Weekend Open Thread: Joe Kerr & Duane Roberts at Anaheim Democratic Club – now with Video!




I don’t know about you (really I don’t) but I’m looking forward to Saturday’s monthly meeting of the Anaheim Democratic Club (Feb. 3, 12:15 to 1:45, at the Haskett Branch of the Anaheim Library – 2650 W Broadway, near Magnolia.)  You don’t have to be a Democrat to come either!

At this meeting we are going to meet the Democratic candidate for Shawn Nelson’s old seat on the Board of Supervisors.  We actually have three Democratic candidates for that seat, Cynthia Aguirre is brilliant and Rose Espinoza is sweet and did do that Rosie’s Garage thing, but this fellow, Joe Kerr, is the best funded and most endorsed.  I want to see how much he knows about how the County runs and what his positions are, and if he’s good enough to make us forget that he’s only recently moved from Coto de Caza and is gonna be facing an ocean of Bushala-funded anti-carpetbagger signs.  And if he talks way too much about being a firefighter and saving someone’s life. 

We do need to get some non-Republicans onto the Board, the current Supervisors’ priorities are just not the same as most of ours.  Lucille Kring would be a nightmare, Tim Shaw would be a little less bad, but still.  The culture on the 5th Floor needs to be totally changed, the “swamp drained.”  The Voice of OC provided lots of reasons here, but also I’m getting really sick of OC Republican supervisors, mayors and councils who turn away federal and state funds out of quasi-religious principle, denying US the revenue and services that should come back to us from the taxes that we have to pay anyway – something I’m gonna write about soon.

And then our old friend Duane Roberts – that’s right, not a Democrat, but the 2010 Green candidate for Senate, and a longtime OC activist and former OJ blogger – will talk to us about police oversight, and the state of Anaheim’s ongoing attempts to get a decent Police Oversight Committee.

So… this is in progress.  I’m going to report on what these two fellas say, and maybe include some video.

But for now, this is your Weekend Open Thread …


First Video – Kerr talking, answering questions…


Duane pt 1 – He explains how he came to see that weak police oversight

can be better than nothing.

Duane pt 2

Duane pt 3



About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.