First, Ricardo wants to remind us all that it’s Cesar Chavez’ birthday Sunday, and in order to have a proper birthday fiesta for the beloved civil rights icon, he thinks we should all listen to the following great songs from the 1976 Los Lobos album ¡Sí Se Puede!, which was a tribute to him. The first song, “No Nos Moverán,” was a particular inspiration to the justice movement in Ricardo’s Chile…
Wait… none of these are on YouTube, sorry Ricardo! Is that a Los Lobos policy? I guess you can hear that whole album on iTunes here. Instead here is the lovely Joan Baez singing No Nos Moverán!
But here we are in hard-case Orange County, and before Cesar’s birthday swings around, we’ve got a big Impeach Obama Rally to announce – tomorrow, Saturday, from 11am till 2, on the Bake overpass in Irvine near Rockfield near Irvine auto mall. The 92B exit if on the 5 north, turn left on Bake. 92 exit coming from 5 South fwy, left onto Bake. Cesar said “Sí Se Puede?” Well, a lot of serious people in the south County are saying “NO, YOU MOST CERTAINLY MAY NOT!” From their Facebook event page:
Banners, Flags and Signs from the overpass in Irvine/Lake forest, CA will wave to express that we’re mad as hell and we aren’t wiling to take lawlessness or live under the rulings of a tyrannical dictator.
Soldiers and patriots fought for Americans to be free of tyrants who ignore the Constitution of the United States, oaths were sworn to from electeds in high offices but they make a mockery out of laws this country was founded on.
Lies, disrespect for the soldiers of this county and for our framers and founding fathers lead up to the redressing of our grievances.
Make sure to bring a camera or video and if you have, pepper spray or a stun gun (best to wear it so it shows), absolutely no one is to be out there alone (for your safety), this time we’ll be ready with cameras for any trolls or troublemakers. [Wow, do these protesters really face danger from angry liberals, or the law, or whom? – ED]
Signs and banners need to be big and bold enough to be seen from the overpass.
This is near an empty on Saturday, industrial park, and theres street parking too.
Here are some printer ready signs
sign-making-tips/ If anyone is interested, after the protest, we will be heading over to the Chik Fillet in Foothill Ranch, CA. [Ooh, Chik-Fillet – way to stick it to the Man! – ED]You don’t necessarily have to have a sign, but bring a flag, if you have one.
If we are rained out on 3/29 I will notify you with another date, in the meantime we are still set for 3/29!

A recent event just a little farther south, in northern San Diego County – let’s hope our OC’ers have such success!
I did ask Ma Merijoe, organizer of this event, OJ friend, and original Kelly’s Army soldier, what exactly they want to impeach Obama for. And she reacted in a stunned way, as though there were too many legitimate reasons to choose from! Well, I felt nostalgia for thinking the same thing about impeaching Bush and Cheney a few short years ago, so … good luck guys! I’ll try to be there and report. I do hope you get more than “8 going, 2 maybe.” (and one of those “going” is yours truly – Vern. Just to report, take pictures… and make sure none of my fellow liberals HURT these fine citizens. Damn… can someone give me a ride?)
Finally, here’s my version of Leonard Cohen’s popular “Hallelujah” combined with Handel’s celebrated “Hallelujah Chorus.” I had too much coffee one day and I was stuck somewhere waiting for a ride, and then it suddenly occurred to me how to do this. ONLY THE THREE BEST VERSES! (Everyone but Leonard seems to leave out that last one “Even though it all went wrong…”) Unfortunately this was from the session where only one stereo side was recording so I’m gonna have to do it again, but you kinda can’t tell on a laptop…
Talk about stuff. Anything. But make it good. Or as Hamlet said to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, “Anything, but TO THE POINT.”
I think it can come as a bit of shock to any patriotic American to be asked why Obama should be impeached, as if the questioner has not been on this planet for the last six years, or so. Even the Europeans, generally in the beginning among the most enthusiastic Obama worshipers, have recently begun to understand what the many problems with Obama are. The reasons are too vast to describe in a few sentences, but it starts with the anti-Americanism in his background, doubts about even his eligibility for office and his trashing of the Constitution. Even Bush/Cheney did not claim the right to murder American citizens or lock them away forever without a trial. Obama has. Bush/Cheney went to Congress for permission for their wars. Obama did not and refuses even to recognize the that Congressional approval is required by the Constitution. It is also bad logic to imply that Obama should have immunity, because some past president may have gotten away with lesser misdeeds.
If you want a good laugh …
As for Obama, he is not well liked around the world. Saying he is a disappointment would be an understatement. Ask anyone in Pakistan whose family member was killed by an American drone. He doesn’t realize that his behavior paves the way for future presidents to behave like him and you can bet Democrats will have a hissy fit when they no longer are the ones in power.
Why do we ALWAYS have enough money to spend on war but NO money for our domestic needs???
Our government is pissing away OUR tax money and we allow it to happen…
Don’t judge Verny-there are Obots/bullys (whatever you want to call them) out there who show up to alot of these protests just to throw in a monkey wrench, that’s just reality and it’s not paranoid delusion, unlike asking “why” a person would want to impeach the king, just advising, strongly, that we’ll be ready, I’m not accusing anyone.
And thank you for that lovely earthquake.
E ticket ride in this old house.
5.3, epicenter La Habra. I was depositing a check in Westminster and the bank started shaking. I said to myself, “What, is my check bouncing?” I walked out into the dark parking lot, which bounced me about like a drunk sailor. Then I heard the ATM beeping. And I said, “No, I am not going to lose my check to a damn earthquake.”
Supposed to be a bigger one in an hour or so, I’m hearing?
It was two miles east of La Habra. Up here in the frozen north, we have a name for “two miles east of La Habra.” That name is “Brea.” I SAID BREEEAAAAAA!!! If we had to host the earthquake we might as well get credit for it!
The USGS report says this: The first 3.6 was centered near the intersection of Lambert and Harbor. The biggest one, the 5.1 (that went on for 20-30 seconds) was centered between La Habra and Lambert just east of Palm. The third 3.6 was centered near the intersection of Imperial and Palm. (Whatever it is, it’s heading right near my apartment!) The fourth appreciable one happened about four minutes ago as I was typing this, and isn’t yet posted.
The larger earthquake came about 15 minutes from the end of the Brea Show Choir production of “Bye Bye Birdie.” The staff did a very professional job of evacuation and keeping the kids (and parents) relatively calm. Sadly, I guess that I will now never know how “Bye Bye Birdie” ends. One of the actresses one-upped my joke that I felt the earth move during their performance by saying that they almost brought down the house. Touche!
Big window cracked in the Admin building there, some of the set broken and more breakables broken in the choir room. My guess is that they’ll find a fair amount of broken glass, which we also have here in my home, there when they check.
OK, believe it or not, it looks like this cluster of earthquakes was centered in three different cities, all within a block or so of Lambert and Palm, just south of Sonora HS which is right near where they come together. The first one was technically in La Habra, the big one technically in Brea, and the third one technically in Fullerton, but each was a very short distance from one of the other cities.
I suggest that we call these the “Sonora quakes.” Sonora HS can use the publicity.
The Voice of OC is reporting that this s all the fault of Santa Ana mayor, Miguel Pulido.
His has been linked to SEVERAL earthquakes during his twenty years in office. Several unnamed sources report that “Everybody knows Miguel is responsible for these seismic events”, luckily the new council manjority with help from America Barraco and Latina Health Access have a “strategic plan” to stop these earthquakes over the next five years.
You’re confused, Nameless. The crust of the earth was emboldened by President Obama’s tyrannical weakness – one more reason to impeach him tomorrow!
Boring stuff. When Pulido sneezes, do you wipe your nose?
Boring Stuff indeed, Stories about Auto Parts contracts, fallen down trees, ten year old meetings. If whoever Adam represents want to beat him that bad, why don’t they do it the old fashion way: run a decent candidate.
Stories about corruption, you mean. Corruption isn’t boring.
Again, I would have to agree, I am following Leland Yee, Rod Wright and the Calderon stuff closely, I also think that the San Diego mayor was corrupt in a moral kind of way, but, that one was really juicy.
You repeatedly confuse me as some kind of Pulido apologists, nothing could be further from the truth. But, when I read the VOC’s hit pieces, I wonder if he’s so bad, why can’t anyone come close to beating him?
I can’t think of a worthy contender in the last ten years, which includes the likes of Stanley and Rocco. Even you in your “eager” personality would agree, Adam Elmerarhk (or whatever) is over the top, balls out for the mayor (nothing wrong with that as long as I can point it out as well.).
You’re really stumped by why someone couldn’t beat Pulido if he’s so bad? Does the success of the Calderon family also stump you? Of Pringle and his flock?
Come on. I may think that you’re a chicken ninja, but I think you’re a smarter chicken ninja than that! How does corruption render someone unelectable — until and unless it’s widely exposed?
Nameless, smart crooks stay in office forever. It’s the dumb ones, or the hubristic ones that get caught.
Had we had a DA worth a tinker’s damn the past 16 years we’d have had a whole lot less trouble around here.
I can honestly say, in all of my anonymity that I don’t know what a chicken ninja is.
But, I know what a shill is.
As for David Zenger’s comment. I agree. But, when the community at large supports a person, it’s hard to argue with the results.
I HATE the Seattle Seahawks, I Think they were the recipient of bad calls (NAVARRO BOWMAN!!!). But at the end of the day the Seahawks are CHAMPIONS.
Get somebody decent to run, and you have an alternative!
Francisco “Paco” Barragan – Not Possible
Julio Perez- Good Chance : Move to Santa Ana and become involved.
Roman Reyna- MY CHOICE; But, Learn English and Go to College
Vince Sariemento – Another Millionare lawyer, who whent to school in Tustin. Total Democratic Shill. JOE DUNN LITE.
Amezcua- Take your pick, this cabal is salivating……..
The point being is we know as Democrats, as citizens (well a few of us) what the sucession plan should be.
WHY FIGHT IT. This is STUPID politics. A specialty of the DPOC!
After Bush was in office for 6 years, I was damn well aware of why people wanted to impeach him and Dick Cheney, as I think most everyone was aware. The question was only did the accusations rise to the level of impeachment. It is a symptom of the mass brainwashing of the American public and the cult-like mentality surrounding Obama that so many people do not even recognize why we want him to be removed from office. They have been programmed that way. We have to start at square zero with every single person every time the subject comes up, even with the same person at different times, you have to start over from the beginning. There is information posted all over the Internet about it. It is not because they don’t have plenty of opportunity to know, they just don’t want to know. It is really like living in a bizarro world.
i think it’s hilarious those idiots carrying the yellow and red stop illegal immigration signs bought and paid for by the communist swine tan nguyen they must be commies themselves.
Yeah, mock what we’re doing, lovin it..Did I see see you on fwy overpasses waving signs to protest Bush/Cheney? I forgot.
Oh yeah, some call me crazy for any opposition to their happy ass agendas, I was told by a GOP sycophant not long ago-someone I used to consider a friend to:
“let it go for the sake of bigger fish in the future. You cannot change it and will only look bad for trying, sad but reality.” (direct quote)
Never. I will always always always stand up for what is right, no matter so say anything you want, take all the photos you want, dig up dirt, coerce and threaten me-I just threw up my middle finger defiantly.
I respect you guys standing up and shouting for what you believe in, but… were you talking to me when you asked about freeway overpasses during Bush and Cheney? Yes, many times, and much more!
My favorite was around 2007 when a group of us in Huntington Beach made ourselves “Huntington Beach Impeach.” We came to every council meeting for months with six or seven speeches about all the reasons the HB council should endorse an effort to impeach Bush and cheney. We knew it would never happen, with 5 out of 7 Republicans on the council, but WE WERE BEING TELEVISED, and thousands of HB citizens were hearing all these speeches. (Including my parents, who hated it.(
The high point was Constitution Day 2007 – I think that was Sept 18 or something? We had like 30 different speakers, each with like about three sentences on the different ways Bush and Cheney were defying and damaging the Constitution. Republicans, democrats, libertarians, greens, teachers, veterans, clergymen… it was pretty impressive; once I get the movie editing software I’m saving up for, I’m gonna go look for that meeting and put all those together.
You guys should try something like that. I wasn’t a blogger back then, but I wrote about it here a year later…
We also, in 2008, put on a big Impeachment Forum at Goldenwest College with some constitutional experts. I helped organize it, … Pedroza came and reported on it…
So, even though I thought those guys did ten times more damage than Obama, I can still see how you guys have some reason, and wish you the best getting your word out. ‘S why I wrote about you!
(PS I don’t have a ride for today … but if any mean liberals try to beat you guys up, tell ’em you’re Vern’s friends! LOL)
So, you understand, good. No one tried to hurt us today-it was good, will have a youtube soon, I’ll send you a copy, if you want-or, even if you don’t want
Hope you can come out to Angel Stadium in June for more fwy protesting.
Yes, please send the YouTube, I’ll post it for sure!
How about having merijoe articulate the reasons she believes Obama needs to be impeached as a condition of the video posting?
Her just being “stunned” isn’t very enlightening.
Her comrade Roger is already chiding her for “wasting her time” with us “nihilists…” but I KNOW she has the guts to do it. Right MJ?
*Bush-Cheney? What about Troy Edgar? He can’t even run for County Clerk-Recorder
because he falsified his nominating papers…….eh? And you think Bush-Cheney have
Are you going to hold an Impeach Troy Edgar rally? I know the perfect Los Alamitos bridge, over the 605.
*Too many Detours around the 22 and the 605! Heck, you could confuse the
entire effort…and that wouldn’t do….would it?
My favorite part of the overpass protest is the meeting at Chik-Fil-A afterwards. Priceless.
Chik-Fil-A…the Conservative’s debrief restaurant of choice.
Well yeah, because … NOT because they hate gay people, but because NO MEAN PC LIBERALS CAN TELL THEM WHAT TO DO, NYAH NYAH take that!
And KEEP YOUR DISTANCE, we’ve got STUN GUNS! I wonder if they bring their pepper spray and stun guns into Chik-Fillet? Now I’m picturing an accidental pepper-spray and stun-gun fight breaking out there, no customer or employee coming out unscathed.
Oh. I was going to try not to make fun. Scratch all that…
What they hate is that America is becoming more ethnically-, religiously- and politically-diverse. Obama is just a convenient scapegoat to focus their fear onto. If it wasn’t him, they’d find someone else.
Yep, Chik-Fil-A, and it was good.
Should the choice of Chik-Fil-A be understood as a statement, and if so, what’s the statement?
*Do you guys know what they put in the Chic-A-Fil crap? Read the ingredients and get back to us.
If we are talking about elected officials with problems……
Ew, disgusting. Big fat Huff (quarterback for Redevelopment) tells little Mimi (dressed like a Catholic schoolgirl today) that she doesn’t HAVE to answer any impertinent reporter’s questions about her residency … so she doesn’t. Wouldn’t you brush past Huff, or speak up without a mike, if you had a decent answer? And this lady wants to be south County’s next Congresswoman.
Note that I did post a story about it….
Catholic schoolgirl? Hmm. I actually had a comment like that all lined up last night to go with that picture on another thread, but forewent hitting the comment button. Thought I might somehow agitate the feminists.
You were right to hesitate, David. She’s clearly dressed as a Catholic schoolgirls’ Physical Education instructor.
Hear Yee, Here Yee, nary a word about the decline of the Democrats in the California Senate? Now we have a Democratic senator who is charged with taking bribes and gun running and not one word about it here?
3 of them suspended from the senate at one time! Why not expelled?
So…why isn’t the party clamoring for their heads…?
You’re right, this is worth an article by now. I was trippin about that whole Leland and the Shrimp Boy thing the other day, and darkly enjoying Rachel Maddow’s unsparing coverage of the amazing CalDem corruption. You’d definitely be seeing more about it here if any of those cats were from the OC. I did briefly mention in my Disclose Act piece that it was on account of Wright and Calderon that we were unable to pass Lou’s good bill.
But yeah this does deserve an OJ story. Can you do it Greg? Or…YOU still have an account here, Carl, why don’t YOU?
PS. can’t wait for those crazy Taiwanese animators to take on Leland and Shrimp Boy!
I remember several years ago, one of Ray Chow’s (Shrimp Boy), nephews was able to attend Sacred Heart was attending St. Ignatious College Prep in SF, A Catholic high school in the heart of the sunset district.
He had for more than a year been bullied and picked on by the football players, and otherwise elite white Irish kids. Parental complaints fell on deaf ears, these were the rich of the rich, AT&T, Wells Fargo exec’s ect…
Long story short, “Shrimp Boy” got wind of it and one Friday, after school, 100 TRIAD members surrounded the after school burger joint hangout:
It suffices to say, that star Quarterback, never made it to Stanford, in fact, I think he is still struggling to walk. As they snapped his femurs, the Chinese gang proudly asked: “WHO CHINK NOW HUH?”
Moral of the story, don’t fuck with Ray Chow.
I don’t think that you get to say this anonymously. For all I know, it’s just made up — and it is I don’t know who to smack.
Alright take it down, It’s not like I made an anonymous post accusing Lucille Kring of being a falling ground drunk! Nice Standards.
Again — the difference is that I know who that writer is, so that I know to whom to forward the subpoena.
Can you post a contemporaneous news story about the vicious beating of this previously Stanford-bound quarterback, so that I know that you weren’t making it all up? Because that would suffice. And if you can’t — well, were you making it all up?
AND I can tell you exactly who gave us the intelligence on Lucille passing out at recent events … but on the phone, not here.
But what are we worried about here specifically, Greg? The reputation of Shrimp Boy?
I’m worried about the degree that nameless enjoys spreading malicious gossip — some of which may be wholly true, some entirely made up, some anywhere in between — without the consequences that usually come with doing so. This one should be pretty easy to check, so — name the QB, nameless!
Lucille Kring passing out at events, by contrast, is not hard to believe. I don’t even know that she’d deny it. She’d probably just up her visits to the animal hospital to see Bruno by 50%. (If he starts to relapse, I think we’ll know why.)
Well, Nameless’ Shrimp Boy story is just as easy to believe, after all the Shrimp Boy stories I’ve heard recently from my brother Crab (who spent most of his life in San Francisco.)
There’s a difference between “easy to believe” and “true.”
Community service bulletin:
Torrey Pines on sale this weekend!
Senate DEM’S cancel profitable fundraiser set for Saturday and Sunday. Where as you would pay $16,250 per round (or $65K per foursome) to golf with Senate members, you can now get a tee time on Saturday for $125.00!
Wow. from $16k to $125.00 to play at a PUBLIC COURSE!
Sacramento is a wreck!
*Yep, Mimi is a NRA Supporter and she looks real cute in her hornrimmed glasses. Just like a little school girl.
Of course, “She’s Not There,” etc. But this presser was this week. I’m glad a reporter up there still remembers Greg’s piece!
*What????? Greg Topper was unavailable?
*Don’t worry…we know Richard Sherman too…..great piano….ya know!
I think that residency rules should be tightened up a lot.
How can we have a democracy form of representation if the political machine can pick an insider to live out of a p o box, closet, a rented bedroom, while denying local representation?
*Carpetbaggers have been around since the beginning of our republic. Popularity always trumps localisms…… Example; B-1 Bob Dornan went ot Congress from
Torrance to Buena Park…..he served 18 wonderful years there before Loretta Sanchez moved into the district from Torrance too!
You may have seen the TV coverage of the 10 years old reuniting with his unauthorized resident father, after she met Pope Francis on a trip of children of immigrant parents facing deportation.
The promised video from our Impeach Obama friends – who are nothing if not Promise Keepers, or Oath Keepers!
I’m glad the three of them were able to cluster together and ward off threats. No, seriously, I’m still wondering what was the reason for them worrying so much about pro-Obama violence. Merijoe, are there some incidents we don’t know about?
A woman was assaulted by one of Obama’s brown shirts a few weeks ago in Irvine who implied that he would shoot her, a small woman. There have been many other such incidents. If you protest long enough and are outspoken enough, sooner or later the Progressive SA makes an appearance. It has happened a number of times to me. I believe they have a dial-a-thug number that they can call. It is quite effective for use against many middle class people, who are not used to street thuggery.
Merijoe, why waste your time with conceited, nihilistic fools? Maybe you have the misfortune to be related to one or more of them? Would be better for your sanity to ignore such people.
A woman was assaulted, eh? Did she file a police report?
Many other such incidents, eh? Names? Police reports?
And you’ve been assaulted as well, eh? Have you ever filed a police report?
I hope none of that is true, and if it is, you should first tell the police, and then tell US because we won’t hesitate to report it, whatever side it’s coming from.
One of my more unpleasant memories was when we used to protest against Bush’s War in Iraq every Wednesday afternoon at the Orange Circle, and then for a while some “freepers” (pro-war readers of the “Free Republic” website) decided to counter-protest at the same place FOR the war and against US. NOW, THAT WAS FINE. We welcomed them, and the chance to debate.
But one nasty old lady kept coming up to photograph me protesting against the war, me and others. THAT WAS ALSO FINE. But the fact that she thought it was intimidating and would drive us away was really offensive AND confusing. She would say things like “Now EVERYBODY is going to see you, YOU are going to be on the WORLD WIDE WEB!”
And I’m like … I didn’t know what to say, cuz for one thing, if I was embarrassed for the world to see me protesting the war, I wouldn’t be out on the street protesting the war! But aside from the silly fact that she thought she could scare me, the fact that she WOULD try to scare me away from expressing my free speech that way was particularly offensive.
She seemed to believe and HOPE – during the Bush years – that we did live in a police state and that us protesters would be punished somehow for opposing the government. And THESE were the people pretending to be patriotic? Pretending to be sticking up for the troops who were “defending our freedoms?”
If there ever was a real, utopian, progressive revolution, the nihilists in this thread would be the first ones put up against the wall and shot, because they will have out-lived their benefit as useful idiots.
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was released today.
Among the many implications of climate change, security ones are being considered by defense agencies in countries like Australia : ” Lieutenant-General David Morrison says climate change needs to be factored into future plans for the military .. in a speech about the challenges facing the army in coming decades.”
Harvey Milk Stamped “Out” Forever !
The Obama Cabal is behind universal GAYety with a “forever” postage stamp glorifying Harvey Milk, a Jewish homosexual predator “attracted to boys aged 15-19,” according to WikiAnswers! (Also see Wikipedia.)
Global gaydom was even predicted by Jesus (see “days of Lot” in Luke 17 and compare with Genesis 19).
And the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (14th chapter) says that during the same end-time gay “days” ALL nations will come against Israel and fulfill the “days of Noah” at the same time (see Luke 17 again) – a short time of anti-Jewish genocide found in Zechariah 13:8 when two-thirds of all Jews will die.
In other words, when “gay days” have become universal, all hell will break loose!
The same “days” will cause worldwide human government to collapse in just a few short years! For the first time ever there won’t be enough time for anyone to attend college, have a family, enjoy retirement, etc. It will also be the last time anyone like ObabaBlackSheep will be able to keep pulling the wool over our eyes!
One final thought. The more we see gays “coming out,” the sooner Jesus will be “coming down”!
For more, Google or Yahoo “God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up,” “Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality. When gays have birthdays…,” “FOR GAYS ONLY: Jesus Predicted…,” “USA – from Puritans to Impure-itans!” and “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”
[Hola, OrangeJuice. I saw the above hot article while I was on my computer!]
Sweet, a homophobe Winships!
He seems to be in favor of gays, because they will hasten the Second Coming. Presumably, this also means that he is in favor of Obama.