Oh, look at the calendar! A new school year’s been going on for three months, and the SAUSD board has a new member – Ceci Iglesias taking the place of new SA Councilman Roman Reyna – it’s high time for a new installment of our celebrated Santa Ana Unified School District Thread. Wouldn’t you agree?
This is the place, as it has been for eight years or so, for faculty and staff of the district to come and safely discuss – anonymously if necessary – the issues facing them in their schools.
Will things be much different with anti-union social conservative Iglesias on the board? Will she cause a lot of trouble, or will she be a sidelined minority voice? Or do you think her impact will be positive?
Looking at the last few controversies discussed on our previous thread, we see:
- Willard trying to bring back an “Indian head”
- New ID badges for going into the district offices, and new parking passes needed too
- a new Certificated Learning and Achievement Specialist position
- a threatened spring 2012 trimming of 131 teaching jobs – did that happen?
So, are those things still going on? Or are there new mishegas and desmadres?
And is the Orange Juice Blog still blocked on SAUSD computers?
Jump in, Santa Ana educators!
For your curiosity and reference, all our previous threads:
Beware of women in red sports coats.
Beware of the district making you take a tech class. If you don’t pass you get your computer ” privileges” away… you won’t be able to do grades or attendance on line. You won’t be able to send or receive email on a district owned computer.
If a bunch of people just got together and said, “We won’t” what would the district do then. Both attendance and grades are vital to the district getting money.
Whatever you do talk to each other!
“Whatever you do, talk to EACH OTHER”. Bullies, including administrators, cannot survive when people talk to each other, truthfully stating how they feel about given situations. The next step is to back each other up. Don’t just look down at your shoes when you see an injustice. Speak up. An injustice for one is an injustice for all. We tell the students and our own children this, but fail to do so ourselves. Computer tech classes, extra duties without extra pay (do not fall for that “do it for the children” line), choosing one religion or ethnicity over another as being the “proper or right” one, and so much more should be view as ways to force us in to submission.
Use this forum, but find a way to say it to each other at your work place. We’re all in this together, and that includes everyone who works for SAUSD. If the District can force us in to little boxes and drive a wedge between groups, they win a great victory. Don’t give them this power.
We all know how pay back works with admin. and the district. Some things MUST be worth standing up for and when you have each others back it says a lot about who you are.
I just noticed all the comments on the Jaguars for Jesus blog have disappeared. What happened??
OK. I see the posts now.
let’s all start reporting all of their corruption and fraud sex for promotions etc.to the proper us government agency.they as crooked as the administrators from the city of bell,ca.but now you see them they are all going to get prision sentences and the us government took away all they owned due to their fraud and corruption scandals.we all too need to report all of the santa ana unified school district administrators of their fraud and corruption to the irs,ice,whistle blower sate of california,nlrb,fbi,and all the us government agencies on line as well.they are acting as if they own and operate the us tax dollars as if it was their money.getting rid of good honest workers to bring their family members,friends,ass kissers,etc.report them all the sooner the better.there is no statue of limitations on usa tax fraud and corruption!you will be rewarded for all recovered money!read it it’s the law !stick together and report all you know to the authorities and get justice for all.
Powerpeople, good luck. I know from experience you are walking a tough row. You can do it if you are willing to put yourself on the line. Don’t expect any back-up. You will be amazed at the lack of back-up.
I was successful fighting the battles I chose to fight. It always comes at a personal price but some things are worth fighting for.
You will need specifics: time place, witnesses.
Keep a diary and any emails that support the issues. Only report those things you can back up with proof. Don’t use 3rd person information. Pictures and written documents are good evidence. Never elaborate information or make statements you can’t prove.
Unfortunately, your union will be of little or no help. Don’t let that stop you.
It will take more time than you think.
Be careful who you trust.
The individual can make a huge difference but be ready for a battle.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ANON!yes i went to get rid of the union thru perb public employee relations board state of california.they already took my deposition on the matter inside the sausd crap together with csea #41 shit!all we need is 33% of the votes to get rid of our shit for union!i have been fighting them assholes for a few years now.i had a meeting with feds about alot of crap i got on the sausd and the csea as well.just remember we live in the usa not mexico or third world country!all of the us government agencies are online.i still got a fight to do with the help of my people and the us government!but it took me to start the legal fight!people can only take so much crap then you fight back with the legal system!they are reported to the us government in washington dc as well.i have been working tireless but well worth it to me and for our justice at our work place!we fight for justice and our rights here in the usa people!the news might be next?i am still thinking about giving up all that i got on them assholes to the news.I WILL WAIT ON GOD FOR THAT DECISION!for now we’l keep on reporting them to all the proper us government agencies to expose their corruption,fraud,sex for promotions,etc.names,places,evreything we got on them!
Newspapers or civil rights groups can be helpful. Amazingly, if the district gets press they don’t like or a letter from the attorney of a civil rights group they do actually pay attention and change their minds.
Support from any group will not spare you from reprisals. As you said, some things are well worth it.
The individual does make a difference. However, look around you at all the people who do support you but are not willing to support you in public.
I do understand that these folks are afraid for their jobs or don’t want the hassle at work but someone needs to take that stand.
Please keep us posted.
i will be glad to keep all of you people posted here.i did talk with two federal officers of the us government.i will not give the details.but they recorded all i had to say,i gave names,places,times,fraud,corruption,etc.they are the law and they want to catch the crooks.so i been giving up what i have on the crooks from the sausd!we don’t doubt that the csea is all behind them as well.(look them up they have offices all over the usa.and they got fraud and corruption history online too the csea.)look into the warehouse they got rid of tony the ex manage for class action lawsuit as well.for abuse of authority and much else.central kitches is a getto full of sex for promotions fraud corruption and too much to say.i work there driver.they had people there working with dead kids identities.i have them.turn them over the ice,fbi,irs,and the list goes on.(i will keep posting my progress here)GOD BLESS!!
Wow! Make sure you keep a journal and any paperwork up to date and in a safe place and multiple copies.
i have the originals…i would like to replace the cheap shits from csea#41 with either afscme or teamsters unions one or the other union.
they earn our money. they get the job done and they do remove crooks from high positions in administration jobs!you can all look this information too it’s all online.we all need to grow guevos and fight back against the crooks from sausd!
i am not turning back even if they take my job!i am fighting for legal justice for me and my family and others and their families!..i came looking for a job and if need be i will leave looking for a new job!but i will legally fight them bastards at sausd!
yes i make copies for each government office and send them a package with all copies of all docs.i have the original docs.news tv are next to get my docs copies soon.
Don’t get discouraged and definitely don’t give up.
You might wonder why these things don’t get attention as fast as you would like. SAUSD is a highly political place. These folks know “the right people”.
If you can, get out the word that these issues are being discussed on this blog.
On many, many occasions this blog has been of tremendous help.
They have also been active participants in successful investigations and have put themselves on the line.
i been fighting them assholes for quite a while so i do not plan on letting them crooks win and steal more tax dollars.i gave up some very important sausd crooks names to the irs,fbi,us gvmnt,etc.yes i am not afraid of them culones at all!we also have the bar association in every city to find good attorneys.and to also report their crooked attorneys to the bar association for illegal rep and anything else we can get them on.use your computers you will be amazed at all the legal help we have against theses crooks at sausd.the laws are there for a reason.to arrest crooks like the bastards at sausd administration offices.you people too need to do more to get these bastards arrested thru the legal system online people.you can remain anonimous if you wish they even give you that option too the usa legal system.you start by doing your share i am going to keep my end going none stop against the crooks at sausd administration offices!i am like a runaway freight train fully loaded without brakes!we all need to help each other here against our enemies at sausd period!look into central kitchen administration staff too.marylou romero is gone,carol godfrey,curtis boyer,and others too.armand moodian,just to name a few crooks.the little gir that got raped at special adult ed behind santa ana high school that lawsuit is also going on as we speak.saddleback high school assistant principal too had a lawsuit against sausd for discrimination.the sausd has so many lawsuits right now they don’t know where to start paying off people their money as they are also stealing the tax dollars with ghost students,schools,programs,bungalos,and the list goes on for years!you too need to start fighting back as i am and with my people together we can fight back and get results and justice for all of us at sausd and our families too as they too suffer with us!let’s do this thing called fight back against our enemy sausd administrators!let’s stay connected here.together we are power!
q-vo,the cuts are coming.are you going to take their shit or fight back?as i said all law is on line for you to fight back against art jimenez,shad hammit posht,muda fukas trash!report them ass holes to the usa govenment usa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuck the sausd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FXTXLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No surprise here!
Superintendent Meléndez Announces Retirement to be Closer to her Family
When you file a tax return and list children as dependents, you must list a social security number. If the child does not have one, the IRS assigns a PIN number. When that happens, I believe, you must verify that the student is enrolled in school. A school registrar was selling student records to people so they could get a tax deduction for a dependent child when they filed their taxes. It surfaced on a day this person was out and a woman came into the office to pick up the student record and mentioned that she had already paid the person for the record. That was a red flag that ultimately led to this individual being fired.
Where our tax dollars go – I believe that happened at Willard Intermediate. Does anyone know if this individual was arrested? What he did is a federal felony and as such I hope this time the district did not choose to sweep it under the rug. They did that when Willard’s office manager embezzled over $25,000 a few years ago. The district let her resign and declined to have her prosecuted.
I wonder if the feds found out anything about this at all. I wonder if anyone has checked through the records/income tax files to see how long this was going on and if any other schools (not just SAUSD) are involved in this type of thing.
As the district begins its search for a new Supt., the rumor mill is rampant with the name of Edmond Heatley. I strongly urge everyone to do their homework and understand what this man is about. He will not be a good fit for our district. We must work with the board to ensure that they select a candidate who is a good fit for our students, staff and parents. Please “google” his name and educate everyone you know about this man.
Is this the guy? Go to the link for the complete article.
Edmond Heatley withdrew his candidacy for the superintendent position of the Berkeley Unified School District Tuesday, according to an alert released by the district.
Following the announcement of Heatley as the sole finalist for the position last month after the search began last December, dozens of students, teachers and community members said the candidate would not fit in Berkeley due to what they say is his top-down management style, excessive emphasis on standardized testing and strong support of a proposition against gay marriage.
Simply SCARY!!
I hope SAEA is aware of this. Do you know if anyone has brought this to Susan Mercer’s attention?
SAUSD – 0 steps forward and 3 steps back.
Community members at the meeting emphasized Heatley’s background as a graduate of The Broad Foundation — a national organization that seeks to transform public education through a free-market model.
“The Eli Broad free-market approach is antithesis of a democratic institution,” said Yvette Felarca, a teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School and a BAMN national organizer.
Many speakers at the meeting also referenced a Sept. 4, 2008, memo from Heatley — then superintendent of the Chino Valley Unified School District — urging a Chino Valley School Board resolution in support of statewide Proposition 8, which restricted same-sex marriage.
“(Hiring Heatley) will send a message to my 8-year-old daughter that her family is not as good as others,” said Berkeley High School teacher Sarah Cline. “I don’t believe you have the right to hire someone who does not reflect the values of our community.
As I continue to research this individual, I’m becoming increasingly concerned that hiring him would be counter-productive. And now it’s come to my attention that this man is rumored to be romantically involved with the head of Business Services, Stefanie P. Phillips, Ed.D., CBO. Stephanie has been actively pushing for him to be hired according to a little birdie at the DO. If this is true, the Director of Business Services reports directly to the Superintendent. Wouldn’t that be a cozy little arrangement?
More importantly, there is wealth of negative information on the net about Edmond Heatley. I’m still searching for the positive.
Edmond Heatley is a supporter of this guy:
Who is Eli Broad and why is he trying to destroy public education?
Nowhere is this more evident than in the full-scale assault on public education that has been escalating for the last ten years since the Bush administration instituted the No Child Left Behind law in 2001. Basing itself on rating schools by high stakes testing, combined with declining federal support for education, NCLB has led to wide scale vilification of public school teachers for social conditions over which they have no control. This is being used all over the country as a pretext for closing schools in mostly urban school districts with large numbers of low-income families. As a result, we once again are faced with an increasingly segregated educational system where the children of middle class and slightly better off working class families are transferred into charters which are given advantages in student selection and funding, while the children of low income families are increasingly being left behind in deteriorating public schools. These ever worsening urban public school systems, which already having been inequitably funded for decades compared to wealthy suburban school districts, are being systematically starved of funding.
See link for the entire article.
This is the kind of information that concerns me regarding Edmond Heatley. I urge everyone to contact representatives of the unions, school board members, etc. This guy is another lawsuit waiting to happen.
Assistant Superintendent Deni Christensen submitted her resignation to the Laguna Beach Unified School District on Friday
Christensen sent an email to district officials about 4 p.m., saying her last day with the district would be July 19.
“Laguna Beach is truly a unique community, with four schools that are each a shining example of all that public education should be,” Christensen said in the email. “And yet, with the support of my family and closest friends, I have decided to resign as assistant superintendent effective July 19th in order to accept another job opportunity.”
Christensen said later that she could not give details of her new position.
The OCRegister ran this story…let’s hope SAUSD isn’t her new post.
Principal Cole has that “old time religion” still…
Principal Cole and SAUSD just don’t get the idea of the separation of church and state. He didn’t get it at Willard and he (and the school district) still don’t get it now that he is principal at Mendez
On the main web site for Mendez (right side, first link under Site Shortcuts) is a link to “Good Character”.
It is a statement from Michael Josephson. He is definitely a “Christian” motivational speaker.
Mendez Link
SAUSD employees need to get rid of the CSEA interim board! They are all useless, when you approach them regarding concerns or questions they disregard your issue and reiterate what you already know without finding out the facts. That Michael Leon needs to be removed because he is in cahoots with the district. He is clearly not interested in the members or their rights. Also, the Interim President Laura Melgar-Moore is another useless tool! I hope members don’t vote for her because she just doesn’t know the contract and its members are going to be in a world of hurt if she is elected. What members need to do is stand up and take action and remove these individuals.
I think the same could be said about the SAEA president!
who is the SAEA president now?
Oh, nothing changes! Same old, same old!
Have you noticed how fat union leaders are these days?
Why is no one concerned about the bad contract. I guess this site is dead and the union has bought the blog.
CSEA has proven over time it’s no longer for it’s members.
In the central valley (Stckton thru Fresno), classified school employees are getting misrepresented or not protected due to a corrupt CSEA LRR Laurie M. Mitchell, who works under the guidance of corrupt CSEA Field Directors Keith Pace & Rose Roach.
As ex-chapter VP Steve Holt of San Bernardino City Unified stated “It’s a dirty organization.”
Become a service fee provider today, request the service fee payment form your district’s HR dept.
Please vote for John Palacio!!!!!!
He will help Santa Ana Students!!!!
This is sad. This site use to be more active.
There is no discussion about why the whole admin at sausd just dropped and left.
Why is Angie Cano being supported so heavily by Cecilia Igesias? Is Angie going to be Ceclia’s new pawn on the board?
It’s clear that John Palacio and Valarie Amezcua will take the SAUSD school board race. I find it funny that the leader of SAEA says to vote for Mr. Palacio. Funny how she can post here but lead her organization to only endorse a former teacher. Just because a teacher runs doesn’t mean that she knows how to run a school district. Just the same way a teacher who is President of a teachers union doesn’t necessarily know how to lead!!!!!!
I suppose it never crossed anyone’s mind that someone simply typed in Susan Mercer’s name? Geez, people. This blog is over from what I can see. There is a lot happening but you won’t find it here. If you believe Susan Mercer wrote that plug for Palacio, you are quite gullible.
I was reviewing the SAEA web page and noticed the packed pounds of SAEA leadership. OMG —look a ROOOOOBIN SCOOOOOTT. Please stop eating. It’s not flattering!