(image from SaveAnaheim.com)
Since Anaheim’s Special Council Meeting to strip Mayor Tait of his authority to agendize items for public discussion between council sessions, Kris Murray has engaged in open war against him concerning hate speech issued by William Fitzgerald during public comment. Her comments are killing the party and here’s why.
1) Kris Murray is using hate speech to score political points. Her comments are not substantively based in rebuking the person issuing the comments, nor are they substantively based in defending the object of the hate speech. Instead, they’re substantively based in rebuking Mayor Tom Tait’s reaction to public comment. That’s just flat out disgusting opportunism.
While it’s clear that the Mayor and Kris Murray do not get along, both are members of the same party. Putting the Mayor on trial for the sake of political posturing has one definite effect: It hurts the party. Rather than addressing this issue in private, agreeing on a path forward, Kris Murray chooses to lead an organized assault on the Mayor’s integrity. This smacks of valuing personal gain over the party’s available political capital and is the first reason why she’s killing the party.
2) Kris Murray is treading, heavily, on the Constitution to score political points. She has a short list of things the Mayor could have done to silence or censor public comments, not because the commenter was causing a disruption, but because of the content of the speech.
We have over 200 years of case law supporting why each of Kris Murray’s suggestions violates the first amendment. If Anaheim were to adopt any of them, the city would be exposed to costly litigation with certain, absolutely certain, monetary penalties. While her decisions on the dais make it clear she has a bias towards rewarding private entities with public tax dollars, this situation goes a step further into a reckless disregard towards public stewardship of the public treasury. Aside from recklessness, and infinitely more consequential, Kris Murray would put the Republican Party on the forefront in Orange County of squelching our freedom. Putting the party in the space of abusing our rights rather than vehemently protecting them is the second reason she’s killing the party.
3) Kris Murray is ignoring opportunities expand the reach of the party’s platform to moderate and independent voters by choosing to either focus on political infighting with her own party or to champion issues beneficial mainly to rich, powerful, and well connected (not to mention overwhelmingly white) members of the political oligarchy.
This is another example of train of decisions where Kris Murray has used her position on the dais to lecture moderates and independents on why their concerns are wrong, stupid, or unimportant. Rather than focusing on issues affecting everyday life in Anaheim, Kris Murray consistently moves the party away from connecting to Joe America in favor of representing Joe “I Need a Bailout Because My Diamond Shoes Are Too Tight” Moneybags. Rather than discuss the merits defending her decision to make it harder for the public to have an item of its concerned addressed in a timely fashion, she quickly dismisses it and deflects to an attempt to drive into the paint and dunk on Tait. By exacerbating the public perception that Orange County Republicans only represent the rich and powerful, Kris Murray enables the long slow extinction of elephants in North Orange County.
Looking at her last six months, a moderate independent voter in Orange County would likely conclude that Republicans in North Orange County eat their own, hate America and free speech, and only exist to perpetuate making rich political donors even richer.
That’s killing the party.
Republicans in Orange County, particularly the northern part of the county, are in a tight spot. Districts aren’t turning purple—they’re turning blue. They’re turning blue because there’s no coordinated effort to engage voters on local issues that matter to them. The ONLY effort visible to the public is obvious deal making with developers under the all-too-tired idea of “economic development.” That doesn’t win votes, it just wins more campaign finance dollars for spoke-hole incumbents.
No one going to the polls is going to vote for a Republican because the Anaheim council voted to give away $150,000,000 to a hotel developer or because they gave away 150 acres of public land to an associated company of a major baseball club who wasn’t already going to vote for a Republican. We need elected officials who are going to CHANGE PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE PARTY and not ones who are going to reinforce negative stereotypes of stupid self-enriching abominable behavior.
Well said. And her case for (2) was not at all helped by her OWN comment, during the SOLE remaining opportunity, DURING the meeting, Council Communications, “(silence)”.
Very well said sir. It actually gets worse than what you have very ably pointed out, as District elections are a near certainty, and for the first time in many decades the access to candidates, and candidates’ access to the public, might be brought back down to bite sized pieces where special interest money will not be AS influential. It will always be there, but for once a grass roots effort may be able to at least counter it in some measure.
Kris Murray is seen as the face of the majority that pushes the masses of the flatlands back down again, denying us the right to vote and choose for ourselves any future outcome other than that which she has pre-ordained. She is the face of crony capitalism, giving hundreds of millions of dollars to people who really, really do not need it, when our parks go begging for help. When cornered she brings up how she got computers donated to the library at Ponderosa, and while that is a noble gesture it is A) what is expected of her as a public official, get out there and network and make things happen for your constituents and B) the one effort to help a minority neighborhood is, as a friend says, “mice nuts” in the grand scheme of things. Getting kids computers for a season while giving out future revenues to Curt Pringle’s clients like it is Halloween candy means those kids will not have a cop when they need one 10 or 20 years from now. I think they would tell her to keep the computers and keep libraries open for their own kid someday.
yet this cold-hearted harpy is the face of the GOP in Anaheim, Kris and her flat, lifeless policy wonk speak, Gail and her arrogant “you people” telling us how misinformed we are, and that we are disrespectful because we expect them to understand THEY work for US not the other way around. Lucille Kring who sold us all a bill of goods and then turned on us, selling her soul and her vote, for repayment of campaign debt (to herself!) like that is not the ultimate example of self-dealing. All of these characters were endorsed by the GOP, and I keep waiting for the GOP to grab them by the scruff of the neck and scream, “Quit making us all look like assholes!”
In Lucille’s case that discussion may be right around the corner, does she really think the party is going to let her challenge a (wildly popular) GOP endorsed true conservative incumbent Mayor and live to tell about it? You think the Lou Correa thing was a suicide watch?
As long as these people (you people, Gail?) keep making the GOP look like selfish jerks, the minute Districts divide up the flatlands so those votes are not overwhelmed by the hills, kiss the idea of Republican values goodbye. And if the party does not get into Anaheim and start cleaning up its own mess then frankly we deserve to lose.
Oh, and the CWLA gave Eastman and Murray AWARDS this weekend! They are the new “Rising Stars” apparently. Shockingly the CWLA website shows major sponsorship by Disney.
If only.
So $150,000,000 does not buy you vote these days? Damn shame, that.
I suppose they could attract more people if they enacted some law banning abortion, gays, immigration and called every non-white an illegal. Remember, Romney lost because he was not conservative enough.
Seriously, you think the GOP brand is failing because there is not a coordinated effort on local issues? Ever consider that the way Orange County has been governed over the decades (all Republican almost all of the time) has nothing to do with it?
When Dornan was ousted, that should have been the first clue. Instead you have had Carona, Rohrabacher, Miller, Hareky etc. blazing trails.
“But, but, this is local Anaheim politics…”
Some of us do not even know who Kris is, and feel the same. Maybe we are illegal libtards looking for handouts, eh?
Heh. It’s okay for Ryan to be right about this, and liberals and Dems to feel some schadenfreude.
But he is in a losing battle for the soul of his party, and I can’t help but cheer him on.
By the way, south-county marconi, did you catch the part about how these corporatist Rethugs tried to include Beth Krom in their crusade against honest Republican Tait?
I have news for him: there is no soul. I suppose recruiting a libtard(?) they dislike in different ways to fight a RINO(?) they dislike is evidence of that missing soul.
Ummm…. I can’t follow that. Can’t tell who the “they” or the “rino” are. But I do think Tom Tait is that nearly-missing soul, and so is Ryan.
If you use a Democrat to fight your battles in the hunt for heretics, but you won’t vote for that Democrat if the heretic Republican were to contest that same Democrat, you have no soul.
Republicans in OC don’t have a soul. They will lament the loss of personal freedoms with Obamacare, but will continue sending Patriot Act backers to Congress. Again and again.
Ryan: I respectfully but strongly disagree with your post. I will say that at least you didn’t regurgitate that awful lie that the GardenWalk agreement “takes $150 million from parks, libraries etc.” that is propounded by people who are smart enough to know better.
That said, I’ll respond at length later, but a couple of quick points:
1) Single-member council districts will do more to advance Democratic and retard GOP fortunes in Anaheim than anything else, and the person fighting hardest against them is Kris Murray.
2) The Dornan example is off the mark. Dornan lost because he had the chance to squash Sanchez’s candidacy in the cradle after she unexpectedly won the Democratic primary, and didn’t. That afforded her time to get some traction without being attacked, and attract national Democratic money and make it a race. Her consultant stated as much after the election. i don’t fault you for not remembering that because you were about 14 at the time and it has been lost in the fog of official Loretta Mythology.
Actually, I agree with Matt — it would take $158 million over time from the General Fund, but with this Council that probably would just mean taking $158 million away from other giveaways to the wealthy.
Matt, let’s assume you’re right on redistricting. That’s an issue that appeals to white traditional families with incomes greater than $85k a year. So, Ms. Murray is out championing an issue that appeals to what has been the base of her party for the last 45 years in North OC.
Just how many more years do you think that bloc is going to carry North Orange county districts? Thirty? Ten? Eight?
It’s about four. By 2016 traditional meat and potatoes issues for the GOP will be a niche product in South Orange County. The rest of us will be sucking down vegan smoothies at the local co-op.
Washing all the negativity out of it, I don’t see anything about Kris Murray that would halt the contraction of GOP influence in the next 4-6 years. Add the negativity from the last two weeks and you get a recipe for a quick, painful, blue-colored death in the general in 2016.
If she really wants to be the beacon for Conservatives in North OC, she had better start building bridges a whole lot faster than she seems intent on burning them.
“If she really wants to be the beacon for Conservatives in North OC, she had better start building bridges a whole lot faster than she seems intent on burning them.”
She had better start by becoming one herself. Engaging in massive corporate welfare is a poor way to communicate conservatism.
No argument here . . .
There is no better way as elections have repeatedly shown. That is modern conservatism. So much so that the liberals are very comfortable with it.
Here, look at it with the farm bill.
Before you dismiss the source, note that it is from a Cato heck, the beacon of Republican form of libertarianism.
Picking on Kris for faux conservatism is selective hypocrisy at best.
You want to engage in semantics? What for? We have a different definition of conservatism. You use the modifier “modern” to make your case. No point in going on.
Perhaps because words have meanings. Your conservatism seems to include a movement, ostensibly widespread, that shuns corporate welfare. The bill I cited as an example is recent, and representative of the kind of conservatism espoused by the most recent batch of conservatives.
Hence the adjective modern.
Appropriate, wouldn’t you say? Or shall we go on to the subsidies for other corporate sectors?
Three fourths of large farms receive this welfare. Three fourths of small farms do not.
So even corporate welfare does not begin to cut it. Except perhaps—and here come more semantics—the modern conservatives call it being business-friendly.
Then they are not my kind of conservatives, whatever they may call themselves, or whatever you may call them.
Lots of Democrats call that farm crap “business-friendly,” too. Especially those from agribusiness states.
Yes words have meanings; please try to agree on definitions before you start an argument, otherwise the exercise is pointless.
What was your point, again?
Read all that I said above. Again.
You were perhaps too quick to denounce modern conservatism and yet provide nothing to rebut the specifics I cited to explain what it was. Other than “My definition is different, and you’re all semantics, like”
Cite an example (at least) of your conservatism, David. So that one may understand your antipathy towards semantics.
Rohrabacher? Carona? Arnie? Issa? Moorlach? Fuentes? Oh wait, Reagan? Please do not say Reagan.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. “It means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that’s all.”
Also, fair disclosure, I operate a full on Kool-Aid stand regarding the Gardenwalk Giveaway. It’s absolutely a full scale theft of tax dollars that ought to be going to libraries: http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2013/05/tripling-down-on-stupid-the-gardenwalk-giveaway1/
You and I aren’t going to see eye to eye on it, but if you didn’t know– now you know.
Ryan, your post begs the questions – what is the GOP in Anaheim, anyway? What was it ever? Who cares anymore?
Party affiliation means almost nothing. There are three Republicans on the city council that might as well be Democrats and one Democrat that might as well be a Republican. And that’s exactly the way the kleptocracy wants it. The only people who care about party affiliation are the plantation owners looking for the next somebody to promote. And of course Brandman is the house Democrat so they can cover that base, too.
So what’s the fuss? Anaheim went non-partisan decades ago. How do you think Ms. Galloway got elected?
I think that only one Republican on the City Council might as well be a Democrat (and it’s not one of the three), but I wouldn’t expect you to agree.
Party affiliation these days seems to have a lot more to do with social issues. (Or, as always, with the party ID of one’s parents.)
Your point too, begs the question about what it means to be a Republican, these days, and whether there is any philosophical basis to it in local government.
I don’t see any commitment to much of anything from Murray or Kring except fealty to the Pringle Ring (i.e kloptocracy). I was told that Eastman was DTS in 2006 for what that’s worth.
I think corporatism in Anaheim has gotten so powerful that it effectively renders party affiliation useless. The very fact of the current set of mannequins supports that thesis.
Party registration does matter to voters, however, which is why the Machine is perfectly willing to support a house-trained Democrat. They made a mistake with Galloway, and I doubt if they’ll make it again.
A friend of mine writes that with the absence of a viable right-wing in Seattle, the political divide there has turned into something best characterized as “insider-outsider.” So yes, I know that that can happen. (I think that it’s more true of Anaheim that most other places in the County.)
In Anaheim, though, I don’t think it’s “insider-outside” precisely. (How does one call Tait and Galloway “outsiders”?) I think that it’s more like “looters versus stewards.” The most remediable part of our situation is that Disney Corporation really ought to be on the side of the stewards. It has no strong reason to loot Anaheim, and every reason to want to be a good steward of the city whose name is most closely associated with it of any in the world. It is siding with the looters, I believe, because it’s middle management — notably Brandman-Murray sweetheart Carrie Nocella — are bound so tightly with the Pringle Ring, serving them far better than they serve Disney.
I’ve predicted before that I think that this sorry epoch in Anaheim’s history ends when Disney’s people in Burbank — and maybe also the people actually loyal to the Angels and Arte Moreno themselves — wake up and realize that their middle managers bound so closely to the Pringle Ring are not really being loyal to their employers but to a local profiteer. That’s why I’m very pleased to be here compiling a record for others’ later review. If they don’t look at it soon, they’ll look at it before too long — so long as we keep up the pressure.
Mayor Tait once described it to me, though, in his inimitably simple way, as “people who are out for themselves vs. people who look out for everybody.”
If only you could the electeds to take their own mission statements seriously.
I once heard a politician (whom I shall not name) say that as the popularly elected people’s representative, what was good for him was good for the public.
If that was Shawn … then what a disappointment, but I can almost imagine him saying that.
“Kleptocracy”? From a guy suing the county for $1 million for getting dismissed from an at-will job?
Mr. Cunningham, are you being paid to write comments on this blog?
No, Mr. Leslie. Do you have anything worthwhile or intelligent to say or ask?
This service a complimentary extra bundled in with the main purchase, just like in the infomercials.
It’s hard to imagine he would take the inevitable verbal beating for free.
Uhhh, why would that make him a kleptocrat? Winning a lawsuit isn’t stealing.
Hey, Matt — di you consider James Robert Reade a kleptocrat — or was the money he got from a Pringle-approved legal settlement somehow different?
Oh look, Curt Pringle’s pet weasel raises its head.
Too bad you aren’t a Calvinist, then you could blame your sycophancy-for- hire on the caprice of an Angry God.
By the way kleptocracy is a fit word for what is happening in Anaheim. I on the other hand have never misdirected government funds, nor am I being investigated by the FBI or the Grand Jury.
I’m not anyone’s pet anything, Zenger. But if it makes you feel better about yourself to say that, who am I to get in the way of your well-being.
“Kleptocracy” is not a fit word. Kelpotcracy refers to rulers who use their authority to make themselves rich. i.e. Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Dos Santos of Angola, the Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic. Obviously you disagree with certain policies supported by the council majority, but labeling them as “klepotcracy” is ignorant and inaccurate.
Especially when you want county taxpayers to either A) give you a check for $100,000 and one of two six-figure positions in the county bureaucracy that you appear to have designed yourself or B) a check for $1,014,000. And all because you were let go from an at-will position you had for less than three years. It didn’t take long for a government employee, entitlement mentality to take hold.
But good for you for not misdirecting government funds and for not being the object of an FBI investigation. Aim high!
OK, Matt, let’s have this discussion, with resource to facts rather than to vague allegations and insults.
I submit to you that the rulers of Anaheim are in fact “using their authority to make themselves rich.”
(I know that they prefer the term “Masters of the Universe,” but let’s go with your word “rulers.”)
In some cases, “rich” doesn’t mean “rich by Arte Moreno standards” (or even “by Curt Pringle standards,”) but it’s still significant financial gain at the public expense. That’s what this is about, if you didn’t get it until now.
In some cases also, the payoff is not “cash on the barrelhead,” but future political power and sinecures. That doesn’t matter — the “klepto” part of “kleptocracy” can be whatever is of value, just like people can get arrested for stealing a loaf of bread as easily as they can for stealing billions through a big bank default. (Sorry, that should be more easily.)
Thanks for setting forth the terms of the disagreement so clearly, Matt. Shall I start a new post so that we can discuss it in a venue with a higher profile?
No, pet rat, kleptocracy is a perfect word for your Anaheim crew – misdirecting hundreds of millions of dollars into unnecessary projects that will go to Pringle clients and Pringle Ring recipients of campaign largesse. And by the way, when is your client the Chamber of Commerce going to get that audit done on its Enterprize Zone grab? Shall we hold our breath?
ARTIC? $200,000,000 of fraud perpetrated on Measure M renewal voters. A $100,000,000 a mile street car that benefits nobody ecept Disney and its engineers, contractors and their lobbyist. Giveaway deals with Arte Moreno that weakened the City’s bargaining power with a billionaire.
By the way, unlike your greasy little gigs courtesy of Pringle, Campbell & Co., I have never asked anybody to give me anything I didn’t earn.
klep·toc·ra·cy (klp-tkr-s)
n. pl. klep·toc·ra·cies
A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption.
Hand, meet glove.
Send the kids to your sisters, cover the patio furniture, TAKE COVER, I may actually (sorta, kinda, In a way) understand what Jubal says.
At best, if I was suing the county, as I understand it (or if I had a client doing so) LAYING LOW would e good advice.
Don’t you guys watch “Gotta Call Saul”??? (it’s not only Dan that gets to go to those cheezy Vegas promo’s; Most of us just don’t post pictures from the CHEEZIER booths with “B” stars.)
Check out the premiere, there is some good stuff there.
Hide out?
Is this by any chance the same Matt Cunningham that outed sex abuse victims? Why it is!
“So what’s the fuss? Anaheim went non-partisan decades ago.”
I think you made Vern pretty pleased with that comment.
“Kris Murray is seen as the face of the majority that pushes the masses of the flatlands back down again, denying us the right to vote and choose for ourselves any future outcome other than that which she has pre-ordained…”
Good grief, Cynthia — do you ever read what you have written before clicking the “post comment” button? It’s false and absurd to claim anyone right to vote is denied. What a dishonest, illogical thing to say. The rest if just paranoid burbling that makes sense to people who believe in black helicopters.
if you keep talking like you do, Anaheim will never achieve its goal of a million acts of kindness.
Gee Matt, do you ever write anything you don’t Invoice someone for? I may be naïve but I am no whore, heading home with anyone willing to pay me. Tell me, if blogging is not what the Chamber pays you for, what is it you do for them? And for the record I have no problem with those who write for pay, I married an editor/writer and he makes a very comfortable living massaging a word doc, but then he doesn’t run around failing to disclose who pays him either.
What is it the Chamber is buying? Are they hiring your way with words or have they bought your support? Worse have they bought your willingness to attack those who fail to see the superior leadership skills of those who approve the Chamber’s bloated budgets?
Go reread what I wrote when you lifted it. I didn’t accuse Murray of keeping us from voting, I said she has kept Anaheim from voting to choose what method would be used to count those votes. Her twisted logic wants to drop the Santa Ana model into place in a desperate ploy to pretend to enact districts without actually unplugging the political machine that keeps her in power.
Then you followed with the statement, “Single-member council districts will do more to advance Democratic and retard GOP fortunes in Anaheim than anything else, and the person fighting hardest against them is Kris Murray,” which indicates you know the current system holds back what would be a different outcome if districts were used. What part of disenfranchisement have you missed here, Matt? How is it OK to rig a system to deliver the outcome you prefer because another system would provide an outcome not to your liking? That your career is dependent upon keeping these people in power doesn’t make you the poster boy for equal access to the political process does it?
If this is all the GOP has left, to remain in power because we have figured out how to maintain a stranglehold on the system, then it is time to leave the party. The only group I want to be a part of is the one busting butt to get out there and show by word and deed how conservative values are the best opportunity to make Anaheim great. If we cannot get off our butts and do that then we deserve to lose fair and square, I do not like it but I will be damned if I will allow the votes of other Americans to be unheard just because I do not agree with them.
The GOP has been somewhat successful at outreach in Santa Ana, I would love to see the same in Anaheim, I would even walk precincts for that. But it is a very hard sell to tell neighbors how star spangled awesome the party of Reagan still is when the leaders who are working daily to piss off their own constituents are getting CWLA awards as the rising stars in the GOP.
And now I need to start a fresh blog post to really address this, the comments are getting long and skinny…
“If we cannot get off our butts and do that then we deserve to lose fair and square…”
I’ve got a bit of a problem with this, Cynthia. Whether or not one chooses to participate and to help shine the light on misfeasance or malfeasance in government, it is still our right to be governed honestly by people who are not simply giving away public assets. It’s true that citizens need to be vigilant, however nobody deserves to “lose” to bad governance; that is not fair or square.
Designing the rules to undercut the effectiveness of someone’s vote prevents their ability to “choose for themselves future outcomes,” which is what voting is FOR.
(By the way, is it really possible that Matt doesn’t know that people’s right even to vote at all is now being denied in many parts of the country right now? Surely he reads thr national news, right?)
What’s funniest, though, is that the whole “paranoid burbling” attack truly is nothing more than empty verbiage. (See, Gustavo? That IS actual bloviation!)
[I’m leaving my answer to a particularly snotty bit from Dan C. on “Liberal OC” here, where I know that it’s safe from harm:]
“All of the Republicans should apologize to Brandman for failing to call out hate speech Greg. As for liberalism, when did Tom Tait register as a Democrat to warrant such a man crush from you?”
(1) By your logic, Brandman should also apologize to Brandman for failing to call out hate speech. The only one who did so, despite ample opportunity, was Tait.
(2) I don’t think that Tait is a “liberal.” (That’s not damning; I don’t think of you as one either, despite this website’s name.) I think that he is a “good-government conservative,” with whom I as a “good-government liberal” would probably have some honest disagreements about spending priorities and possibly some strong disagreements about some areas of social policy. That’s OK; it’s how politics is supposed to work.
(3) The notion that I would benefit our party by the reflexive support of all Democrats in all cases — not that people of your moderate ilk do so either, Dan — is wrong. I believe that I benefit our party by supporting Democrats insofar as it is possible to do so without opposing the principles of good government. You — no “good government liberal” or “good government moderate” or “good government anything” — seem to think that these decisions should be made on the basis of tribal affiliation. That’s convenient, for those interests who want to exert control over government by “owning both parties,” but I think that it hurts us greatly to give up what I hope to be our moral advantage.
And I will make common cause on issues with those Republicans, Greens, Libertarians, and independents who want the moral advantage of supporting good governance to belong to their parties or factions as well. We may disagree about elections; we should not disagree about corruption. If you’re saying “I should only speak positively of Tait if he’s a Democrat because that what means that he’s not corrupt,” you’re not only being unfair to him. You’re hurting rather than helping our party, by feeding the perception that “both sides are crooked.”
I sense some times that you seriously cannot understand this point, Dan. That makes you a good person for people to hire, I guess, but a bad person for people to follow.
(4) Rather than throwing the term “man crush” back at you with respect to Brandman, Solorio, and others, I’ll just post a question to Chris: is the term as used in this context homophobic? Don’t feel that you need to answer; I know that you need to get along with your stablemate. The question is rhetorical and the answer is obvious.
(I’m sure that I’ve used the term too, but when I do it has tended to be more jocular. If not, then I may well be subject to the same criticism.)
I wonder where the loyalties of Republicans (strong limited-government, no regulation conservatives) lie with regards to the shutdown.
Do they thump “shut the government down because Obama/Obamacare”, “no debt ceiling increase because Obama/Obamacare” or do they play lapdogs for the Chamber of Commerce and want the obstructing
Republicansliberals to re-open government and raise the debt ceiling?Who pays more in these matters for principles? Is the Chamber of Commerce demanding that Obamacare be first defunded before re-opening the government?
Was that one of your guys at Angelo’s today Vern?
This cat was off the hook “poignant” on the stadium issue, but made the fatal error of mouthing off during a MLB Playoff game featuring the cross-town rival Dodgers.
Some really cool dude saved him from getting his ass kicked.
I was interestingly enough hosting some Brit’s this week, whom had visited there before and loved it! Imagine that, Chamber, foreign visitors came and dissed Garden Walk, Disneyland, skipped the Angels and Ducks and the Catch instead opting for a run down drive-in, with ugly Asian waitresses on skates, cheap draft beer and a raucous crowd.
Hey, you hook down my post! If Kris Murray has destroyed the GOP, will Paul Lucas destroy the DPOC? Felony trial for criminal drugs and weapons charges in December. Say goodbye to legal weed.
Hey who hooked down WeedEaters brilliant “post” about how nobody will be able to smoke weed again? Bueller? Bueller?
I may “hook down” this one too. If you want to pour salt into his open wounds, you may just have to try doing it in person.
The California Highway Patrol is profiling vehicles North of San Francisco as follows:
* RV’S
* ANY VEHICLE WITH P/B (Tailights, registration ect…)
This is the OUTDOOR community, who garner 80% of the years take in the next 18 weeks.
Drug sniffing canines from 16 agencies (counties mostly) are on loan to the CHP on the 101 corridor.
I know that facilities in Tulare, Madera and Kings counties have been blessed with FREE marijuana these are your grandma’s and grandpa’s
I bucked the trend and travelled NORTH with my take!