I’ve been promising a fresh post in this series for over a month, and since we need fresh meat right now this seems like a good day for it. Enjoy yourselves! (If Ryan wants to write up a proper intro and such, I’ll cede the post’s authorship over to him.)
About Greg Diamond
Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that.
Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too.
He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.)
His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)
?? Did I forget to buy the special glasses for the proper viewing effect ?? lol.
I guess Big Box and I bought the two-for-one pack of the special viewing glasses as I cannot see it either. But i do see butterflies and rainbows…and puppies! Big Box do you see the puppies?
All that’s there is the graphic of Matt with a case of advancing “greenscale” next to a pic of “The Specials” and a short paragraph. Nothing else there to see yet. Readers generate the content.
Are you unable to see the graphic, the paragraph, or are you talking about something else?
*The Sound of one hand clapping says: Blackhawks, Warriors and American Pharoah!
Ron, it’s not that sort of Open Thread. Go to the Weekend Open Thread. This is for “what AnaheimBlog has censored.”
. . . Or mutter it silently . . .
*The Garden Walk need tents for their Homeless population. Does that work?
Sorry I guess we are a bunch of lazy asses, and expected you to generate some form of content we could post snarky comments on.
Hey I think Censortopia may be dead…it looks like Matt is not filtering, at least my stuff is not sitting in moderation….this week…it looks like he is posting stuff directly through!
Cynthia Ward
June 5, 2015 at 10:12 am
“ARTIC will change the way people move around our city and our county.” Yes, that is a correct statement. When road budgets have been cannibalized to keep ARTIC running we will certainly change the way we move around Anaheim. Choosing the less potholed roads as favorite routes to work might be one. Let’s make a list, how else might having our Measure M money diverted to ARTIC change the way we travel? Come on, jump in, Matt needs the visitor traffic to justify his existence to his employers, if they pull the plug we lose this unique form of entertainment that only Cunningham can provide.
Cynthia Ward
June 5, 2015 at 10:06 am
No Dan my reader, I believe it was Biff, was correct, the staff chart was correct when read UPSIDE DOWN but bore no resemblance to the supporting argument of the staff report it was included in. That is a bizarre convoluted blog post for even my wordy self to wrestle, so it was easier to take it down and rework the whole thing, starting from the basis of an even larger mistake that was brought up at the same time offline. You appear more interested in ensuring the egg ends on my face rather than seek genuine answers regarding where Anaheim’s tax money goes. When you begin to generate Anaheim tax money, let me know and we will have a discussion regarding its uses.
Oh, mine are.
Mine are in moderation and I think that they don’t always make it in.
Ryan, maybe we just have to cross-post comments here as a matter of course. I suspect that they’re using the moderation time to allow Chumley the hours he needs to come up with a snappy retort.
Well this isn’t exactly censorship, as we all report on what we feel like, but I notice that for all Matt & Dan’s joy in Denis Fitzgerald’s legal troubles rising from his alleged assault on a stranger at Council Chambers last December, neither of them have said a word about his acquittal by twelve jurors this week, twelve jurors all of whom believed that the dustup was a setup – a conspiracy! – by folks who wanted to see him shut up for (I’m sure) various reasons.
I’ll have a nice little article on this over the weekend, as I’m meeting with him and his lawyer tomorrow. But so many delicious and fascinating details, such as:
– Lisa Lewis filmed the whole thing; a fact that Fitz and the court only knew because Dan C boasted of it to Fitz back in December, claiming that it disproved his version of things. They probably were going to keep quiet about that film, as it instead showed the whole thing was a setup by Gail Eastman’s friends. Nice going Dan! People should think twice before confiding in you.
– Hey, Lisa Lewis – isn’t that the same lady who mysteriously discovered and trumpeted Douglas Pettibone’s long-ago and EXPUNGED domestic dispute? Hey, yes it is!
– The man seated for no apparent reason directly behind Fitz, in an otherwise empty aisle, who grabbed him after the shoving happened, and who (according to Fitz) punched him in the back of the neck before that, was actually BILL O’CONNELL, the famous $158 million GardenWalk Giveaway Developer, against whom Fitz had also often railed.
– This bit amuses me – the reason Gail’s son Jay (a Lutheran “Elder”) gave for sitting down right next to Fitz and touching him (right after Fitz had heaped abuse on his mom and dad) was that he “wanted to pray over him.”
So much more! I wonder if Matt and Dan will let me comment on all this, on their old Fitzgerald stories. If not…then this comment “Fitz” here!
Looking forward to the article, Vern! This is wild stuff.
(So do we have to increase our payments to Dan for this?)
Also not commented on by Matt– Pringle and Co getting their asses handed to them by the California Republican Assembly.
Their version of the “fake” Anaheim Republican Assembly went real quiet real quick last year . . .
Maybe they can get Michael Houston to draft them another poorly written press release explaining a weak sauce victory to distract everyone from another routine walloping from the court. <– Nice follow up, Vern. I'm no fan of Fitzgerald, but if those idiots were actually stupid enough to commit a crime and set him up . . .well, we know T-Rack won't do anything about it.
And in the same vein, I see no mention of or response to Martin Wisckol’s recent piece explaining how unlikely the loss of Arte Moreno’s outrageous $1-a-year stadium lot lease is to lead to the Angels leaving Anaheim, despite all the shrill warning cries from Matt, Dan, and Matt’s paymasters.
Looks like once again the Orange Juice Blog and Mayor Tait were right: http://m.ocregister.com/articles/city-664324-stadium-team.html… and be sure to read Greg’s essential addendum in the comments.
I wonder if I can discourse on that article, somewhere on the AnaheimBlog, or will it be Censortopia fodder? Definitely gotta get it onto our neglected Facebook page… https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=615807841803140&tsid=0.9536676942370832&source=typeahead
A little humor for your Saturday.
Dan Chmielewski
June 5, 2015 at 10:01 am
and no one is stalking Greg Diamond. Stalking is what Cynthia Ward did at Lorri Galloway’s campaign launch party…a view from the parking garage, right Cynthia?
Ryan Cantor
June 5, 2015 at 10:08 am
You’re unstoppable, Dan.
Dan Chmielewski
June 5, 2015 at 9:35 pm
She admitted it last fall Ryan.
Ryan Cantor
June 6, 2015 at 10:42 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Sure she did, Dan.
I’ll let you know when the S.S. The Point comes back into port.
You obviously missed it the first time.
Well, I’ve had four comments sitting in Matt’s moderation box for at least 24 hours (and in some cases more than 36), so I guess that’s censorship enough for these purposes:
Proud Colonist
May 29, 2015 at 11:58 am
Tom Tait is quoted numerous times supporting ARTIC as being vital to Anaheim. Let’s see Cynthia ward spin that!
Dan Chmielewski
May 29, 2015 at 2:34 pm
September 18, 2012 PRESS RELEASE from the City of Anaheim:
“This is a big day for Anaheim,” said Mayor Tom Tait. “ARTIC will change the way people move around our city and our county. ARTIC will be Orange County’s Grand Central Station.”
from the Daily Titan:
Anaheim City Council approved a $127 million contract to build a transportation hub in the area of southeast Anaheim on Katella Avenue and South Douglass Road.
The motion for the contract was approved Aug. 28, and was unanimous with Mayor Tom Tait abstaining from the vote due to his contacts with the Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC).
So Tait has a conflict which implies there’s some sort of contractual issue.
Proud Colonist
June 1, 2015 at 2:26 pm
Caters crack legal adviser searches google for Tait quotes on ARTIC when all he had to do was go to the city’s own website and look at the press releases he’s quoted in. No wonder their win ratio is so poor!
[Ed. Note: the notoriously furtive “Anaheim Insider” is widely believed to be Curt Pringle’s deputy Todd Priest. “Lapdog.” Heh.]
Who Is CATER?`
June 3, 2015 at 8:07 pm
I don’t know if you’ve been there, but CATER’S legal office is bustling with activity, especially in the morning, when the kids are getting ready for school! It has that homey feel, almost like my first apartment.
Besides where else can you get “legal advise” from a guy eating cheerio’s at his kitchen table?
[Ed. Note: remember “keylaysnotdead,” “nameless,” “carpetbagger,” and other manifestations of the Screechy God? Yep. Whenever you see a comment mentioning my experience of clinical depression — “Latuda Greg” is a recent favorite name of him — you can bet on its source.]
[Ed. Note: Ryan’s material from just above belongs here.]
Dan Chmielewski
June 4, 2015 at 9:03 am
Just call ARTIC “Orange County’s Grand Central Station” like Tait did. It will be defended by his fans as a quote he gave before he had adequate context.
See, I would have ignored about 80% of that, Juice Brother. They’re just toying with you like Moxley and Gustavo used to.
Who cares whether you use your kitchen table or not? Nobody.
Chumley lies about juicy corroborating details — the stock in trade of a fiction writer — and gets away with it. In tbis case, though, I happen to know from personal expetience that it’s a lie. This isn’t about me, Vern — it’s about him and his “tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth” creed. And it’s interesting watching how he tries to squirm away from it.
This also isn’t really written for your eyes. The DPOC and conservative unions have been aligning with this guy. That warrants rethinking on at least the DPOC’s part — and rethinking requires refutation. They should see who and what they’re dealing with — a professional fibber willing to cross over to outright lies when the mood strikes, and then forgive himself instantly.
More hilarity on Garden Walk.
Anaheim Insider
June 15, 2015 at 7:40 am
“Four diamond? What happened to four star? Interesting that this is evolving.”
Are you being dense on purpose, Ryan? Or is this a feeble attempt at being clever? Star and diamond ratings are pretty much interchangeable.
“I don’t see any reason why family owned hotels should be required to pay their fair share of taxes while richer and more established investors or corporate entities should not…”
Again, are you being dense on purpose? Hotels don’t pay TOT taxes; hotel guests do.
“I guess I just don’t believe in a command economy.”
By calling this a “command economy’ policy, you show you don’t know what the phrase means. In a command economy, the government says that during the next year X number of shoes will be manufactured at Y price. This policy merely provides an incentive to build 4-star/4-diamond hotels. Participation is voluntary.
It’s good to know you don’t care about the Register editorial writer’s disregard for the truth. That fits your pattern. You did recently admit on this blog to being a hypocrite. Which fits the guy who rails against tax subsidies while drawing a paycheck from a company that benefits from a whale of a city tax subsidy in order to incentivize it to stay.
Ryan Cantor
June 15, 2015 at 9:33 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Well, no. I believe “Diamond” is a proprietary ranking from AAA. This sounds like application of a more objective reviewer, but thanks for the casual insult. Much appreciated.
Given that we’re talking about rebates here, distinguishing on who is paying or who is collecting is rather immaterial. If the market supports an inclusive rate of $100 and TOT is 20%, a hotelier is pushed out of $20 from the market rate by a tax. If we’re refunding rebates to one owner and not another, the TOT is paid by the Hotelier– not the consumer– from an economics and policy stand point.
By command economy, I’m stating that Anaheim is dictating that X number of 4 diamond hotels will be built with an effective cost of Y due to a TOT rebate. The shoe fits, sorry.
Finally, your ENTIRE rebuttal is a attack against my character versus an actual debate on policy. That’s par for the course with anonymous commentators here.
Enjoy your Monday, asshole.
Major take down on the Kleptoblog:
Matthew Cunningham
July 17, 2015 at 6:30 pm
And there’s Randy Roddy with the gutter dive! Always a tell-tale sing of a guy who has lost the argument. Thanks for playing, RR.
Randy Roddy
July 20, 2015 at 2:08 pm
Diving into the gutter? Yes. Guilty as charged. I did that when I first decided to post comments on this site, a site that you want to fool people into believing is about “civic affairs” but is really nothing but paid for advertising for Anaheim’s ruling and grasping clique. And of course nasty (and paid) attacks on that clique’s enemies – like Tom Tait and this Deb Pauly person.
“Thanks for playing?” A game? I’ve been playing a game with you? Well, okay, if you say so. But you don’t seem to have been having any fun.
As far as “argument” goes, I don’t think my comments were doing that either. I see them as a moral undressing…of you. And finally, there you stand, naked as a jaybird for everybody to see. And boy, it ain’t a pretty sight.
My work here is done. For now.
Randy Roddy – over and out.
WHO IS RANDY RODDY!!!?? I wanna be his friend.
He took apart Cunningham pretty good and didn’t even mention the priest sex victims he outed, the socialist-Rob-Reiner-commission-$200-an-hour-writing-op-ed-pieces-for-whacko-liberal-Democrats hypocrisy, or the burnt teddy bear/Virgen de Guadalupe candle scandal.
He did well. But, still, he had a huge target.
It’s an art form really. A way to express yourself personally, on a Jackson Pollack-sized canvas that we can all share.
Hey Randy’s re-telling my Sidhu satellite offices story! A Nelson scholar.
Oh, now that was a classic! I remember Hide-and-Seek Harry talking about having the “imagination” necessary to do such a thing! The Biggest Boob in Orange County.
It will be fun in a kind of sick way watching Cunningham try to smear lipstick all over that pig. But will he use his tongue?
Damn! He needs to run for City Council!
So now the Kleptoblog has finally begun advertising Cunningham’s NIMBY effort to kill the Kraemer Place homeless shelter.
Some people might find it strange that the person who can’t go tinkle without permission from Pringle would be opposing, and now advertising, that opposition, to a project vociferously supported by Kris Murray and other pringle employees. I don’t.
I believed all along that this idiotic site was cooked up to divert attention from the the Karcher site that needed to be abandoned even though the City of Anaheim spent $3,112,500 for it barely 15 months ago.
The City just rezoned park land for industrial use in the Platinum Tribulation. There will be an RFP to select a developer. Any guesses who the lobbyist will be? I predict the Karcher site will go the same way.
You’re not exactly going out on a limb there, Zenger. The only question is how far they’d go to hide the identity of purchaser, lobbyists, other middlemen, and the ultimate beneficiary of the city’s bad decisions — i.e., the entity that will own it five years from now.
Fortunately Tait can participate now that the homeless shelter has been scuttled at the Karcher site. He can ask potential buyers if they have hired a lobbyist, and if so, who. Of course they don’t have to answer – a dead give away. Or a Dead Giveaway.
Real warrior for Christ right there.
A sampling of the “rational debate” over at Cunningham’s kleptoblog where “leftist academic” ( a slur in the anti-intellectual world of Young republicans) Jose Moreno’s candidacy is causing twisted pink panties.
Anaheim first
April 5, 2016 at 7:09 am
I have heard his family was uncoumented and came to America. His brother was a gang banger and drug addict and was killed. Anyone else know? Again, what I heard. But someone like Moreno has a chip on his shoulder. But it’s ok…he claims to fight for Latinos and lives in his big ranch style home in Anaheim. His own precinct didn’t even elect him in 2014. Doesn’t that say something?
Now how many of Cunningham’s little arbitrarily enforced rules did this violate?
And this pearl from wacko racist James Robert Reade, whose mild comments attacking career politician and new klepto favorite Lou Correa are actually deleted:
James Robert Reade
April 4, 2016 at 7:58 pm
jose f moreno is a gangbanger sympathizer, supporter of graffiti vandalism as an art form and prances around the halls at Anaheim High School brainwashing youth into believing false and negative interpretations of wholesome American societal standards.
Oooo – PRANCES! A veiled reference to Jose’s fabled metrosexuality!
I got a Jose interview coming up this week btw…
Hey, it’s about being “excessive.”
Being horrible and cowardly is tolerated, nay encouraged.
I was banned for being “snarky.” But you can write chickenshit stuff like this and everything is just copacetic – as long as Pringle approves. I really wonder if anybody in that Chamber crowd has even a shred of decency. Did they all laugh at the mangled teddy bear and the votive candles?
Well, if they didn’t, I don’t think they cared much. Nothing changed after.
No. it’s all about money with that rancid crew. Nothing else matters. And Cunningham tries to dress it up as everything, anything, but corrupt pecuniary self-interest.
No Pringle, no lackeys on the council, no subsidy to the Chamber of Commerce, no Cunningham.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Speaking of candles, here’s something to prove that not all kleptoblog commenters are satire-free zombie brains:
Richard Smitherson
April 22, 2016 at 9:59 am
Thank you for bringing this to light. These people are clearly uninformed and uneducated. The last thing we need is for them to register vote and possibly talk their parents into voting. It’s sad but they simply don’t have the necessities to make these complex decisions. We have always taken good care of them and now they are trying to bite the hand that feeds them. Let’s put a stop to this so they can go back to lighting their stupid little candles.
April 13, 2016 at 5:04 pm
How was the honeymoon Nelson? Neptune’s hot tub right? I have to throw up now
Another gem of “rational debate” coughed up by one of Cunningham’s anonymous friends.
Something is seriously wrong with this piece of shit.
Yup. Classy.
I don’t think that that would be from the guy who has usually used that pseudonym — although he had a space after the first “y.”
No, that’s your friend “Pinky” whom nobody has actually seen and many suspect as being a psychological fiction of Lil’ Clumski’s imagination.
More “reasoned and mature” input from the kleptoblog’s favorite commenter:
James Robert Reade
April 24, 2016 at 10:10 am
Too many Latino students in Anaheim are racist against African Americans and Caucasians. On Faceebook, Latino students from Anaheim High School and other Schools often publish derogatory comments and post videos and photos depicting African Americans as if they are not equal in society (and I am being nice in describing how Anaheim Latino students depict them). Murderous Latino Graffiti Vandals stabbed African Ametican Metal Recycler and Homeless Volunteer Janes Blue in the back and severed his spine in an attempt to kill him. My Mexican friends who live in some of Anaheim’s worst Latino gang infested neighborhoods and helped me with Intel on gangs and graffiti vandals tell me that Anaheim Latinos are different than other cities as they do not believe in equal standards of justice and are freeloaders self inflicting poverty by having too many children at a very young age. So who are really the racists?!
Okay, now, this one is just ridiculous. The one and only beneficiary of the streetcar has to have its “driving” role proven or it is a hollow claim.
Matthew Cunningham
June 29, 2016 at 8:49 am
You may be right, but is it Disney driving the streetcar? I realize that you and your cohorts like to ascribe every policy you dislike to Disney, but what evidence do you actually have?
Actually, we ascribe every policy we dislike to PringleCorp.
From the same idiotic post:
Matthew Cunningham
June 29, 2016 at 7:29 pm
Does tossing out a shopworn cliche count as an argument or evidence?
I ask: Is there a more shopworn cliche than “shopworn cliche?”
This is from a soi-disant “wordsmith.” Is there a more shopworn cliche than “wordsmith?”
He uses the genetic fallacy to dismiss people’s arguments all the time. It’s pretty lame.
It is nice he’s a creature of habit.
“You weren’t there”
“You are not a mind reader”
“You can’t prove it”
It is lame – unless you just can’t get past some monk teaching you high school debate like you were enrolled in a Medieval seminary.
The fact is we learn through experience. Getting stung by a bee hurts. I can’t “prove” it somehow. The sun will rise tomorrow. But I can’t prove that, either.
Rod McLaughlin
July 21, 2016 at 11:22 pm
So who does this site support in each of the districts up for election?
Matthew Cunningham
July 22, 2016 at 10:38 am
This “site” doesn’t support this or that candidate. There is no “Anaheim Blog-endorsed” candidates. I have my personal preference in each district.
The ones who aren’t “leftist” “far left” “progressive” “socialist” “Democrat activists.” Or “anti-economic growth” or “anti-police.” Or aligned with the dread TAIT.
The ones who “BLEEEEEEED Anaheim.”
You forgot the most damning of all: collidge perfesser.
James Robert Reade
August 3, 2016 at 4:39 pm
Add a food truck with 6,000 Churros, Moreno will be happy!
Rod McLaughlin
August 6, 2016 at 5:22 pm
You can be in charge of the churros and Cunningham the candles and battle to be most offensive people on earth
And there you have it. “Racialist” head handed to Jerb.
Of course, the response would likely be something along the lines of…
“People are so easily offended these days! It’s political correctness run amok!”
You left out the obligatory reference to the “radical left.”
P.S. That candle comment will not be long for this world, I predict.
On The Wordsmith’s new “blog” he rails against the possibility of tax rebates to car dealerships in Westminster in case the SS sales tax goes through. Comically he suggests that such a deal may have been surreptitiously agreed to.
Here’s the money quotation:
“Furthermore, it raises fairness issues by effectively exempting a one group of business in order to increase Measure SS’s chances of passage, while leaving every other Westminster business and resident subject to the higher tax rate.”
Of course in Anaheim very tiny groups have been getting special treatment in for form of tax kickbacks, no-tax deals, offers of free rent, bogus employment rewards, etc. for years, much of it no doubt decided behind closed doors inviolation of the Brown Act.
But in Anaheim it’s all about incentivising our “economic engines.”
Well you know, its only true when he says it. We cant expect the Master of the Universe to b consistent. Crony capitalism requires flexibility. You guys with your calls for consistency and fairness are just unreasonable. Ask the troll in irvine.
I just came across this collection of bigoted, ignorant and assholish comments by the Cunningham/PringleCorp® in-house racist nut:
James Robert Reade
October 28, 2016 at 10:18 pm
Why was Ferraras rejected by the Church?
James Robert Reade
October 28, 2016 at 10:19 pm
Is Ferraras dressing up as the Exorcist for Halloween?!
James Robert Reade
October 28, 2016 at 10:48 pm
Yes, I need a Church rejected priest to dress up as an Exorcist for a Halloween party.
Tellingly, this walking, breathing tumor is the Wordsmith’s one and only commenter who uses his real name.
The funny thing is that Ryan and I were banned from the KleptoBlog® for calling a spade a spade. But the nut-job is tolerated, even welcomed familiarly as “JRR.”
Ferreras was not banned by “the church.” But Martin Luther and John Calvin were, right Wordsmith?
Yes there is a serious cancer in Anaheim. We’re in desperate need of radical surgery.
Kleptopublican® Panic Alert!
Remember how the kleptos kept bleating that district elections would turn Anaheim into a California version of Cuba?
Before Election: Republican tally = 80%
Post Election : Republican tally = 86%
Apparently there’s all sorts of angst about the mayor having full-time assistant. Even Lil’ Clumski emerged from of his Spiderman persona to opine (as always) about things of which he is totally ignorant. No word on that embarrassing incident with the cosplay chicks.
We really need a new one of these.
Cunningham has been rather ripe of late.
You see he’s up for a Fringee?
“You see he’s up for a Fringee?”
No, I guess I missed that one.
A new low?
What a total piece of white trash shit the Irvine Trolls boyfriend can be.
Greg Diamond what are the rules and procedures for removing someone from the DPOC Central Committee? I’m being approached more and more by people who hate the Irvine troll and want to see him gone.
I don’t like seeing that threat (which has been used repeatedly against me and against Jeff) made too easily, so I’d say at a minimum that such discussion is premature. Let it simmer. Give Fran a chance to get the party to work the way she wants it to; she has some excellent people to work with among her officers. If the person you mention goes from being totally overbearing to absolutely unbearable, then someone can look it up the bylaws without my help.
And, “the likelihood of federal authorities taking action against the Democratic Party official “are around 2%” according to a law enforcement official contacted by OC Daily. [ie Matt]”
Sounds like Matt hoped to get Jeff arrested, in some twisted puritan incarnation of gonzo journalism!
For helping a family member.
Wow. Matt really seems to have enjoyed writing this piece. He’s not much one for civil disobedience — or for civic courage.
Fortunately for Jeff, it would take a jury of six Matts and six Dans to convict him. Pretty unlikely.
Wouldn’t it also take something like corroborating evidence, ( probably by now “up in smoke” lol) or has the OCDA office symmetrically moved to Bizzarro World, where mere hearsay brings charges (while evidence gets charges ignored ?)
I haven’t read this story. Guess I’d better do so now.
The only thing that would it made it worse is a picture of a vulnerable homeless person or teddy bear.
Meanwhile over on the other kleptoblog, the FibOC, it has suddenly become gospel that I am working at Walmart. The execrable “OC DEM” came up with that (in a list of how all of us OJ people plus Jeff and “Mirevette” are losers) and the even more execrable Dan immediately perked up. “Really!? Where, which one? I can’t wait to see Vern in a blue Walmart uniform!”
When I said this was bullshit, OC DEM came back, claiming this was based on an article easily found on google, where I, Vern Nelson, wrote about my hard times loading Walmart trucks in the hot weather. I cannot find such an article by anyone called Vern or Vern Nelson. But Dan is more excited than ever, “Send the link! I can’t wait to find out which Walmart!” (Just like how excited he got when “David Vasquez” found a picture of Jay-Z with a gun that he claimed was Donna’s son, or when the defection of wackjob Pastor Stieler was a surefire sign that Lorri Galloway was gonna beat Mayor Tait.)
Then I realized how I’m falling into their trap. What if I DIDN’T have a lot of musical work, and I did have to take a low-wage labor job like Walmart, why should I be ashamed? (Just like when we were all saying, No, Obama is NOT a Muslim, and by the way so what if he was? Or when the Huntington Beach haters call Oscar Rodriguez an “illegal” but at least he’s mature enough not to say “No I’m not, but what if I was?”. He just wisely ignores them.)
These are classist elitist jerkoffs who shouldn’t get to call themselves Democrats, and at least shouldn’t get to be on the Central Committee. No wonder we lose working class votes to Trump. But Donna did locate a picture of me at work:
They’re getting worse and worse over there. You know what it’s time for!
Here’s the latest Cunningham effort, citing me. Since I am not permitted to correct his prevarications on that blog I will do it here:
At the same January 10 council meeting where the “People’s Task Force” made their big push, blog commenter David Zenger advised the council to create a “safe zone” on the city-owned Karcher property at Harbor Blvd. and the 91 Freeway.
“Mike Robbins made an excellent point,” Zenger told the council. “Right now there are homeless people camping up against the chain link fence that separates the Karcher site from them. There’s absolutely nothing stopping us at this point from opening that fence up. And I think that should be done immediately.”
The Karcher property is next to the aformentioned La Palma Park. Perhaps should go door-to-door in the adjacent neighborhoods and absorb the reactions to his idea from the residents – the same people who fought for an anti-camping ordinance to reclaim their park.
The Karcher property is not next to la Palma Park. That is an outright lie. It’s half a mile away, that half mile being a buffer of industrial zoned property. There is one solitary residence (on Lemon St.) that is anywhere near the Karcher site.
Cunningham keeps lying about the Karcher Way property. Why? Must be that someone has vested interest in making sure the property is not used for the purpose that was intended by the City of Anaheim when they spent (wasted) $3,000,000 buying it for a homeless shelter.
Oh come on, Dave. You’re not examining the alternative facts!
The Karcher property is next to Harbor, which is connected to La Palma, which is connected to La Palma Park, ergo the property is next to La Palma Park.
Man, I saved us the cost of a trial on that one!
How sad it must be to justify lying just because you’re getting paid to do it.
Ryan. Let “New South Wales,” most likely a Pringle employee, be your geographical guide to Anaheim:
Matt –
You may want to consider correcting the following statement. “The Karcher property is next to the aformentioned La Palma Park.”
While it is true that the Karcher property is not right next to La Palma Park. It is only separated by about 1000 feet along Harbor.
The land between the Karcher property and La Palma Park was originally zoned for industrial use. But, things have changed over the years and will dramatically change in the upcoming couple of years.
The following can be found along Harbor between the Karcher Property and La Palma Park:
– A coffee shop
– A fast food restaurant
– An adult vocational school
– A strip mall
– An elementary school
– An after school program servicing the children of poor and working class families from all over Anaheim.
There is also a preschool located almost directly across Harbor Blvd from the Karcher property.
A new condo/apartment community has been built on the other side of the 91 freeway at Lemon.
There will soon be another condo community directly across Lemon from the La Palma Dog Park.
Strip mall or strip club?
Hey, you guys know anyone who’s done some work for a strip club owner in the past? Maybe he can help out.
Lap dances for the Kleptocracy!
Wordsmith Cunningham just went ape shit over discoveries made by the cops along the Santa Ana River. The End is near! Hide your women. Barricade your doors. Drink heavily!
And then it turns out that the discovery of a “cache” of stolen bikes was miles from the homeless encampment in Fountain Valley and the promulgation of the information appears to be part of a coordinated misinformation campaign by at least two County departments.
The funniest part was when the big 2nd Amendment doofus got agitated by the discovery of a…gun!
I gotta do another one of these threads.
Could you include Matt’s corporate cousin or brother from Irvine? Dan C must be rejoicing about the plans of the the Disney CEO:
So the new majority assholes have passed a policy that it takes THREE people to agendize an issue, thus effectively silencing Barnes and Moreno, and by extension the districts that elected them.
The stated rationale is to keep meetings shorter – a ludicrous and transparent lie.
I see this as an end around the CVRA and wonder if such an obvious attempt to politically emasculate duly elected representatives could stand up to a legal challenge.
Oh, I don’t know that it would be a problem unless it were designed to curtail the power of a majority of the three persons of color on the Council — and who’d be THAT stupid?
(So did both Faessel and Brandman support this policy? Only the latter is clearly that stupid.)
I believe Brandman opposed this item.
So, good for him.
Yeah, well, it’s an old pattern. When they had a safe majority on some scam or other, Brandman got a pass.
The purpose of district elections was to give a voice to people in Districts 1,2,4, and 5. Now 1 and 3 have been shut up. It seems like civil rightsers ought to be concerned.
I agree.
Two real pieces of tripe went down on this item.
1) Wild hypocrisy concerning the Mayor’s unilateral authority to agendize an item. While Brandman opposing the vote as a whole is correct, he owes Tom Tait an apology for the 8AM Massacre.
This is just the latest example of fungible logic from the kleptocracy. I wonder what “open for business” will mean next month.
2) The entire excuse for passing this is related to saving staff time . . . presentation preparation, research, blah blah blah.
That’s total bollix. There’s no requirement for staff to spend more than five minutes to comply with the Brown Act to agendize an item for Council discussion. Council discusses, receives public comment, AND THEN provides direction to staff for additional information and future direction.
This was straight up disenfranchisement. Spot on observation, per usual, Dave.
Well at least we now get to see this Faessel dude’s true character, and the new guy, too. Tools, both of them.
Of course we already knew how low Kring and the clown Sidhu would go. I presume PringleCorp® is still calling the shots
With 3½ years gone by, I guess it’s past time for Round 5 of this feature. We’re gonna need it.
Two more assaults on democratic dissent by the Hairball Junta:
1) Cutting down public comment and moving non-agenda public comments to the end of the meeting.
2) Requiring a council majority approval for commission appointees, giving PringleCorp® authority over City’s the public volunteer structure.