Robert Poole wins the CA Lotto!

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*The pay offs continue.  The Board of the OCTA needs to resign.  Let’s not just sugarcoat our response.  The Board of the OCTA should be forced to resign “in toto”.  Forcing the Cal-Trans Toll Road from Seal Beach to the 73 Freeway is an outrage!  Who voted against it?  Who voted for it?  The Director of the OCTA needs to get gone too!  Who are these people….certainly not our friends or neighbors.  There are basic values at play here.  Should any State Agency have the power to direct the development of Toll Roads without a vote of the people?  These boards and commissions…have gotten out of hand.  They have been given too much power and no prerequisite accountability.

How can the Board of the OCTA let Measure M funds be used in coordination with Toll Roads?  We just need to know to vote them out of office – as soon as possible!  We need someone to blame, who might that be?  We need names, addresses and phone numbers.! We need to know what happened to the City Councils of Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley?  Where are their letters of outrage?  Hopefully, they will all be forthcoming along with a demand for OC Board Members who voted for the Toll Road lane to immediately resign….in disgrace!

These things seldom happen in a vacuum.  There are always lots of “behind the scenes negotiations”.  Let’s see…..$1.7 Billion dollars being spent to rip off the driving public, ruin our day for two years of bumper to bumper traffic during the building process and at the end of the day… faced with another Toll Road Agency.  That will go belly up, be sold to private industry, go belly up and then be resold to the 241/73/91 Toll Way……with rates for drivers rising each time during the process.  Dumb deal folks.

Robert Poole definitely wins the CA Lotto on this round.  Send him letters of congratulations immediately.  Remember, “There is no Reason for it!” ever!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.