Thursday night, OCWD voted 7-3 to have North County rate payers subsidize South County development.
Vern and I were at the OCWD hearing tonight to discuss the “term sheet” of Poseidon’s Huntington Beach desalination plant.
The Board voted to approve 7 -3: the Nays were Jan Flory (bless her fiscal conservative soul), Roger Yo, and Philip Anthony.
A few quick observations:
1. Over 200 people were in attendance
2. Iron Workers local 416 and IBEW local 652 were out in force. I wonder if they heard the rumor that Poseidon used non-Union labor at its Carlsbad plant?
3. Cathy Green may be president, but it’s clear who runs the OCWD board: Steve Sheldon. It’s like he owns it or something.
4. What is Dina Nguyen’s background to be on this board? Tonight she did a remarkable impersonation of a Steve Sheldon sock puppet .
5. Steve Sheldon does NOT like it when a speaker mentions Dave Gilliard. Dina, however, seemed to be confused by this.
6. The water is going to cost rate payers about $1,850 per acre/foot. But OCWD rate payers won’t get any more water. Rather, OCWD will relinquish water back to MWD/MODOC. That $700 per acre/foot water will then go somewhere else.
7. South County Realtors really, really like this project.
8. The Moulton Niguel Water District strongly supported the project, even though they aren’t part of OCWD, and wouldn’t not be part of this project. Any guesses why?
9. A list of Republican politicos too long to summarize came out in favor. Many were from South County. Who knew South County was interested in North County water issues?
10 Claudia Alvarez, Shawn Steele, Jose Solorio, and Gail Eastman supported the project.
11. The Hispanic 100 came out strong for the project. WTF?
12. IRWD does NOT like this project.
13. Interesting detail from the staff report: “RO water is aggressive” and will increase corrosion throughout the system. Funny, they didn’t give a cost estimate for that.
14. Roger Yoh said Vern had called him so many times that Roger’s wife suspected Vern was an ex-girlfriend. Vern, is there something you’re not telling us?
Vern: feel free edit this post however you like
Outrageous! What are our legal options?
Given that the water is not intended for OCWD’s service area, and will indeed increase costs for that service area (given pipe construction, maintenance, and the corrosion Travis mentions), I think that there’s a possibility that they’ve acted beyond their legal bounds.
The likelihood of people actually paying for legal representation is quite low, however, so that doesn’t much matter.
um, IRWD has the expertise, and deep pockets.
We here in Irvine stopped an airport backed by George frickin’ Argyros, don’t assume that’ we’ll rollover for this one.
Poseidon has OCWD well in hand, and the backing of most of OC’s Republicans. This won’t be easy. but not impossible.
Poseidon also has the backing of most of OC’s Democratic electeds, because they’re so friggin’ scared of the OC Building Trades, which now de facto leans Republican unless the Democrats lean Republican too.
Well, give my regards to your IRWD folks. Other than being aghast at corruption and idiocy, though, I don’t see where they have true skin in the game. Their voters so, but in that case it should be the Irvine City Council, etc., fighting what the OCWD is going to do to them. All IRWD has to do in the future is to point out how much cheaper their water is than that purchased from Poseidon.
Corrosion is caused by “hungry water”. RO water is pure H2O. It has no electrolites or minerals in it. So it takes them from the surrounding concrete pipes. Water is the universal solvent.
8. The Moulton Niguel Water District strongly supported the project, even though they aren’t part of OCWD, and wouldn’t not be part of this project. Any guesses why?
Nope. No guess necessary.
*You guys are precious……without skin in the game who wants to play? The rings have been exchanged and the promises made. Welcome to the real world and to true draught conditions…especially today as we get flooded out on every road in the OC. We want to thank those voting for Desal and wishing them a speedy development process and completion.
You spelled drought wrong.
*Sorry, we are under water here….right now.
I dunno. Looks like too many draughts to me!
Seven people failed an intelligence test.
Not an intelligence test. A test of morality.
They passed the same self-interested “intelligence test” that the Wall Street Bankers who looted the system without ever facing serious punishment faced, and that Nestle Corporation (in its desire to expand bottling of Sacramento tap water for private sale) is passing right now. Jackals are also quite intelligent in this regard.
Bottle A, $1.00
Bottle B, $2.50
“What’s the difference? ”
“Nothing. One is just more expensive. It also comes with a side of stupid.”
“Great! I love extras. Bottle B, please.”
Seven. Freaking. Times.
It comes with a side of stupid. Damn that hot chocolate just hurt coming out my nose. Ryan owes me a new laptop. Again. This is getting to be a habit.
Stupid means failing to understand how to follow one’s private interests, where doing so does not conflict with the public interest.
Corrupt is knowingly following one’s private interests, where doing so does conflict with the public interest.
Steve Sheldon ain’t stupid. He’s the other one.
*We totally agree with you Dr. D., but don’t tell Ryan…he will just hold it against you. Hope that hot chocolate goes up Cynthia’s nose on this one too!
this is simply another example of north county arrogance and greed. we need water and you have water. not only should you give us yours, you should pay for the opportunity to provide us with water. its just like obamacare, only without the drugs
Some things are forever. Like bribery and its rouged up twin “lobbying “. I wonder which board member (of the slimy seven) cost the most. Probably too soon to tell . I have deep respect for those who truly serve their public. It is getting hard to stamp out money in politics. Wish we could make robotic leaders who can’t be bought.
Should be mandatory reading. OCWD brought to you by Poseidon.
Why were the rate paying taxpayers limited to 2 minute comments; while the political shills for Poseidon given 3 minutes. Where is Fair and Balance. Why were the rate paying citizens who put in their Orange Cards not called to speak for 2 to 3 hours later, while late arriving Pro Poseidon honks given immediate time to speak. Does Chairwoman Green represent HB or Poseidon. Why were the pro Poseidon water districts allowed to speak for 3 minutes and the highly regarded IRWD was forced to sit in the back of the bus and limited to 2 minutes.
Evidently, Scott Maloni of Poseidon was in charge of the meeting instead of the OCWD and was signaling the Chair how to handle the meeting. Since the Union guys were paid to be there, how come the majority did not speak..Told several this will be a non-union job just as Carlsbad. OCWD transparency in action.
I gotta check again on that rumor that Carlsbad was non-union … I don’t think that’s true. It would be a bombshell if it is, but we should be careful not to stretch our credibility.
In talking with one of our Newport Beach City Councilmen, we found out, that we get 73% of our water from the OCWD. The rest goes into GWRS which supplies our little wells that are filled with brackish sea water and taste of Anaheim pools, as well as some IRWD ….supplies which come into play as the case calls for it. What a mess of fish this deal is. Give us clarity……no…not so much…and perhaps we will be buying some HB Poseidon supplies right after
“we should be careful not to stretch our credibility” – Vern Nelson. Lol. Too late. Why stop now.
This really you? I’ll have a credibility-off with you, right here and now!
I thought the same thing immediately Mr. Maloni but I figured why mention it and risk the assault that usually comes back. but since you got away with it, I will chime in and say spot on. it started with the ‘tripling of the water rates’ way back when and has continued.
Risk the assault?
For cryin out loud . . .
Not quite anonymous.
“Mr Maloni, Mr Maloni, I’m so glad you showed up, Vern’s been exaggerating so much, make him stop Mr Maloni!”
A couple years ago when we had an ad linking to the late Gus Ayer’s site, and the ad said “Click here to keep your water rates from tripling,” there was still no way to know how much higher our water rates could get with Poseidon. There still isn’t. “Tripling” was not an impossible stretch, but at your request I changed that to “skyrocketing.” Which is undeniable.
I’ll wait 24 hours to see if Mr Maloni (Poseidon VP in case some didn’t know) takes me up on the credibility-off; maybe “inconsistent” can take his place here if Scott is too busy celebrating. I’ll have no problem coming up with a list of lies, exaggerations, and omissions coming from the Poseidon side.
The thing is, Vern, that they have kept changing the plan. At the time of that ad, as I recall, the estimate was that water would go from the then-$650/acre-foot to the $1850-$2000/acre-foot range. That’s tripling. And then they changed the plan, we can presume partially because of the outcry and partially because they had alternative contract terms that could suck money out of the public treasury into Mr. Maloni’s pocket in less obvious ways.
I want a piece.