Adopt HERO to Save Energy and Water in Fullerton


A solar installer shown on the HERO website.

On February 4, 2014 the Fullerton City Council discussed the possible implementation of the Home Energy Renovation Program (HERO) to assist property owners who want to make energy efficiency improvements to their homes and businesses. HERO is a financing mechanism that allows owners to add solar panels, gray water systems, electric car chargers, tankless water heaters, better insulated windows and doors, and other infrastructural improvements that would lead to diminished energy use. Nine other Orange County cities have already signed on to the program, including Anaheim, Brea, and Newport Beach. Over one hundred and sixty cities have adopted the program statewide, with more expected this year.

What HERO provides, through the Western Riverside County of Governments, is a bond sale that finances energy efficiency improvements, with a lien…

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About Fullerton Rag

Stories cross-posted from "The Fullerton Rag" are generally written by Green and good-government activist Matt Leslie.