Let me tell you, I am one cool dude. Tonight I was at a meeting of the New Majority at Big Canyon to hear Minnesota Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate Michele Bachman speak. There were small conversations clusters spread out through the small banquet room and I sauntered across the room to join a cluster three men and one woman that I did not know. I smiled nicely at the conversation as I tried listen so that I could intelligently bring myself into the conversation. The talk was mostly about the certainty all of us had that Obama NEEDS to be a one term President. After a few minutes I turned to the woman and asked her which Republican she was supporting. Without missing a beat she turned to me and shook my hand and said “I’m Michele Bachman, its nice to meet you.” Luckily I followed this up with an embarrassed smile rather than saying anything that would make things worse.
I did not know what to expect from the congresswoman and was pleasantly surprised by her charisma, articulation and ability to read her audience. Obviously speaking in front of a friendly audience, I wondered whether she would come out with any views that were even further right than she made publicly. She choose a different path, instead focusing on the utter failure of the Obama administration. She laughed at the current Obama “Stimulus II” plan calling it “son of stimulus” “It is amazing that when a program has been such an utter failure as the original “stimulus” program, that President Obama cannot be any more imaginative than to simple recycle a completely failed program so recently in our past.”
Congresswoman Bachman described the 2012 election as a pivotal moment in American History, “this is the ONLY chance we are going to have to overturn Obamacare. Once it really starts to take effect, it will be virtually impossible to eliminate it. Socialized medicine is the cornerstone of socialism. I believe in the free market system that created America and helped it grow.” She demonstrated a quick and nimble wit with her response to a question from the audience about what distinguishes her from the other Republican candidates. She motioned to her body and said “besides the obvious.” She went on to say that it was her mission to help create a “wave of conservatism” that would allow Republicans to gain 13 senate seats to obtain a “filibuster proof” majority. She went on to say “I want to oversee the passage of the mother of all repeals as we completely rewrite the tax code in a way that creates jobs instead of sending them oversees.” She pointed to the GOP victory in the race for the infamous disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner as evidence that the momentum for the GOP waive is growing every day as more jobs are lost and the economy continues to be dragged down by failed Obama policies.
Ahh, this woman who thinks vaccines for HPV cause mental retardation without a scintilla of evidence. Scary woman, she is. She reads and then apparently regurgitates her audience’s claims to her own detriment. Lucky for me, I guess because Obama’s re-election will be a pivotal moment in our history which I sincerely hope I have the privilege of celebrating.
And LAURA, you wish only that you had as much courage and gall as such a little woman to become so important that she would EVEN be considered as president. And you are NO ONE in your own sad mind!
And LAURA you will not be celebrating the fact that your figure head got his job back.
Something about you, is sinister. I don’t like YOU!
OK over and out!
Well when are YOU going to be considered for President?
A person has to be running for President in order to comment on a Presidential candidate?
Really, Quinn, your reasoning is so weak I don’t even know where to begin. And so I won’t.
Ahh, this woman who thinks vaccines for HPV cause mental retardation without a scintilla of evidence. Scary woman, she is. She reads and then apparently regurgitates her audience’s claims to her own detriment.
Hense, why women will never be president, cause we think MEN are more intelligent. Liberal women have money but no brains!
And speak for yourself dumb bunny. I would love to see a woman president, but Michelle Bachman is not my idea of a woman who represents our gender well. Elizabeth Warren, now that’s a woman I’d love to see as president!
Well let me summon every bit of sinister I’ve got going to keep you from liking me, Michelle. We’ve all come to realize that who and what you like are pretty lame.
You’re right Laura, it’s not like our President makes stupid comments without all the facts like you attack Bachman for (Beer summit, anyone?), or regurgitates talking point lies from Media Matters and moveon.org, or believes our nation has 57 states, or praises our great “corpse-men”, or bows to foreign leaders, or … I could go on, but you Obama Kool Aid drinkers and hypocrites don’t care.
Newbie, I never wrote that President Obama is perfect, but I hope you would agree the HPV vaccination assertion that Ms. Bachman made was pretty goofy. And are you seriously offended that our president exhibited courtesy and decorum by showing respect to his host? I’ve met you, and you seem like a very courteous person yourself. I can’t believe you find his manners objectionable. And the beer summit, really? Trying to mediate a positive outcome to an unfortunate incident is a bad thing? I will concede it looked silly on TV, but I don’t think it’s remotely comparable to Michelle Bachman’s statement that could dissuade women from seeking an important vaccination. I can’t comment about your other examples as they’re unfamiliar to me. The corpse-man suggests a mis-spoken word which we all do (hell, George Bush was the perfecter of that phenomenon.) As for the 57 states, well, consider me perplexed.
And that was my point, Laura. Poloiticians on both sides of the aisle have made gaffes (how the media portrays those gaffes is another matter). I do agree with you that Bachman’s comments on the HPV vaccination were goofy – just as Obama’s comments prior to the beer summit were goofy since he didn’t know one single fact about the case before he spouted off (the subsequent beer summit was nothing more than a publicity stunt). As for bowing to other world leaders, I do think that is below our President. No one on earth merits us being on bended knee (I reserve that one for the big man upstairs). I believe that Obama’s gaffes and blunders have been far worse for our country than Bachman’s, and that the possibility of 4 more years of his policies is far scarier than Bachman’s off-the-cuff remarks.
I don’t think “goofy” is the word for telling the world that an anti-cancer vaccine can make you retarded – that’s more dangerous and irresponsible. We already knew that she believes God tells her things in her head; now we know that apparently she thinks God gives her secret messages through folks that walk up to her in crowds. The only thing that makes Michele “less dangerous than Obama” is the fact that she’s only one of hundreds of Congresscritters; give her any more power and forget it. I still hope few enough people take her seriously at this point that her comment doesn’t indirectly lead to more incidences of this cancer in the future by making parents of teenage girls more spooked of Gardacil.
Newbie, still at that “Obama bowing down to foreign leaders”? Did you have such a problem when Bush, and everyone else, did it?
And my apology for the lack of strategically placed commas …
Laura, if you think you’ll ever get something resembling a fact instead of hysterical psychopathic shrieking from MQ, I’m afraid you’re doomed to disappointment. Many have tried, but I do admire your resilience.
Thanks for your advice, Rapscallion. You’re right, it’s time to no longer indulge Ms. Quinn’s idiocy.
LOL, you were talking to her and didn’t recognize her? She’s probably a lot smaller than you imagined, huh. I bet she did think you were “one cool dude.” My experience with celebrities is that most of them find it refreshing when someone doesn’t recognize them. Good scoopin’ for the Orange Juice!
But tell me, do her eyes really spin like pinwheels?
No, I was kind of expecting to see some pinwheel eyes, but she was surprisingly charming, She read the audience well and was very engaging.
Congratulations on not putting your foot in your mouth on this one.
Small victory, but I’ll take it.
It’s funny how quiet the Teabaggers are when it comes to Michele Bachmann’s gay husband Marcus. You don’t need gaydar to see this guy deep in the closet!
Way to bring insightful, fully-supported, and reasoned debate to the Juice. I can’t wait for your great comments on Trig Palin’s real father.
Trig’s father? We don’t even know who his real BIRTH mother is;
Unfortunately, nobody could hear anything else that was said later due to the noise from Geoff whacking off in the men’s room.
Another great comment from the left. With so many relevant and intelligent comments from the libs, we don’t stand a chance.
I’ve searched high and low for “insightful” and “reasoned” debate from YOU on this thread, and I’m coming up empty. Really, it’s not a good idea to engage in the very thing you attempt to criticize.
Lost your sense of humor, N?
Actually, I do enjoy good humor. Sadly, movies today (and commenters on here) think that bathroom humor is funny or original. I will always give credit for good humor, but that is sorely lacking from anon these days.
Geoff Willis quotes Michele Bachmann as saying:
> “I believe in the free market system that created America and helped it grow.”
Yeah, right.
One of the first laws President George Washington signed into law shortly after the United States was founded was the Tariff Act of 1789. In a nutshell, it slapped a tariff of between 5 to 10% on all goods imported into the U.S. from Great Britain and Europe. Congress passed this law because it wanted to protect domestic manufacturers from cheaper foreign competitors.
The Tariff Act was written by then-Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, who, like many “founding fathers,” opposed “free trade” for fear foreign competitors would flood the U.S. with low cost goods and prevent American industry from developing. Tariffs are protectionist measures–they violate “free market” principles that Bachmann claims founded this country.
In fact, it was Hamilton’s opposition to “free trade” that explains one of the major reasons why his face is on the ten dollar bill:
One thing I forgot to mention is that Alexander Hamilton was an early advocate of using public money to subsidize private industry.
So is that why Aaron Burr shot him?
*Nixon was one of the first….to cut back on Tariff’s from China, Taiwan, Philipines and Korea. Thank you Henry Kissenger……you wonderful member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberger.. Michele looked great in her red dress. The photos of her and Rick Perry on Bill Maher were priceless. The Corn Dog photo op….of course!
“Flee Tade….is berry nice!” Just ask Mexico! All manufacturing will soon be going to Somalia and Darfur……and the last low wage countries on earth! Heck anyone can make cars, airplanes and high tech electronics! Who needs American workers for any of that stuff?
I see Michele is now bitching that we should have defended MUBARAK and kept the murdering, torturing dictator in power in Egypt. And she’s also railing against any land for peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
Let’s keep her safe in a little corner of Congress, if she’s gotta be there at all…
“this is the ONLY chance we are going to have to overturn Obamacare. Once it really starts to take effect, it will be virtually impossible to eliminate it. Socialized medicine is the cornerstone of socialism…” bla bla
The more I hear the Republicans talk like this, the more highly I think of Obamacare (as crazy and nonsensical is their use of the word “socialism.”) We’ve been hearing that from a lot of Republicans for two years now – once Obamacare kicks in, people are going to like it so much they’ll refuse to part with it – just like SS and Medicare.
If this is true, and we can hang on to it until it “kicks in,” then we’ll have the chance to improve on it the way SS and Medicare were improved on – eg, getting that “Public Option,” getting in bargaining and importing drugs (once it’s no longer possible for Big Pharma to put their weight into stopping reform altogether) etc.
Yes, it’s become impossible to ignore the fact that Republicans are TERRIFIED of Obamacare, as insufficient as it seems to us leftie idealists.
Michele’s Thugs Stop CalBuzz from asking her Important Offshore Oil Drilling Question at CA GOP event: http://www.calbuzz.com/2011/09/bachmann-thugs-block-off-shore-oil-question/
“In her speech to a delegate dinner, Rep. Bachman, who entered to a booming Elvis cover of Chuck Berry’s “Promised Land,” made it clear that she’s for oil drilling just about anywhere there’s a pool of black gold available.
“We have billions and billions of barrels of oil here in the United States — in the Atlantic, in the Pacific, in the Gulf region, the Bakken oil field [in North Dakota],” Bachmann said. “I’ve been up to ANWAR [in the Alaska wilderness]. I’ve seen. This is one of the most perfect places to drill. Drill! Why not. We’ve got it.”
Which begged the question, “So would you push for offshore oil drilling on the coast of California?” – a hot issue for any candidate presuming to campaign here.
So we and other reporters – many of whom wanted to ask the same question – moved to the front of the room when Bachmann left the stage, and tried to ask her about it. But Bachmann’s press Nazi, Alice Stewart, and three beefy security guys physically prevented Calbuzz from posing the question. (If you’re outraged, you can tell Ms. Stewart. alicestewart1@msn.com )
The inevitable conclusion to be drawn; after her screw-up in Florida, where she advocated drilling in the Everglades, Bachmann’s people didn’t want her to step in it again. So they did whatever they had to to keep the candidate from actually hearing or responding to an actual question.
So, Calbuzzers, we are left with this: “in the Atlantic, in the Pacific…” means one thing – drill wherever, including off the California coast.
If you ask Michele about the taxpayer subsidies she gets for her farm in Stillwater, MN she will run to the ladies room and cry. I have a list of goofy things on her during my stay in Minnesota when she was a local laughingstock of the Minnesota State Senate. And yes, she does run to the ladies room and cries a lot when confronted on her bullshit.
Or ask her about the Medicare subsidies that Marcus’ clinic receives to keep their doors open.
Folks, to read Nelson’s narrative correctly you must understand that Nelson is platonically in love with Michele Bachman.