POLL: Which Pringle crony will wear a wire for the Feds?




On the heels of Cynthia Ward’s latest Voice of OC Disney-streetcar bombshell, and bearing in mind the identity of Disney’s trusty transportation “consultant,” the question asks itself.

Considering the pathetic garden-variety “corruption” of Janet Nguyen and company, the tawdry Supes who are supposedly the target of this summer’s FBI sting, the question repeats itself.

Sorry, all you passionate Supe-haters who haunt the blogosphere, but when you seriously consider the epic scope of Curt Pringle’s influence in every OC scam, when you observe with unfeigned amazement how he manages to poke his chubby pink fingers into EVERY dirty deal us OC citizens are generally forced to choke on, do you not see that the question repeats itself like a bad piece of pop music?  The question being:

WHICH trusted ally of Curt Pringle, OC uber-lobbyist, is gonna be coerced or convinced by our Fed guests to go speak to him wearing a wire?

You KNOW Curt Pringle is smarter than you and me, and richer than you and me, so he’s thinking the same thing right now.  Curt Pringle however is NOT more resourceful or tenacious than a passel of G-men.

Close sources (whom I won’t name now) confirm this, and it’s also just common sense:  Pringle and his associates – the self-described “Masters of the Universe” here – are the REAL target of the much-welcomed-and-ballyhooed Fed invasion, and who hasn’t already figured that out?

So just help me, join me, let me know what you think, during these pleasant idle hours before the spectacular fall:  Who could it be, that would turn on jolly, flop-sweating, insatiable Curt?

Remember:  elected officials are more vulnerable, subject to more laws and regulations, than private citizens, so Curt knows he’s dodged a bullet by no longer being Mayor.  That’s why it stands to reason that the folks more susceptable to FBI persuasion may very well be the people Curt has placed into political power, beginning with his three dependable Anaheim council puppets…

It is perhaps too easy, and possibly homophobic, to envision a personal situation that Councilman Jordan Brandman could be motivated to cover up.  The weak-minded Gail Eastman as well:  it’s child’s play to picture how Gail could be manipulated into co-operation.  But probably Kris Murray, Pringle’s Alpha Dog on council, is the most vulnerable to legal concern.  For one, look at this definitive Brown Act violation of hers – I quote a very close insider friend with 7th-floor connections:

“Yeah.  That is one time for SURE that Kris Murray broke the Brown Act, promising OCEA’s Nick Berardino three votes for last year’s ridiculously extravagant AMEA agreement.  Oh, let me elaborate.  Remember how the OCEA was the main funder of Take Back Anaheim’s push for the “Let The People Vote” on hotel subsidies initiative, and then with no explanation they suddenly backed out of that?  And this was right at the same time Disney and the OCEA made the dirty deal (which Disney sneakily broke first) that neither council candidates Jordan Brandman nor John Leos would get attacked?  That whole ugly arrangement originated with Kris Murray and her BFF Carrie Nocella [Disney lobbyist pictured to right] visiting Nick and PROMISING him three votes for that obscenely generous labor agreement.   Now, I have THAT on impeccable authority, and that shit ain’t legal.  Hey Vern, can I have a bite of that apple pie?  It looks delicious!”

But what if, you and I think, and Curt also thinks, the weak link to get to him is NOT a current elected, but one of the many other folks Curt has put into power?  How about the sometimes jovial, sometimes brutal, usually inebriated fellow you see grinning up above, the guy who comes to Council meetings to talk about how his Chamber of Commerce opposes district elections, the actual boss of Matt Cunningham, plucked by Pringle from the shame of being fired from the Anaheim YMCA for lying about his college degree, the ineffable Todd Ament?

I’m sure the FBI is also aware of the two parasitical organizations Pringle created solely to foster the “public-private partnerships” that keep him rolling in dough – the OC Business Council and “OC Tax.”  So we also ponder the vulnerability of the hacks Curt has placed in charge at those places – the fatuous Lucy Dunn, and the waif-like Reed Royalty, county-ubiquitous, tirelessly shilling for everything that hurts you and me and profits Curt, from toll lanes on the 405 to Poseidon’s desalination scam.  Or the moribund Reed’s feisty replacement Carolyn Cavecche, who used to talk to me and oppose the 405 tolls until Curt tapped her shoulder, and whose husband’s company Snyder-Langston keeps Curt’s son employed?

OR MAYBE – don’t laugh – the FBI’s perfect tool could be the endlessly ridiculous Harry Sidhu (last seen endorsing Clerk-Recorder offices in outer space.)  We know that the pathologically office-chasing Indian-American would “relish” being Mayor next year – maybe this is just the opportunity for him to show his *choke* independence and *choke* honesty, by helping our great nation’s Department of Justice snag his crooked erstwhile mentor, you think?  I can picture it.

But what do YOU say?  Have I left any likely suspects out?  Todd PriestAdam-Ant-loving Cunningham himself?  Vote for up to two, and add more suspects in the comments section.

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About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.