MEMO – For the Great Man’s Eyes Only:
By now I know you’ve heard, sir, and you must be understandably livid. Let me first say, IT WASN’T MY FAULT! I blame it on Ament, who was busy ejecting guests and ordered me to waste my time and talents counting tickets. THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED ON MY WATCH – I would have spotted these hooligans and had them thrown out immediately.
And I have to say, GardenWalk security was perfectly useless – they couldn’t keep these lowlifes from passing out (as far as we can tell) 300 to 500 of these nasty flyers, but they DID manage to get a photo of three of the malefactors, with the “W” of “WASTE” just peeking out of their jackets, and they look like they’re just enjoying themselves, wouldn’t you say?
Rest assured, we are trying to determine who these culprits are, and who could have created such a professionally done (albeit slanderous!) flyer, and how big of a new threat this might represent. It’s difficult though, sir – you must be aware that more and more citizens of Anaheim and the County are beginning to express doubt (wrongly of course!) in your grand visions. In short, this could be the work of almost anyone in town!
Okay, I know you want to see those flyers now. I can only thank my lucky stars I won’t be in the room when you see them. (Click the first image to see larger, clearer PDF.) I know, it is all lies and exaggerations, once again we WILL catch the guilty parties, and again I blame Ament. I remain… yours abjectly, Anaheim Insider.
Sooner or later the scab is going to come off the suppuration.
Anaheim Time.
OK I was rather offended that the top of Cunningham’s head did not come off until it was pointed out that he ignores what he is unable to answer, even with the usual ignorant backpedaling he produces to excuse the majority of the Kleptocracy’s self-serving behavior.
“Caste of Anaheim.”
“Haste of Anaheim.”
“Paste of Anaheim.”
“Aftertaste of Anaheim.”
The stories just write themselves. (I wish they did, anyway.)
Our (unlearned) lesson for today is “Haste makes Paste, and leaves an AfterTaste” …………………. Winships?
*OK, we do not want to protest too much….so here goes: “People that want to be on TV started years ago on the Gong Show. We kind of miss that show. People had to be entertaining, like tap dancing, playing the piano or doing jumping jacks to “Hail to the Chief”. Something actually creative and fun. Today, if you watch the “Price is Right”, “Jeopardy” or “Wheel of Fortune” it leaves one with a less than gratifying experience. So, people move over to Dancing with the Stars, The Voice or the worst of all “American Idol”. Who in the world ever named that show should be hogtied on a greased pig and run through New York City during a snow storm. OK, so this “Human Torch” puts up a sign: “Waste of Anaheim”. Hmmm, couldn’t get the deal to clean tennis shoes and sell that good cleaning stuff? Hey,
we don’t care what folks do for a living….but we find disparaging “Taste of Orange or Newport” or even the 4th of July Fair in Stanton…..as very offensive and worthless in redemption of our society. But not everyone can please us….no doubt. Let’s do a poll, just like we should have done about the Toll Road on the 405. No, just arrest these people that voted for it or put up a unlicensed “Waste of Anaheim” sign…. That would work for us.
Read the article maybe? And the linked flyer? There’s more to a story than just its title, Winships.
*Levity they say is the lowest form of humor. We don’t know who said that, but it is certainly true. HSR, the Artic and Light Rail for Anaheim are issues which only intelligent human beings could love. Just for starters,
Colan Nolan on New Conference had a great guest all about these things this morning and stated that most civilized countries believe these transportation issues are basic infrastructure and staple to the enviornment. The best example is: “The US spends $4 Billion dollars a year on rail. China spends $130 Billion. Most European countries spend a minimum of 15 times what we spend. Of course, they don’t have all our wonderful desel trucks clogging up their roads and restrict those that do to highways which have been engineered for heavier traffic. Here is the wonderful US of A, with all those Measure M funds….our pot holes rival those of Srilanka and Burma. But hey, why invest in infrastructure, roads, rails and transportation centers which make it easy to get around. Let’s make it as difficult as possible, make parking a ridiculous waste of time and make sure that are road remain clogged…….so no one wants to go out….except the stupid tourists flying in from Peoria. Yeah, we don’t get it….that is for sure.
Who says “levity is the lowest form of humor”? I’ve heard that said of puns, or gross-out gags, of pratfalls (and other physical abuses), and of prop comedy. How are you defining “levity”?
“Levity they say is the lowest form of humor”
Thanks for that. I will cherish it all day long.
Also, I suppose some idiot could argue that getting robbed will provide economic stimulation for the thief.
“Also, I suppose some idiot could argue that getting robbed will provide economic stimulation for the thief.”
Actually, it was Shelly Berman that once said: “A lady comes to me and says that her son is a thief, what should she do?” “I told her to do nothing, because he will either get better at it ….or get caught!”
Hardly any levity in that remark…..eh?
My guess for the Author would have been Yogi Berra, but a trip to brainyquote.com came up DRY. Here’s the closest that were offered –
Impropriety is the soul of wit. – W. Somerset Maugham
A pun is the lowest form of humor,
unless you thought of it yourself. – Doug Larson
Wit is the lowest form of humor. -Alexander Pope
And here’s a few more I found-
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. – W. C. Fields
Humor brings insight and tolerance. Irony
brings a deeper and less friendly understanding. Agnes Repplier
It is the ability to take a joke, not make one,
that proves you have a sense of humor. Max Eastman
and finally,
Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few
people are interested and the frog dies of it. E. B. White
Yogi Berra, that’s good. Perhaps the Winships are just the Yogi Berra of our time, and we are not properly appreciating them.
Too bad for the Winships. Yogi (who turns ninety tomorrow) is still with us.
Of course with every Yogism comes some small kernel of recognition that we know what he’s talking about.
*”Just another malapropism in a whole world of fog is probably the best definition of levity!: – Dr. D. or…..perhaps: “A Devine Clarity!” ? Would
you buy that?
Does this sort of thing give voice to the anonymous cowards among us?
Man this makes things confusing. Iguess we can assume these were “good” anonymous cowards, as in CATER and opposed to the faceless flecks that post on Matt’s and this blog.
Some poor simpleton does not understand satire.
Dear “Former,”
Please help me understand how one may take full accountability and ownership for said stunt, while remaining “anonymous.”
I wasn’t sure if this “formerly anonymous” anonymous person was referring to the satirical author “Anaheim Insider” or the three young men who are proudly showing their faces in the picture above. I suppose our commenter finds safety in being not only anonymous but cryptic.
Did anyone commenting actually go to this thing? They usually suck.
The Newport one is expensive (like $100.) But its worth it and goes to a good cause. Brea’s blows, Santa Ana and Tustin have week events.