ED: I say, a decent interval has gone past since we lost our Mission Viejo blogger Larry Gilbert (co-incidentally at the same time as I wrote my controversial “Fuck Sept. 11” post, but he claims that had nothing to do with it.) That was a year ago, and we need a Mission Viejo voice! So we’re going with the only other Mission Viejo wildman blogger, Larry’s bête noire, The Insufferable Dan Avery. Please give Insufferable Dan a warm welcome, as he tells us about the Cardboard Cut-out Cathy Schlicht! – V.
The other day I was driving along and I saw a life-sized Cardboard Cathy. At first I thought it was a Halloween display meant to scare the snot out of Mission Viejo Children. After all, Cathy’s Cardboard Self is grinning like a Jack-O-Lantern. Then I thought of something even more scary: what if by some fluke Schlicht is re-elected and doesn’t send her Cardboard Clone to the council meetings?
In the four short years Schlicht has been on the council, she has opened the city up to potential litigation on numerous occasions. She’s done this by voting and by spouting proclamations the city attorney warned her repeatedly not to make. If she did, in fact, send her Cutout Clone the city wouldn’t be put at risk by her ramblings and arrogance. Mr. Curly could rest more easy, he would have fewer new gray hairs, and he could focus on more important stuff for the city without the constant distractions from the mind of Schlicht.
Cardboard Cathy would end up contributing the same amount of positive ideas as Schlicht has in the last four years, and we wouldn’t have to consider things like demolishing the Church of the Master in order to put a roundabout on Oso and Marguerite. That would save the city something like $50,000. Plus I doubt a cardboard clone would sue the city like the real Cathy, so that’s another $40,000 plus saved. And there is no danger of a Cathy Clone organizing a recall; thus another $385,000 in savings. Toss in no more ballot initiatives like Measure D, and who knows how much we’d save; certainly at least the $250,000 Measure D cost the voters.
That’s an easy $725,000 in savings to the city’s budget. Minimum. In other words, it’s a dog park and then some, because I haven’t factored in cost overruns to city projects caused by Schlicht’s posturing.
The more I considered Cardboard Cathy, the more I realized Schlicht might truly be onto something new in American Politics. Cardboard Clones could actually help people like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and that legitimate rape idiot. Cardboard Candidates would never say anything remotely> as moronic as comparing the devastation of a hurricane to picking up litter on a private college’s football field. Let alone the truly repugnant comments about women’s bodies shutting down in cases of rape, or even those comments about God condoning rape. And without comments like that no one would ever call someone as intellectually challenged as Michelle Bachmann or Paul Ryan “the thinking man’s Cathy Schlicht.”
Schlicht should just forget about the City Council and patient her cardboard idea. But then she runs the risk of someone like Desi Kiss wandering along and stealing it outright. Such is life here in Mission Viejo politics. Which is precisely why I stand in the long shadows with Lazlo and merely comment. I mean who would be stupid enough to steal anything I wrote?
- Mission Viejo Council: Frank Ury and Wendy Bucknum
- SOCCD: Dave Lang, William Jay, Timothy Jemal (Chairman Vern hears bad things about Lang, but there’s not really much choice)
- Saddleback Valley School District: Ginny Fay Aitkens, Suzie R. Swartz, Don Sedgwick
- Capo School District: you guess is as good as mine, they all seem corrupt (Chairman Vern says Alpay, Pritchard, McCormick and Hanacek are NOT corrupt!)
To get the full “picture” of Schlicht, visit http://www.protectmissionviejo.com Catch her in her on words on video!
It’s nice when you can get a Google alert whenever your name is mentioned in the blogosphere. Since departing last Sept I do not visit this site on aregular basisi.
Let’s start by saying its pretty sad when a blogger can’t even be truthful about the smallest thing such as taking credit for the photo of Mission Viejo Council Member Cathy Schlicht and the cardboard cutout used in his post. I took that photo which I posted on my Facebook page. Dan never drove by and stopped in front of it to take any such phooto. He also posted the photo on another blog story where he is credited for the photo which came from my camera.
As to my resons for leaving the Juice after 900 plus stories it’s simple. Vern. It was due to your F-bomb on 9-11 last year.
As Dan has posted his choices in our council race let me add mine for those who followed my many posts.They are Council Member Cathy Schlicht and businessman Ed Sachs.
We’ve seen a new low in our city council race. Councilman Frank Ury just borrowed $1000 from Charles Townsend, president of Townsend Public Affairs which just happens ot be one ouf our city’s vendors.. Souce. Late campaign filing for income over $1,000 . Frank and Wendy were denied the Republican Party of OC endorsement based on their discressions in the prior election. Even Frank’s Central Committee friends could not convince the Delegates to overlook his conduct when I made it public.
Unitl last week lobbyist Wendy B was running her campaign on OPM. With the exception of the candidate statement she ponied up $214 into her campaign while hitting up “special interests” for around $40,000. It was only this past week, seeing the well was dry, that she added $6,000 and $2,000. Source. City campaign docs. I have her emails pleading with friends and developers to keep kicking in so that she could send out another mailer. At the end of the filing period we will all see if her last minute infusion of money was valid or simply added to offset our pointing out her “pay to play” operation by paying off her personal loan after the election. We shall see. I will not be at the GOP party tomorrow evening. We’re having a private party in Mission Viejo.
Correction. It was their indiscretions that cost Frank and Wendy the GOP endorsement. Chairman Scott Baugh was not happy when I showed the Committee my evidence.
Yeah, and Cathy Schlicht and Ed Sachs were denied it because of Measure D and the fact they want to toss private property rights into the wind. So what’s your point, Larry? That you somehow blocked an endorsement of fellow Republicans that are actually good for the city. Rather than Schlicht who cost us $725,000 in a mere two years?
By the way, I didn’t take credit for the photo. It was sent to me via email. I just merely posted it. But if you feel your copyright has been infringed upon, I can certainly dig that and I will either pull it down or write you a check for a $100. It’s your call.
After tomorrow Cathy will be a non-issue for us. She’ll come in 4th. After Coleman.
While I’m channeling Nate Silver here they will finish in this order:
To bad those little immature, home-signs you and Joe Tully plastered all over town didn’t do a damn bit of good, Larry. Shall I post those photos?
Hey Dan. Where’s your report of the Mission Viejo voting?
Let me help you out. Frank Ury14,753, (a 13% drop for 2008 while the number of registered voters has increased),
Cathy Schlicht came in second with 12,557 followed by Wendy with 12,255. So sorry. Your candidate lost after spending around $50,000 to by a seat on our council.
Ed Sachs finished 4th followed by Richard Coleman and Desi Kiss.
Looking at your (above) predictions the only one you guessed correctly was Mr. Desi Kiss.
Better luck next time.
Looks kinda even to me. Congratulations on keeping Cathy in. To another two years of everyone working nicely together!
Vern. There are 259,685 ballots yet to be counted. The good news is that they are not all in Mission Viejo.
Hey I’m glad we got the Insufferable One on here, how else would we earn so many visits from The Gilbert?