Walter Ehlers War Memorial Cemetery

Walter Ehlers receiving Medal of Honor.

Walt Ehlers was a highly decorated World War II veteran that was a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Walt came from Kansas and lived in Garden Grove since he returned from the war, before his passing some years back.  Walt landed on D-Day on Omaha Beach and he lost his brother the same day just a mile or two down the beach.  Walt was a treasured fixture here in Orange County and attended every veteran event and political event over the years.  Because of a list of events too long to burden the message here, Walt Ehlers is presently interned in Riverside County Veterans Cemetery.  Walt could have been buried at Arlington National Cemetery or at Forest Lawn or virtually anywhere including the Punch Bowl in Hawaii or on the shores of Normandy, France.

Today, we celebrate the sacrifice of veterans from days gone past to the veterans in the modern day trenches of the Middle East, Africa and a hundred or more places scattered around the globe.  What seems sad is that of the petty jealously – of land use and the the choices of our electeds seems to diminish these sacrifices greatly.  Whether Five Points or whether the original location of a cemetery at El Toro, now the developers choice for new housing developments…..will be chosen due to antagonism from residents around the Five Points Location or the loss of pay in the hands of those wanting the original El Toro Marine Corp Air Base for their own purposes.

One thing is certain, we need an appropriate name for this cemetery which will serve the veterans of Orange County and California.  It will take some an effort by those with a clear and present vision of what must be represented by this location and its substance.  We implore all veterans to become involved, make your voices heard.  We cannot rely on the “usual suspects” to promote, protect or establish a new icon for our Regional Mission.  The vested interests of land developers aside….the vested interests of elected politicians aside……and the vested interest of self promoting individuals wanting to place their own hash tags on this endeavor must be thwarted.

Our proposal is simple:  Honor all five service branches but name the location with a suitable memorable representation.  Walt Ehlers War Memorial Cemetery……would do just fine.  The Thomas C. Riley Terminal or the John Wayne Airport…….will not do for this purpose.  We need an actual war hero….and we suggest that if you can think of a better name……we are open to any of your suggestions!



About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.