Jury Verdict Reached: Anaheim Police and Manuel Diaz


The Orange County Register reports a jury reached a verdict in a retrial concerning AND SUSTAINED allegations of excessive force in the police involved shooting of Manuel Diaz.

Read more on the case here.  We will update as information becomes available.

A reminder, the trial is a civil matter.  The court has yet to determine a level of restitution or any required reform as part of a settlement.

The jury’s decision will not impact any criminal findings, which are the responsibility of the county district attorney.  Any ongoing investigations, including federal civil rights violations, are not known.

The decision will also not impact Anaheim Police Department discipline or duty responsibilities.

Of note from The Register’s coverage is a response from the City Attorney, which implies no discipline of any kind is merited in spite of a verdict sustaining a finding of excessive force.


“We acknowledge the jury’s decision and thank jurors for their time and consideration,” said Mike Lyster, the city of Anaheim’s spokesman, in a statement released following the civil verdict. “This case shows the difficulty and complexity of situations our police face, and we believe they acted reasonably.”


About Ryan Cantor

Our conservative columnist, raised in North Orange County, works as an auditor.