Workers Walk off Jobs at Fast Food Businesses Around New York City



Last Friday on Black Friday, several workers at WalMart stores across the United States walked off their jobs to protest poor working conditions and today workers at McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut and  Domino’s restaurants from around New York city are doing the samething. They are being organized by New York Communities for Change, a  group that has helped unionize low-wage carwashs in the City.

The U.S. fast-food industry has long been known for its  low paying jobs. Back when I was in highschool those jobs were mostly held by students. It was for most of them, their first job and introduction into the workforce. Then senior citizens took those jobs to supplement their retirement income. These days even people with college degrees are working in fast food because of the shortages of any type of jobs, but seriously, who can live on minimum wage and support themselves these days?  Most of the fast companies do not even offer full time employment and forget about any benefit package.

It looks like the activists at OUR Walmart – a coalition of  current and former WalMart Store workers seeking  better wages, and working conditions have opened up Pandoras Box. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months and what response WalMart and other large companies will do about worker unrest. Unions may very well be on the rise, even though the GOP tried to paint unions as bloodsucking vampires on American Society. I guess its easy to demonize a group unless you are part the group (in this case low wage earners) who are being exploited in the name of Capitalism. And… will it spread to the West Coast?

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at