Let’s Go Hear Professor Chemerinsky Friday afternoon! “Another Momentous Year at the Supreme Court.”




This came – wow, at the last minute – from our buddy Jonathan Adler:

Dear fellow activists,

I invite you to UCI Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky‘s 7th annual talk (+ Q&A) in Laguna Woods, titled “Another Momentous Year at the Supreme Court,” this Fri. Sept. 5, 2:45 pm, Clubhouse 5.  If you’ve heard any Supreme Court talk of his, I need say no more (but see the logistics info below re gate entry pass, directions, map).  If not, or if you don’t know who he is, download the linked PDF flyer, and/or click here for full listing on O.C. Progressive Events calendar.   In essence: Those who’ve been to his talks agree: “Don’t miss it!”  Please also forward this invitation to all your friends who’d like to, need to, or should hear his talk (whether or not they yet know that).

If you don’t live in Laguna Woods Village:  The CH 5 venue is within its gates.  You’ll need a Gate Pass, directions, and maybe a zoomed-in interactive GoogleMap.  All are on p.2 of the attached flyer (with a link to that map).  Print out its p. 2, cut off the pass, fill it in, bring it, show it to the gate person, and hand it in if asked.  If you forward this, please really hit “forward” so that flyer stays attached.  If it isn’t attached to the email you get, or if you can’t open or print it, click here for a prior version of that flyer. Its p. 2 also has a Gate Pass and some directions;  the events calendar linked above also has a link to that GoogleMap.

One point that even attendees at Chemerinsky talks may forget is that his talks are highly valuable for activists especially: I titled his 2012 talk (he liked it) “2012 Campaigns’ Most Vital Buried Issue: the Supreme Court.”  He’s clear to lay folks, not just lawyers, on how the Court’s high profile cases — often 5-4 now by its 5 conservatives — impact people’s lives (even more than Congress). The last 3 GOP Presidents appointed all 5 conservatives;  Clinton or Obama appointed all 4 ‘moderates’ (dissenters in those cases). So, the party in control of the White House and Senate controls the Court’s personnel, blocs dictating its direction, respect or disdain for precedent, and thus, whether it expands or limits citizen rights, even our democracy itself. That’s one key way “elections matter.”

Dean Chemerinsky is this year’s DPOC Truman Dinner’s Harry S Truman Award recipient, by the way.  His new book, out in late Sept., is “The Case Against the Supreme Court”;  his last one was “The Conservative Assault on the Constitution.” Both titles are bold for a litigator active before that Court. That’s Erwin for you. Come hear him.  I hope to see you there.

–Jonathan Adler   (949-581-2178;  LawGuruLaguna @ yahoo.com)

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.