Nothing Says the 4th of July Like an AK47


Does Kokesh see himself as George Washington?


Forget about blowing up M80s for the Fourth this year — that’s so last decade! Why not plan your family vacation and drive  (you can’t bring firearms on a plane) and participate in the  Open Carry March on Washington.  I never heard of it until I saw someone invited me to the Facebook event.  I have no idea who thought I would enjoy such a thing. The event is the brainchild of  Adam Kokesh — His motto is “Adam vs. the Man”… reminds me of the 60s “man”  slogan, but back then it was all about Make Love not War and today it sounds more like War! It does sounds like it will be an action-packed, family event where everyone including 6 year old Bobbie can bring his loaded semi-automatic weapon.





Kokesh is a former Marine who was discharged in 2007 for violating military’s code for engaging in political activity while in uniform — he protested the Iraq war.  That sounds normal enough, lots of soldiers come back from war wanting to end it. But soon after that he started a radical,  anti-government radio show when the Tea Party became popular and now he seems to be pushing for well…you decide — from his tweet a couple days ago…

When the government comes to take your guns, you can shoot government agents, or submit to slavery.

— Adam Kokesh (@adamkokesh) May 3, 2013

According to the photo on the left…or his bio, he is also a member of It’s interesting he adds dancer to his photo — does that mean in his free time, he is available for bachelorette parties as well?





This is the agenda (so far) the day of the event:

On the morning of July 4, 2013, Independence Day, we will muster at the National Cemetery & at noon we will step off to march across the Memorial Bridge, down Independence Avenue, around the Capitol, the Supreme Court, & the White House, then peacefully return to Virginia across the Memorial Bridge. This is an act of civil disobedience, not a permitted event. We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government & to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent. Should we meet physical resistance, we will peacefully turn back, having shown that free people are not welcome in Washington, & returning with the resolve that the politicians, bureaucrats, & enforcers of the federal government will not be welcome in the land of the free.



Those sound fighting words to me. What do you think? Does  Kokesh represent the views of your average NRA member?


It’s been less than 72 hours since Jim Porter  was elected NRA President and it appears that the bullets are already flying…at least on social media. I mentioned in my earlier post about Porter’s YouTube video where he claimed  the “Civil War being a Northern aggression,” and that his rhetoric just might fuel some real trouble “right here in River City.”  Maybe this march will be the starting point. I wonder what the Bush administration would have done if such an event were planned? I do remember the Tea Party Town Hall meetings back when Obama was running for re-election — there were a few who brought loaded weapons.  I am curious how many will actually show up to Washington. Kokesh is hoping for at least 1,000.


My last story about Porter got some heat from at least one reader saying that I was guilty of name calling 1 million gun owners — I hope that person goes over to the OCMW Facebook event, signs up and talks some sense into the numerous gun nuts already spewing unsubstantiated nonsense — making all gun owners look like Good Ole Boy’ Yahoos or at the very least Barney Fife.  I know there are responsible gun owners, but the Yahoos are taking over social media. If responsible gun owners like the 80% who belong to the NRA — who are in favor of background checks, want to be taken seriously — they need to speak up.


What if Kokesh looked Muslim? Would radical pro-gun groups support his views or demand he be sent to GITMO? Would Fox News dedicate their airwaves, non-stop to complain that Washington is not doing enough to protect Americans from terrorists, homegrown or foreign? Whose to say that some individual with serious mental issues, decides this is his chance to go down in history by opening fire on law enforcement? Will this start a gun battle the likes of some Wild West movie? Are the radical, online gun supporters ready for that? I seriously doubt it. What do you think?

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at