Viet Rainbow of OC invites you all to this year’s Tet Parade Feb 1!

This just came over the Lavendar Transom – the one we reserve for our Fabulous friends of the Viet Rainbow of Orange County:

Dear Supporters:

Viet Rainbow of Orange County (VROC) celebrates our inclusion in the 2014 Tet Parade in Little Saigon. We thank everyone for the support and help over the last year. From the beginning, our purpose for marching is to represent our Vietnamese-American and LGBT identities. Together we have seen a tide-change in the Vietnamese American community of Southern California that has far reaching effects for the Vietnamese populations living throughout the United States and the world.

However, our struggle is not over. While the vote for inclusion was encouraging, the parade organizers have developed a vaguely worded code of conduct that could be applied unfairly. Make no mistake, VROC will march on Saturday, February 1st at 8 AM. We also expect equal treatment during the Tet Parade. VROC will watch to ensure that enforcement of the code of conduct is applied equally to all organizations and individuals. To ensure our successful participation, we invite everyone to be mindful and hold each other accountable.

VROC asks for help from its supporters. If you would like to march in the parade, please sign up by visiting so that we may build a participant list. The important points of our participation in this cultural parade will be further discussed once you visit the above link.

If you plan to view along the parade’s route, we ask that everyone gather on the right side of the stage (corner of Bolsa Ave. and Moran St.) or directly across the stage. We ask for your support. Please wear rainbows or purple! We believe this sight will be FABULOUS!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you again for your support. More details will be released in the coming week. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

As a community, we are not complete without each other.

VROC Parade Committee


About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.