Remembering T. “Hoagy” Holguin, Anaheim education hero.




Former Anaheim Union High School District and community leader Thomas “Hoagy” Holguin died yesterday after a long fight against cancer.

(Hoagy on left, at some patriotic thing...)

(Hoagy on left, with his friend former Anaheim Councilman Frank Feldhaus. Flag Day)

An ten-year board member of the AUHSD (2000-2010), Hoagy was a champion for Anaheim’s schools and for keeping government transparent. He was most proud of the fact that he went to the Grand Jury on the Anaheim Meazure Z bond and exposed that millions of dollars was being misused. He saved the district over a hundred million.

From an e-mail blast:

In 2002, the year I was elected to the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees, the Measure Z Anaheim High School Construction Bond was also passed allocating $132 million plus matching State funds for modernization and construction of school sites in the district. After finding that the District Superintendent and upper management had mismanaged the construction projects and funds, I called for the independent forensic audit that led to the Grand Jury investigation of the project and saved our District up to $50 million through massive restructuring and re-bidding of construction contracts and insurance policies…

Along with his fellow board member Denise Mansfield-Reinking, who also passed away during her tenure, Hoagy forced AUHSD to have the bond measure investigated by the Grand Jury and DA.

He also fought to keep counselors and librarians at Anaheim Schools and afterschool programs. He was liked by all school employees. As a Republican, he received union support from CSEA and AFSME because he was the only school board member that fought for the employees.

Hoagy also took on SOAR and the Anaheim establishment helping to establish the Anaheim Small Business Group as an alternative to Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. He also was a search and rescue guy and certified in rappelling.

Voting last November, with his granddaughter Alejandra.

Voting last November, with his granddaughter Sofia.

Below are some remembrances taken from Facebook. From his sister Erica Jean Holguin:

Words can’t explain how broken hearted I am. Today my brother lost his battle to cancer. What puts my heart at peace is today the lord called my mom to his home 19 years ago. My mom passed at 2:20pm . The lord called my brother at 3:20pm James I love you & will miss you. R.I.P brother.

From Yesenia Rojas:

Que tristesa mirar Facebook y lo primero que veo es saver que un grand amigo mentor luchador en la communidad en anaheim. Perdio la batalla contra el cancer dios mio asta cuando tendremos la victoria de tener una cura para esta enfermeda les pido atodos que pidan en sus oraciones por todos los enfermos cancer y por un GRANDE AMIGO QUE AHORA ESTA DESCANSANDO JUNTO ADIOS RIP

From Arlyn Buck:

Rest in Peace my dear Friend Thomas Hoagy Holguin! Thank you for your friendship of over twenty years. Peace to your family and friends.

From Mireya Arroyo Nuñez:

Se fue de este mundo un hombre inteligente… brillante… pero sobretodo un gran ser humano…le doy gracias a Dios por haberlo conocido y tenerlo por algunos años en mi vida..hermosos recuerdos quedan en mi memoria y que nunca olvidare…mi querido Thomas ya estas en brazos de nuestro Padre Dios por toda la eternidad y por siempre en nuestros corazones…

Hoagy Hoaglund, on a Harley a few weeks ago while visiting his brother in South Dakota.

Hoagy Holguin, on a Harley a few weeks ago while visiting his brother in South Dakota.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.