’s defiance of the Sanctuary State Law, otherwise known as the California Values Act, SB 54.
Behold Exhibit A, the Big One:
- Both “Democrat” politicians endorsed corrupt Sheriff Sandra Hutchens‘ hand-picked Republican replacement Don Barnes over a completely competent and decent DPOC-endorsed Democrat, Duke Nguyen.
- Hutchens and Barnes strongly oppose the California Values Act (see video below) and have done everything they can to defy it and facilitate more deportations, while Nguyen supported it and promised to cease co-operation with ICE.
- Despite the Blue Wave engulfing the county, Republican Barnes beat Democrat Nguyen by 9.2% – the ballot doesn’t specify Party affiliation for a non-partisan race like Sheriff, and doubtless MANY Democratic voters took into account the endorsements of two of our most prominent Democrat electeds – thanks Lou and Tom! (In my canvassing I saw plenty of Democrat households with Barnes signs.)
Tom and Lou made several other execrable endorsements, as they do every election with no consequence, but the Barnes endorsement was the most consequential:
- They both endorsed the re-election of the nation’s worst District Attorney, Tony Rackauckas,
as they always have – and he always endorses them right back – but fortunately Tony tanked (and before partisan Dems excuse that as being an R-on-R race, they should remember these endorsements predated the JUNE PRIMARY, and stabbed DPOC-endorsed Democrat Brett Murdock in the back.) How will Lou and Tom negotiate the Age of Spitzer? It’s gonna be a new world, what will the new rules be? (I’m going out on a limb and guessing they’ll be the actual rules.)
- LOU – not sure about Tom – went so far as to endorse Disney puppet Mitch Caldwell against the admirable, and DPOC-endorsed Dr Jose Moreno for Anaheim Council District 3. I think what we have here is a fear and loathing some in the Democrat establishment have for the good Doctor – Lou and Loretta both – possibly rooted in a threat they feel from a brilliant, honest, true progressive whose trajectory may well point in their direction. Again, no thanks to Lou, no harm was done and Mitch face-planted.
- Lou and Tom also angered many Democrats by endorsing conservative Republican Tim Shaw over DPOC-endorsed Democrat Doug Chaffee for 4th district County Supervisor. It’s not certain at this point who’s gonna win that very close race, and I reluctantly voted for Shaw myself, but I highly doubt that my reasons – Chaffee being untrustworthy and not a good Democrat – were the same as Lou’s and Tom’s.

Caldwell with handler.
No, I think what Lou and Tom do is guess who the winner’s gonna be, and endorse THEM, so that they’ll have a friend in office, no matter what their policies and ideology are. That’s how little they care, that’s how much politics is a selfish game to them. They have been totally indifferent and unhelpful to us OC progressives in our struggle to make this a freer and juster county.
Now we are going to be stuck with AT LEAST TWO YEARS of Sheriff Barnes co-operating with mad demagogue Trump’s xenophobic immigration policies, just because of Daly’s and Correa’s lazy selfish politics-as-usual, and voters whose friends and relatives get deported should remember that and hold it against them.
Yes, Santa Ana/Anaheim’s Congressional District 46 and Assembly District 69 need a real Blue Wave of their own in 2020. Lou showed up at the Anna Drive Thanksgiving Dinner tonight, and disappeared right when I got there with my piano. Probably cuz he’d got his picture taken and had no more reason to be there – that’s his general M.O. – although Tom Tait stayed for two hours. But it was probably good timing, as he didn’t have to hear my new re-write of De Colores
Lou… Correa,
El Demócrata que vota como un Republicano.
Lou… Correa,
Pero todos latinos le_apoyan porque es chicano!
A… Correa,
Y_a Tom Daly también no importa tu deportación,
Y por eso Correa y Daly son falsos amigos de la_inmigración!
Y por eso Correa y Daly son falsos amigos de la_inmigración!
Thank you Vern, this something we really need shine a light on.
Vern, I NEVER comment on blogs but i want to just let you know that I appreciate all of the support that I received in my run for SAUSD from Tom Daly and Lou Correa. They have always been supportive and they attend functions in SA. There are other electeds who have supported Republicans and nothing is said….I hope the 2020 elections will not divide the DPOC and destroy friendships. Again, if we hold one accountable, we should hold all accountable.
Have a nice Thanksgiving.
Supporting Rackauckas, Barnes, Kris Murray, Gail Eastman and Mitch Caldwell is not just “supporting Republicans.” It’s supporting the worst of them, often against good Democrats.
I recently heard that Correa also opposed district elections in Anaheim. That’s really bad too.
It’s supporting the prison-industrial complex, deportations, corruption, and corporate welfare, at the expense of good Democrats who are trying to fight those things.
Barnes has a four-year term. Daly’s and Correa’s terms are each two years.
I don’t know the size of the beast they risk awakening, and how well it can stave off Big Oil and Big Tobacco and Building Trades money that will come to both, but it will be good to find out.
*Lou and Tom have always been “squishy RINO/DINO’s” in The OC. This is called playing both sides against the middle. Lou still has the best Christmas Party in the County. Great Mexican Food every year. We totally endorse his Christmas Party.
Daly, like Lou loves the Cash on Hand. You say hi to either one and unless you are positioned to hurt them…..unless you are packing the big roll of cash…..they aren’t really excited about seeing you. This is called “Political Cynicism”….much like that of the dearly departed Mimi and others. This comes from something called: “Poor Acting”. Whatever you might say about Issa – there was a time when he was actually a pretty good actor….before the Benghazi days of course.
Anyway, this is why Lou is going to have to start playing it cool in the next two years. If a viable opponent shows up…..Lou could be in big trouble in Little China! Daly is like a rotting tree in the forest: If he fails…will anyone ever know or care? They are both going to have to change from their Joe Manchin chops and move into the Elizabeth Warren Camp to stay around.
P.S. We are however grateful, for our Vietnam Era pin that we finally were able to get from Lou…..that was nice!
Oh, were you telling ME that Barnes’ term is four years?
Yes, of course I know that. Read my sentence again. “At least TWO YEARS of Barnes co-operating with TRUMP.”
Ok, ok. Hadn’t realized that you were making Trump rather than Barnes the time-limiting factor there. (Though predicting that he’ll last out his term is bold!)
Lou Correa & Tom Daly
Democratic-Republican wouldn’t be bad, if they had the good attributes of either party.
Nobody remembers my term “Demaphrodites”? (I’ll bet Lou does!)
I don’t understand Lou Correa’s endorsements at all. For several of his votes in Washington, there were reasons that are quite defensible, rather than cynical. If I’d known about all of these, I might have asked him when I saw him last (at the OC registrar of voters on election night).
Maybe Lou will hold another town hall and tell us himself…
JAJAJA… Ran into Yesenia just now, and she says that Lou called her and demanded that she have me take this story down. Quite rightly she told him, “I can’t tell Vern what to do!” She says the story made him REALLY mad, but he couldn’t say what was wrong with it.
Lou must have lost my phone number, he should call ME if there’s anything untrue or unfair with the story. It’s 714-235-VERN, as it’s been for 20 years.
Alternatively, he could present his objections in the comments section.
Actually ANYONE could come onto the comments section to defend Lou if they have anything to say.
But apart from Valerie Amezcua who expressed her gratitude for Lou’s support in HER races, all we had was a few anonymous trolls who responded by trashing Jose Moreno, who was barely even mentioned in my article. After a couple days I deleted those.
Still waiting for a defense of Lou and Tom endorsing anti-immigrant Barnes and Rackauckas. (And even Shaw … one of Doug Chaffee’s good points was how he defended SB 54 in Fullerton, Shaw is generic Republican on that.)
To be fair, Vern, I think that by supporting Barnes Daly and Correa only supported “Trump deportations” *from Orange County*, a restriction that you appropriately placed on their support for “cooperation with ICE.” Lou in particular has taken a good position against Trump deportations from anywhere *except* Orange County, where his specific support for Barnes and his agenda is more significant that his general opposition to Trump.
Never got this up….
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(I’m sorry, this spam cracked me up, especially falling on the story it did, and I was also hoping that Chmielewski would “spit out his coffee.” – Vern)