
“RULES ARE RULES!” We seem to have misplaced our usual photo of Dan Chmielewski, so for the time being we are compelled to depict him as the Animal House character Kent Dorfman.
So here we are in Orange County after a hard-fought primary, with our Democratic challengers chosen. Orange County, to which a hopeful and desperate nation’s eyes have been affixed, as we have FOUR districts which could conceivably change from Red to Blue – four districts indispensable in creating a Congressional majority that can stand up to the authoritarian horrors of Donald Trump.
Orange County where in all four of these districts, we not only dodged the dread bullet of an R-on-R runoff, but agreed upon three very good candidates, Rouda, Cisneros and Porter (along with a fourth one – Levin – who has to at least be better than Diane Harkey.)
And here we are, here AMERICA is, in an age that gets darker by the day – babies ripped from their asylum-seeking Central American parents, a Muslim travel ban blessed by the Supreme Court, and the prospect, with the Kennedy retirement, of an even worse Supreme Court for years to come – a moral avalanche with no bottom in sight, making the need for a Democratic majority more existential by the minute.
So now that we have our four red-to-blue candidates, ANY Orange County Democrat – nay, any OC citizen of good will – can see that nothing is more important than UNITY as we make a four-month push to take our nation back from incipient fascism. Our defeated candidates have been setting a fine example – Hans Keirstead enthusiastically backing Rouda and pledging his time and resources, all half-dozen CA-39 candidates lining up in support of Cisneros, and so on. And the lion’s share of OC Democrats join them in rousing chorus: Kumbayah and once more unto the breach!

Ah, there it is. Greg must have been using it.
“NOT SO,” says Dan “Chemical Lewinsky” Chmielewski, purveyor of the scabrous “Liberal OC” blog and the DPOC’s wannabe Torquemada. To Dan, last Monday night seemed like a good time for a purge! Three DPOC members in particular, all fine activists and progressives, had incurred Dan’s wrath during the primary. According to Dan, they had all broken DPOC rules, and as Dan likes to preen, “Rules are rules!”
Well, let’s take a look at these three treacherous Dems whom Dan tried to have removed or otherwise punished on Monday. In fact they all favored candidates that Dan opposed, and who were not the endorsed DPOC candidates, (and who just so happened to be the winning candidates because they were the strongest.) But in actuality none of these three Democrats had broken any DPOC rules as Dan claimed.
1. MELISSA FOX. This Irvine councilwoman was the worst of all, from Dan’s point of view. If you’ve had the misfortune to read his blog, you must have noticed it’s become an obsessively anti-Fox blog. Dan is a loyal unwavering puppet of Irvine Democratic boss Larry Agran, while Melissa and her husband Mike are a huge thorn in Larry’s side, since they are living proof that a Democrat can get elected in Irvine without Larry’s help, and even in defiance of him.
To Larry and Dan, Melissa’s most grievous offense was collaborating with hated developers FivePoint to swap land for a Veterans’ Cemetery in the “Strawberry Fields” location. But that was not a way Dan could attack her, since that was also the DPOC’s position. No, Dan’s pretext for purging Melissa was over her endorsement of Katie Porter for Congress, against the DPOC-endorsed Dave Min, in contravention of DPOC rules. Well, “rules may be rules” but “facts are facts” – as soon as the DPOC endorsed Min, Melissa withdrew her Porter endorsement to be in compliance with the rules. So Dan’s case against Melissa was, as his good buddy Chuck Johnson would say, a “nothingburger.”
As was his case against another Porter supPorter, the tough-as-nails KELLY LOMELAND (right.) Like Melissa, she had endorsed Katie Porter early on, before the DPOC Min endorsement. To be fair, most members didn’t even know the rules – many of the members are new, there has never been such a large pool of good candidates, and in fact the rule literally says nothing about endorsing a candidate but forbids SPEAKING AGAINST a DPOC-endorsed candidate. This may seem a “distinction without a difference,” but hey, RULES ARE RULES, and as Kelly tells me with a grin, “There is no proof that I ever told anybody not to vote for Dave Min.”
I asked Kelly why she supported Katie over the three other Democrats in the race, and she is happy to answer: “I like that she’s a proven warrior when standing up against the stacked deck!! She supports my views and I found her the strongest candidate to beat the horrid Mimi!” And she’s right, Mimi Walters IS truly horrid.
And last but not least, Dan nearly forgot – VICTOR VALLADARES.
As you may have noticed this past half year, Dan has allowed his blog’s comment section to become a veritable cesspool of the most obscene slanders against this Huntington Beach community organizer, mostly originating from alt-right hater Chuck Johnson. But Dan himself has been shy about criticizing Victor, maybe calculating that ragging on a valuable and popular up-and-coming Latino activist might not be “a good look.”
Still, as somebody reminded him by text, Victor had taken a paid job with the DCCC, which had endorsed Harley Rouda in CA-48, rather than the DPOC-endorsed Hans Keirstead, so OBVIOUSLY Victor was breaking a DPOC rule by taking that job, and had to be removed – rules are rules, you know!
Little did Dan know that Victor was aware of the rules, and had taken care while working for the DCCC not to endorse Rouda (although he definitely favored him) and to never speak ill of Keirstead. Hence Dan had landed his big feet into yet another nothingburger – a TRIFECTA of Nothingburgers.
The Monday June 25 DPOC meeting
The long-awaited showdown finally arrived … the suspense was unbearable … every heart beat like a tympanum … Anyway long story short, before Dan could say or do anything stupid, my old friend Diana Lee Carey (former Westminster Councilwoman and current West County DPOC Vice-Chair) moved to drop the whole thing. And her motion passed 29-11, to great relief and acclaim. (Diana told me later that, as a lifelong schoolteacher, she’s “good at making people behave.”)
His bubble unceremoniously popped, Dan slithered over to Victor to shake his hand and say some stupid shit like “No hard feelings, man, it’s nothing personal, but rules are rules.” Victor spurned the handshake and walked away, showing great restraint.
Wait, 29-11? Are you telling me 10 DPOC members sided with Dan? I want to know who they are! Let’s kick them out of the Party! Kidding.

Another failed purger.
Purge..,and Orwell in your previous post, is a throwback to Stalin’s time. Dan C is acting up like a Stalinist cadre. Having Fake Vasquez and Chuck Johnson as his main contributors is messing him up even more.
Dorfman, l’ve given this a lot of thought. From now on…your name is Flounder.
The vite was 29-11 slight typo but accuracy is accurate
And may i suggest you use the stock photo of the naked bearded obese man at his computer to illustrate the Irvine Troll from now on
*As Otter always said: “Road Trip!”
They took the Bar! The whole &**^$ing bar!
Dan is SO dumb…
Dan is friends with Chuck Johnson??
Well, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch. They share a lot of the same hatreds, and Dan allowed his blog to be taken over by Chuck’s vicious obscene slanders for months. It was symbiotic – Dan’s blog woulda been much deader without Chuck, and many fewer Democrats woulda heard Chuck’s slanders if it weren’t for Dan. Case made here:
I don’t know for sure that they hang out together though.
“Democrats of Orange County, indeed all OC Citizens of Good Will, it’s time to unite and start the hard work of getting Rouda, Cisneros, Porter and Levin into Congress.”
A pretty solid turnout in Irvine today bodes well for that effort: no idea of the actual number, but someone reported 5000 turned out for the ‘Families Belong Together’ march on the Musick Jail. Several attendees said this was ‘unprecedented’ for Irvine: was it?
First time I’ve heard Correa address a crowd, and lead in a rousing chant, “Not on my watch!” And…I finally got to shake Dr. Tran’s hand. She’s as gracious in a small group as ever (couldn’t see or hear her through the crowd though).
I note that Sabato’s Crystal Ball is now calling even CA-45 a ‘tossup.’ Not quite a claim that ‘we’re winning’ – but another crack of hope, so long as we can get the idiots to stop messing things up and settle down to work.
Lou Baby was supposed to call us and let us know when we would get our Vietnam
Era Pin. “No News!” said Lonestar!
Good to know that Correa roused the crowd. He has been good on this issue. I heard one of the ladies from Irvine, Farrah Kahn, and she was superb.
The 2017 OC Climate Change March in Irvine was also impressive. Check this video:
Thanks for sharing that Ricardo. Yeah, that looks like a pretty impressive march indeed, and whoever put the video together should have had fun doing it (I’ll take some notes – that footage required some drones and other creative thinking + planning + work to produce).
Glad to see any evidence of engagement and concern in OC… love the concluding comments, “Well, guess we’ve done our civic duty!” “Yeah, for at least a week…”
“This Irvine councilwoman was the worst of all, from Dan’s point of view. If you’ve had the misfortune to read his blog, you must have noticed it’s become an obsessively anti-Fox blog. Dan is a loyal unwavering puppet of Irvine Democratic boss Larry Agran, while Melissa and her husband Mike are a huge thorn in Larry’s side, since they are living proof that a Democrat can get elected in Irvine without Larry’s help, and even in defiance of him.”
No, Mr. Nelson, if it was not for Beth Krom and Larry Agran, Melissa Spoiled Fox is NOBODY. She used both of them to get where she is now.
It is not my circus not my monkeys, let Rome burn, but that’s the truth. Stop the bullshit and get your head out of the Foxes ass
I stopped perusing the LibOC years ago. I dont even go over there to see what the “other side” is doing. I really dont even care.
But some people do. And he did get ten votes on Central Committee. So it is worth me keeping my eyes on.
I Don’t know about all the inside baseball at the county level, but as some who is reasonably involved in Irvine, I always feel like taking a shower and double checking for my wallet around the FOXES.
FWIW, Beth Krom and Too Long Larry, left me feeling the same way.
Larry Agran is the disease, Chmielewski is merely a particularly vile symptom. Agran is still very active in Irvine and he effectively controls the local Democratic club. Although he hasn’t won an election since 2010, Larry Agran and those who support him are feeling very emboldened by his win on Measure B. The goal is to return Agran to power, either by electing him or electing someone he can control as he did Beth Krom. Expect more Agran-inspired (and funded) attacks on everyone and anyone who stands in his way.
Mike, please publicly deny you and/or ever posted ANYTHING under the fake name John Horner. The internet spook sent the UP proof, but no one cares now.
I still think it was pretty petty of you guys.
Does taking on a fake Vietnamese name to confer some credibility upon yourself bother you? It’s creepy. Let the Vietnamese speak for themselves, ok?
Flounder was many times smarter than Dan. You owe Dorfman an apology.
He was much better as Vir in Babylon 5.
Cynthia Ward, as a leader in the Veteran’s cemetary movement would care to opine on Mike Fox using PHONY name, John Horner III, Taking a FB Profile and impersonating a soldier, in order to score political points?
Further, what do you have to say to COWARDS like, your attorney, Greg Diamond and his brother in law, Jeff LeTourneu who KNOW what the FOXES did and ignore it. What kind of chicken shit move is that?
Janice, I’ll take an executive decision here, and say we officially don’t give a shit about that.
Not something I would have done, may or may not be something Mike did, don’t know, don’t care.
Bye now.
There is no “Janice.” That’s just the unhinged OC DEM/David Vasquez who pops up occasionally to channel the slightly darker side of Dorfman’s brain.
I know that the over time Foxes have done some things that I like and some that I dislike. Same with pretty much all other Irvine politicians. As I result, I’m much less interested in Irvine these days.
I know that accusations have been made about sock-puppeting, but so far as I know someone could have also set something up to implicate him — and I don’t put that sort of craftwork past Irvine politicians. The result is that it Seems like we’ll have another Republican Mayor there. I know that half of the Democrats won’t vote for Agran or an Agran puppet, and I’m guessing that the Agranistas will return the favor.
Don’t worry, the Republicans in that town all hate each other too.
Something in the water down there. (Peer Swan?)
Chmielewski runs a hate and defamation site purporting to be a local political blog. I presume at some point, he’ll be sued over it.
I think the problem may be in the spleen also.
He does occassionally do the right thing:
Pretty hard, if you’re “the Liberal OC,” to not occasionally take easy shots at a Republican here and there.
You’ve heard the saying about the blind pig that found an acorn?
I take it back, now that I looked at the story – that was a (very rare) good one.
Blind pig … etc…
I’m inclined to agree, but with one reservation: if Mimi saw Chumley barreling down towards her at a rapidish pace, she’d have a good reason to run away that had nothing to do with politics.
OH boy is this great! Wait till Otter and my girl Lenore see this! I’m famous! She’s probably kind of desperate now that the State Bar took her license again, the Bankruptcy Court booted her out of Chapter 13, and Ford repo’ed the heck out of her Explorer!