Michele Bachman Meets One Cool Dude At Big Canyon





Let me tell you, I am one cool dude.  Tonight I was at a meeting of the New Majority at Big Canyon to hear Minnesota Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate Michele Bachman speak.  There were small conversations clusters spread out through the small banquet room and I sauntered across the room to join a cluster three men and one woman that I did not know.  I smiled nicely at the conversation as I tried listen so that I could intelligently bring myself into the conversation.  The talk was mostly about the certainty all of us had that Obama NEEDS to be a one term President.  After a few minutes I turned to the woman and asked her which Republican she was supporting.  Without missing a beat she turned to me and shook my hand and said “I’m Michele Bachman, its nice to meet you.”  Luckily I followed this up with an embarrassed smile rather than saying anything that would make things worse.

I did not know what to expect from the congresswoman and was pleasantly surprised by her charisma, articulation and ability to read her audience.  Obviously speaking in front of a friendly audience, I wondered whether she would come out with any views that were even further right than she made publicly.  She choose a different path, instead focusing on the utter failure of the Obama administration.  She laughed at the current Obama “Stimulus II” plan calling it “son of stimulus”  “It is amazing that when a program has been such an utter failure as the original “stimulus” program, that President Obama cannot be any more imaginative than to simple recycle a completely failed program so recently in our past.”

Congresswoman Bachman described the 2012 election as a pivotal moment in American History, “this is the ONLY chance we are going to have to overturn Obamacare.  Once it really starts to take effect, it will be virtually impossible to eliminate it.  Socialized medicine is the cornerstone of socialism.  I believe in the free market system that created America and helped it grow.”  She demonstrated a quick and nimble wit with her response to a question from the audience about what distinguishes her from the other Republican candidates.  She motioned to her body and said “besides the obvious.”  She went on to say that it was her mission to help create a “wave of conservatism” that would allow Republicans to gain 13 senate seats to obtain a “filibuster proof” majority.  She went on to say “I want to oversee the passage of the mother of all repeals as we completely rewrite the tax code in a way that creates jobs instead of sending them oversees.” She pointed to the GOP victory in the race for the infamous disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner as evidence that the momentum for the GOP waive is growing every day as more jobs are lost and the economy continues to be dragged down by failed Obama policies.


About Geoff Willis