Garden Grove Councilperson and Bao Nguyen ally Chris Phan speaks at Bao’s victory celebration at the end of November.
Elsewhere, I’ve given an initial impression of the First Supervisorial District race (to replace Janet Nguyen, who is leaving for Sacto.) DPOC endorses tomorrow night (Monday, December 15), two hours after filing closes. Under one interpretation of the rules I, even as an ex officio member of the Central Committee, am not supposed to say anything nice about competitors to endorsed candidates (as is the most likely outcome.) For fear that this interview with candidate Chris Phan (Garden Grove Councilmember, Deputy District Attorney, and former Navy JAG (Judge Adjutant General — a military lawyer) might somehow seem “nice,” though I think that my questions and his answers speak for themselves, I thought it was best to publish this before that meeting. So, here we go.
OJB: Filing for this position ends on Monday. You seem to be the only candidate who has completed the filing process. The only other candidate who has done more than received signatures in lieu forms is Chuyen Van Nguyen, who I understand from some random story I saw to be a former aide to State Senator Joe Dunn. Among others who have started the process are former State Senator Lou Correa; Andrew Do, former Chief of Staff to Janet Nguyen; Minuteman leader Lupe Moreno; former Santa Ana Mayoral Candidate Mark Lopez; and perennial candidate Steve Rocco (who I’m henceforth going to ignore.) Any surprises here in who has and who hasn’t filed for this seat?
Phan: I had heard talk that Miguel Pulido, Claudia Alvarez, or Jose Solorio might run, but their not wanting to do so isn’t a big surprise. I was surprised by Moreno — I have No idea why she’s running. The County doesn’t have jurisdiction on immigration issues. I’m not “black-and-white” on those issues — I’m pro-reform, but not in favor of sending everyone back. I don’t think it’s realistic.
OJB: Who do you see as being your biggest competition in this race?
Phan: Everyone, in that they could all pull people’s votes away. Lou and Andrew are the most formidable. Chuyen seems in there to pull votes from me.
OJB: What distinguishes you from the other candidates?
Phan: For one thing, I’m the only one with a military background, who has served our nation. My desire to serve does not come from self-interest; I don’t care for people who run for office for self-serving reasons. I already have had a different successful career going, but I came back from the military to serve my community. I think that I’m energetic and fresh — which will give people a choice. We need new ideas — Lou keeps talking about taxpayer equity, bringing money back into OC — but when we had the refinancing of debt that started this problem he was one of those who messed it up originally. We’ve lost opportunities to prevent our current problems.
OJB: So you’re a “candidate of change”?
Phan: [laughs] Sort of. I think that bring a fresh new perspective to the district. Flip-flopping positions between Janet and Lou wouldn’t change much. Also, I want to serve for as long as I can, and I’m not confident that Lou will stay there if Loretta steps down or if another higher office opens. Right here is where I wants to be; I have a young family, my son will be born in few months. I could be in office for just under ten years if reelected twice.
OJB: How does your job as a Deputy DA affect you when it comes to County law enforcement issues — especially when things go wrong?
Phan: Being a Deputy DA is all about law enforcement, following rules and regulations. You want people who will do things the right way. You will have a JAG/Deputy DA in me to address issues. I am not going to give everyone a pass. You have to investigate everything thoroughly; people can make mistakes. I don’t think that excessive use of force is a current problem for the OC Sheriffs Department; to keep it that way you really need to emphasize training of rank-and-file. They have to thoroughly understand the rules and guidance.
OJB: How do you feel about militarization of the police?
Phan: I think that it may be appropriate to accept what the federal government offers, but we should be hesitant to use it. And when it is used, in extreme conditions, we need to investigate that use, because we don’t want it to be used too casually. I think it’s best to humanize the approach of law enforcement — I care much less about promoting use of armored vehicles than good communication with the community.
OJB: My understanding is that you are very friendly with newly elected Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen. Do you know who, if anyone, among the other candidates endorsed him? Do you know if any endorsed Broadwater?
Phan: I was officially neutral in this race, but we are very friendly and I’m happy that he won. I don’t think that Correa endorsed in the Mayor’s race, though he did endorse the guy who finished fourth in the Council race.
OJB: Democrats are considering endorsing Lou Correa, or possibly another Democrat if anyone else applies for the nomination, on Monday night. Why do you think that the Democratic Party should not want to endorse anyone against you?
Phan: Lou and I are both moderates. Some differences are that I’m a fresh face and can offer longevity in the position, where he has had his chance before and left — and could again end up being a short-timer. Ideologically, I’m a fiscal conservative, but I’m open on social issues. I’m not far right. I’m a pragmatist — I want to do whatever makes sense. For example, I’m not in favor of the Republicans’ “No Union money pledge,” especially given how many Republicans are in Public Safety unions. And I’m not in favor of “No-Tax” pledge because it’s conceivable that in some circumstances there could be no better option — and I won’t promise what I don’t think I can deliver. I save my absolutes for things like moral integrity.
OJB: Why do you think that rank-and-file Democrats in particular should want to vote for you? Shouldn’t they be scared of you?
Phan: No, there’s no reason to be scared of me. I’m all for the common good. I’m not just out for my party, which I want to be more inclusive. Both parties have their strong and their weak points, and I want to find middle ground. It would be better to move people to the middle and to create coalitions. Lou, though he’s moderate, may get more pushback from his base because of concern over his positions.
OJB: Correa has support from organized Labor; don’t you think that he’d be more supportive of them than you would be?
Phan: I don’t think necessarily that I would necessarily be less supportive of Labor. Labor has its important place: to protect rights in the workplace, to fight for a reasonable income for workers, etc. My problems are when Labor starts using muscle by asking for unreasonable or over-the-top requests. But I’ll support Labor when they’re being fair. I’m not hesitant to engage with workers and listen to their issues.
OJB: But do you think you can connect with workers?
Phan: Look at our campaigns! I’m running mine on scraps, while Lou has millions of dollars in big contributors. I think that I’m closer to understanding workers’ plight and their hardship. I fit in well with those with desire to succeed.
OJB: You got some flack when you appeared at one or more fundraisers for Democratic members of the Santa Ana City Council. Can you describe your relationship with them? How does political party enter into it?
Phan: I just don’t look much at someone’s party. I knew David Benavides from our both being involved in community and charitable events. I don’t attend fundraisers just based on party affiliation. In this case, I wanted to hear more about what Benavides had to say.
OJB: Are you seeking a Republican endorsement in this race?
Phan: I had planned on it, but then I learned that they wanted to clear field the for Do, I guess because of Janet. So I didn’t apply. It’s a non-partisan position, anyway. I have gone to visit the homes of the most high-likely voters in district, of every party and NPP.
OJB: Why do you think that Republicans in particular should want to vote for you?
Phan: Take a look at what I’ve done and stood for in my life. I have stood for service, not self. I’m patriotic, a lifelong GOP member. If someone is so far to right like Lupe Moreno, they won’t support all my beliefs. But being willing to work both sides to solve problems can help Republicans.
OJB: Why do you think that voters with no party preference in particular should want to vote for you?
Phan: Because I’m not ideological, I’m pragmatic. No special interest owns me. I’m going to do what’s right. I think that that’s what they want.
OJB: Let’s talk about some of the less leading candidates. What are your thoughts on Chuyen Van Nguyen and Mark Lopez?
Phan: Chuyen never ran for office before, so I don’t think that he thinks he can win. He’s just there to take votes away from older Vietnamese, which ends up helping Correa. I don’t know much about Lopez. I am aware of Pulido’s ethical problems, so I admire him for running in the Mayor’s race. And I admire that, when he saw that he’d just be splitting the reform vote, he decided to get out of the way and withdraw.
OJB: Are you getting any endorsements from people on the Santa Ana Council?
Phan: I don’t have overt support from Santa Ana politicians. I’m not sure if they’re supporting me.
OJB: What would you do differently in this seat than Janet Nguyen has done?
Phan: Of course I’m seen stories about the controversies, and I don’t know what of it is true. But it seems clear that hiring issues have been a problem, something that we’ve also seen in Garden Grove. I would maintain the highest level of integrity and efficiency. That’s what I care about.
OJB: Do you have anything to say about the Cal-Optima problems?
Phan: Just that we really need transparency. I would be astute enough to prevent any mishandling of resources.
OJB: Do you have any criticisms, or points of admiration, for the current Board’s performance?
Phan: [laughs] I’m not one to burn bridges before I even get there!
OJB: The OC Labor Federation and the Orange County Employees Association have endorsed Correa, describing him as a friend of working families. What’s your reaction?
Phan: I come from a working family. I came here from Vietnam when I was 8 years old. I understand the plight of immigrants. I come from a lower-class background; my father brought our family to Indiana, and I grew up in 1-BDR apt in Indiana knowing no English. But I got good support from others.
OJB: As a State Senator, Lou Correa voted against giving the Insurance Commissioner the ability to block increases in health insurance premiums without showing good cause — something that he had previously supported before Jerry Brown became Governor. What’s your thought about that issue, which came before voters again this year as Prop 46?
Phan: I haven’t done enough research on it. I want to keep health care costs low. It is a matter of quality of life.
OJB: What would be your major priorities in office?
Phan: I want to be fiscally prudent and sound, to protect people’s resources. Public safety is high priority. I’ll be responsible and transparent.
OJB: How would you address the problem of homelessness?
Phan: It’s a tough issue for our whole county. It’s prevalent in First District. We need not just shelter, but programs for the causes contributing to homelessness. We’re all in this together; I’ll want other districts to help out, both financially and by housing some homeless people there. Not all of them have roots here in this district. I would promote the 1st District’s needs on homelessness with rest of the Board. We are the dumping ground right now; we should spread out the weight and responsibility across the county.
OJB: What about homeless veterans?
Phan: We have a responsibility to take care of vets – if they served our country honorably, we need to honor and protect them. I would be the only veteran on the Board of Supervisors, so it will be my place to explain this to others. I’ve been there on front lines; I know that war can do bad things to people. Lots can’t take it, they lose track of how to run their lives.
OJB: How would you address issues of good governance in County government, and what issues do you see?
Phan: I want to be very transparent. Not a “good old boys” network. Actions should be explainable and transparent.
OJB: Second to last question: what have I failed to ask you that I should have asked, and how would you answer?
Phan: I want to mention my serving on the Horizon Cross-Cultural Center Board, etc. – a voluntary board. — for which I’ve gotten some criticism. This distinguishes me from other candidates. Horizon was started to provides services to immigrants, develop citizenship. Then it had shifted its focus to transportation issues because that’s what the county wanted to pay it for. Horizon has gotten heat for our transportation program — but we fixed the problems immediately, transparently, and now we’ve gone back to roots. Here’s the thing: I could have stepped down and avoided any criticism involving Horizon, but I’m there to serve — and if you’re serving you don’t run when things get bad. I can empathize with the needy and I look forward to have the power to fund those programs. I’m not sure what Lou has done, like being on this kind of board, to be steward on this issue.
OJB: Last question: You mentioned that Lou has all sorts of money and Do has Janet behind him. What makes you think you can win?
If Chris were truly a serious candidate he would have done this interview with me and would have bought an ad on my award winning blog.
Mr. Stalker, what are you talking about? I don’t see how anybody can take you seriously, what with all that twisted megalomania and nothing to show for it.
Nothing to show for it? I have an OC Press Club Award and scores of pictures of me with Beth, Larry, Jordan and Lorrie.
If you ask me I have lots to show for it. Plus politicians wave to me at the Truman Dinner. I’m important!!!!
You’re a lucky man Dan Stalker. Politicians at the Truman Dinner tend to flip me off.
Well Vern if you donated mattresses and washed balls like I do maybe they would wave to you and even pose for a picture or two.
Washed balls and mattresses?? What on Earth are you talking about?
Speaking of Truman: Mr. Stalker aren’t you a bit ashamed of going to a dinner named after a small, jerk-water town politician and failed hat salesman who rose to prominence thanks to the KC Pendergast mob?
Reminds me a bit of Irvine, although without all the beige stucco.
Hey Zenger now you’re going too far… Don’t diss the “buck stops here” dude. Even if he wasn’t quite up to your standards… he’s still a standard to aspire to by today’s standards!
I have no shame Mr. Zenger. Haven’t you ever read my award winning blog?
Oh, Vern.
They all look good a few decades after their departure as the mists of time Vaseline the lens and fuzzy up the image (free Tuesday mixed metaphor).
We then compare them to the sharp image of the dude in front of us and all their warts and creases go away.
“Do has Janet behind him”
With friends like that who needs enemies?
Correa will have the full faith and credit of the OC Smash ‘N Grab Club – just like he did in 2010; it will be fun to watch Cunningham spin that one around.
I guess we’ll have to see where his votes come from. And does anyone think he has a real shot at this? Will there be a runoff, or will this be another “first past the post” special?
First past the post, just like the Nguyen-Nguyen recount race in early 2007.
So that hasn’t changed. Ugh. So we may get another Supe who “wins” with less than 25% of the vote.
Phan seems very level headed. Are you sure he’s an OC politician?
My impression is he’s a great guy. Probably doomed, running against old Lou. Silver lining at least it’s good he’ll be on the GG City Council helping Bao straighten things out.
He is extremely opposed to cannabis legalization. IMHO he is the same as Lou Correa, unacceptable.
Ya know what, whatever. That’s not a big issue for OC Supes.
Watch it become one of Lou gets elected.
Well, not out of the privacy of their own (or their friends’) homes, anyway….
(P.S. No, I don’t have anyone specific in mind as I write this.)
Paul, you need to work on making finer gradations in the world than only two.
Garden Grove City Council, so yes. (Well, I guess that that’s no guarantee, what with Michelle Steel and all.)
Chris Phan is an impressive man.
We had a talk on my front porch a couple days ago. If Lou doesn’t run for this office I would vote for Phan.
You, Mr. Republican, are a Lou Correa fan? Why am I surprised?
Surprised? I am not like Paul Lucas, a one issue guy.
I fine Lou Correa has value. I also told Chris Phan that when we talked that Lou has my vote.
Here’s your chance to make a pitch: what do you, as a Republican, find to be Lou Correa’s “value”?
That’s an accumulation of many parts. So I will make a list of parts that impress me.
Walks the parades and shakes the people hands.
Married with family and his wife work here as a doctor.
I’ve talked to one of his kids when he went to El Sol, smart kid, I told him not to run his fingers on the fence as it would be bad if my dog chewed off his fingers.
Has gone against his party on issues even to the point of punishment by the powers that be.
I believe that he stand alone on his principles, a rare value that few politician have.
There are too many more parts to list.
Cook has some good points from a Republican perspective. I’ll just add that from a nonpartisan local OC perspective, Lou often brought home the bacon in a way no one else seemingly could. He drove Democratic leaders in Sacramento nuts, but he’s been crazy like a fox in securing funds for local infrastructure (like the Santa Ana River).
I feel pretty safe in predicting OC won’t be receiving the same level of service (let alone bacon!) from Janet Nguyen.
Good prediction about Janet.
Lou was also one of the people on the Board of Supes who made a stupid decision years ago that lost OC the many millions of dollars that he now wants credit for trying to get back, so some of his crazy is not quite so fox-like.
Your recollection of that tax issue is pretty good. Of course he failed to accomplish anything, and neither did Solorio – both trying to close the barn door long after the horse had bolted.
Correa also revels in his duplicity on a big budget/tax deal a few years back. It was a pure political sleazoid stunt. He sold out his “no tax” pledge in order to kick back money specifically to OC. However the pro rata tax increase to County taxpayers was vastly greater than the money that was kicked back to OC; yet he he actually got the bureaucrats at the County to speak in glowing terms of the “Correa money.”
I guess that’s successful politics – if you can get away with it.
lou listens, he is not bound by ideology but by common sense and what serves the people well. many criticize his ability to work both sides of the aisle, have republican as well as democratic friends and operate in the middle…that is compromise, that is politics at its best.
Again, to give you a fair forum — I agree that he’s not bound by ideology (if you don’t count the “negative ideology” of “hippie-bashing”), but how do you conclude that he is bound by “common sense” and the public interest rather than by political calculation self-interest?
I don’t know that I’m going to argue with you about it personally, because of last night’s endorsement — which I suppose I will have to write about after all, given that I’m told that some “PR professional” has decided (in an article that I haven’t read) that my dissent rather than Correa’s endorsement is the real story here — but my guess is that Zenger will be willing to give you a good and vigorous argument on your answer to that question.
My disdain for Lou is based on his tax deal that made the state Dems happy, but reneged on his pledge (for what that’s worth); his coziness with the cops and prison guards; the cowardly and foolish war on medicinal marijuana; and lately the water carrying for OCs Smash ‘N Grab kleptocracy.
I used to like the guy and along with Greenhut and others were “Republicans for Correa” in 2006 when he ran for State Senate against the dreadful Lynn “Bulldozer” Daucher. Hell, the guy was even invited to a couple of Grover Cleveland parties.
Chuyen Nguyen, Chris Phan, Andrew Do, and Lou will all split the Viet vote. Believe it or not Lou drives a big car in Little Saigon. Then it will be a scrap over the White Republican votes. I predict Lou gets double the number of votes the other candidates do.
You’re probably onto something, Paul. We can read Lou to filth for a whole lot of ideological “issues”, but we certainly can’t read him for his political skills.
Chris Phan has been my friend and councilman for over a couple of years now. He has been responsive when I bring up issues. I know he cares about the community. He actually questions agenda items and city contracts before voting on issues and I’ve seen him go against the grain with voting. I like his statement “I’m a pragmatist — I want to do whatever makes sense.” I wish him the best on the election but am happy if he stays in GG.
Lou can’t win facing just one Vietnamese candidate.
I also think many people hyper inflate Lou’s support among the Vietnamese population even though he has never faced a Vietnamese challenger. I think they base that on Lou taking pictures at Vietnamese events but I don’t know how that translates to a vote over another Vietnamese candidate.
when I have needed his support, for either a “democratic” or “republican” program or vote, he has been there. he is politically calculating but aren’t they all. I just find him to be an old school guy who tries to do right but also understands which way the wind is blowing. in reading this, it is, admittedly, not a ringing endorsement. bottom line is that I like the guy and he is easy to do business with
*”Ya Vowl….mein Commandant!” We agree wholeheartedly! “Lou…Lou….Lou!”
“Ya vowl” …. LOL
The Vietnamese candidates will split their votes. Andrew Do is a shill and a lapdog for Janet. Do did nothing remarkable and never lived in Garden Grove during his two years on Garden Grove City Council. He quit mid-term. We do not need Do at the county level.
Chris Phan is intelligent, charismatic and caring. He walked and talked with the public to earn his position on city council. He is earnest and educated.
Lou Correa is experienced and will likely will the county supervisor seat, again. The question is how long will he stay?